Chapter 3:Bianchi's

Emilia woke up to a great saturday morning, but remembering yesterday's event made her mood have a 360 degree turn.

Alessandro is so really annoying, after saying that to my mom, she wouldn't stop questioning me about the bastard.All I need right now is Gia.

She picked up her phone and dialed the number.

"Good morning bitch". A sleepy voice sounded from the phone.

"Good morning you slut. Be here in 30, we need to talk... Hot gist".

"If it's hot, I will be there in five". Gia screamed getting excited and hanging up immediately.

Emilia just laughed and adjusted her bed, folded her bedspread, then got into the bathroom to freshen up.

After she was done, she got out of the bathroom, standing in front of her mirror pulled the to well off of her body, put on her panties, then denim shorts, her breasts still standing in the open as she searched for a sportsbra.

"You told me you'd be here in five, what took you so long bitchass". She turned excitedly expecting it to be her best friend, but her jaw dropped to the ground when she saw Alessandro standing there in his almighty glory, his eyes skipping from her eyes to her nipples.

Smirking, he licked his lips and Emilia rushed into the sports bra she took out earlier, taking a deep breath she turned to face him, her tomato red nose making her look more cute.

She thinks she is angry, but all I see is a mouse. Alessandro chuckled, allowing her to throw insult his way before saying "They look firm and perky Topolina".

"Fucking Bianchi Alessandro... You BASTARD get out right now".

"Hmmm... I will be waiting for you outside, we are going out... I won't take no for an answer so shut it and follow mouse". His emotions disappearing in an instant, showing how serious he was.

"I fucking hate this man... Ahggggh". Emilia screamed her lungs out falling unto the bed.

"I said get out". She yelled again, hearing the sound of the door opening.

"Chill bitch, who provoked you this morning".

"Finally, what took you so long?".

"Was dressing up... Emilia I saw a hottie outside downstairs... Don't tell me, I'm the only single one right now".

"Ugh don't talk about that annoying donkey... Humph... Go back home I am going on a date. I will explain when we see eachother again".

"Soooo... No... Hot gist?".

"Definitely no today... No go home or wherever you won't get lost".

She didn't change her dressing except for the sports bra she changed into a cropped top, and adding a sneakers. She packed her hair and put on her shades then carried her bag.

"Let's go".

"Come here!... I don't want that scowl on your face, it will look as if I am not taking care of you".


"Smile". Alessandro said, his voice sounding confident making Emilia lips twitch.

"Alessandro, do I fucking look all happy and smiley right now???".

"Smile or I will kiss you Topolina". He whispered biting on the tip of her ears.

Hearing this, Emilia brought out her best smile while killing Alessandro in her head. But the man chooses violence over peace as he still placed his lips on her's even after she smiled.

"Hop on". he hopped on his motorcycle (Yamaha) after putting a helmet on her.

Roaring the engines, he rode out with her at the back.

Emilia kept silent through out, although she was forced, she enjoyed the ride peacefully.

Arriving at the Bianchi mansion, Emilia wanted to collapse. "You fucking said we are going out, not to meet your family".

"Either way you are meeting with them... Don't worry they would love you". Not waiting for her answer he pulled her inside.

"Mom, dad, come and welcome your daughter in law ". Alessandro walked to the wine cellar to get some wine before pulling Emilia to sit with him as the whole family came downstairs to see their new guest.

"Brother, why is sister in law short". Isabella asked curiously, her eyes analyzing Emilia who closed her eyes in embarrassment.

" Didn't get the tall genes from her papa, she's pretty cute isn't she?".

"Oh my dear, don't mind these two brat... You are really pretty". Adriana pulled Emilia to her seeing that she wanted to die of embarrassment.

"Alessandro being the elder brother rubbed off his bratty character on his sister ". Mateo glared at his son.

"Ah, I see".

"Brother, let's go the the range".

"Not today Bell, I am busy. Let's get going mouse".

They walked out to his garage, taking the bike they brought earlier and drove out.

We were on the road when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Shit, it here". I cursed.

"What's wrong?". Alessandro asked.

"Please can you take me back home, I need a tampon".

Alessandro ignored my request making me angry but he packed his car in front of a beautiful penthouse which I wasn't able to admire well since I rushed into the house after him to clean up.

"That's the toilet, go in". He hands me a tampon.

When I was done I came out to see him on the bed... "Here are some snacks, I heard that women crave during their period ". Alessandro handed me bags of chips and chocolates.

"Thank you ". Who knew this jerk could become a gentle man.

He left me and I feel asleep for hours... I woke up during the evening.

"I want to go home Alessandro, you can't just keep me here, my family would be worried".

"I told your mom your are with me, so rest up. Don't stress yourself".

I clicked my tongue annoyed at his response.