Flowing Through Spring

By the end of spring, Ulfstead was able to stay awake for a small portion of the day before needing to doze off for another nap. Life as a baby had been very difficult. Everyday was monotonous and boring. Even though his father said he'd keep him by his side, it didn't mean at all times. At most, Ulfstead would only see the man before he left in the morning, which was unjustly early in his opinion, and after he'd return in the evenings.

Thankfully, the interactions between father and son were never as stiff as Ulfstead thought they'd be. It seemed as if the Prince was truly put on the tip of His Majesty's heart. After all, he heard that even his royal sisters never got to enjoy being rocked to sleep by their father when they were infants. Although Ulfstead was not the real Prince, His Majesty really captured the role of father he had been yearning for when he was really a child. And although he was scared the truth was going to be revealed at any time, he didn't want to waste the opportunity to experience the life of a doted on baby.

Conversely, the Prince couldn't exactly tell what type of person the King was. The King could be said to be good because he supposedly did many things beneficial to the people. And then, on occasion, the Prince would hear whispers in the corridor about how the King off-ed another minister that day. And at night, the King came back, praising him for spitting bubbles, and kissed his cheek for being a good son. Such a big man couldn't be performing to a child, right?

On the other hand, he couldn't forget the event that happened a few months ago when his father had taken in a slave from a country named Zan to 'entertain' him as his harem hadn't really interested him since the Prince was born. The slave was half naked and chained on both wrists and ankles. Although she was a fierce beauty, it was covered up by the unconcealed fear.

The King had only laughed at her frightened expression and ordered for a leather whip. "Have her washed and prepared in a side room. We will come over after we put the Prince to bed."

That night, the prince slept alone. 

Ulfstead had many other opportunities to understand the King's mind. Caring and loving at times, viciously protective in others. Most of the time,his punishments were heavy and had valid reasons. And then, there were times when Ulfstead couldn't help but shiver because he could see that sadistic glint of a superior watching an inferior being tortured.

Whenever His Majesty was busy with official business, Antonia would bring the Prince around the authorized areas of the Palace. Mostly, she kept to the King's inner courtyard and when it was warmer, the rose garden.

There, he met a few of his sisters. 

The eldest was Princess Selenia. She was fifteen this year and born before the King ascended the throne. Her mother was only a concubine, but she was an important woman to the King because they had grown up together. Unlike the other sisters, Princess Selenia hadn't been as interested in this younger brother because lately, she had been busy finding a husband. Her mother had never arranged a marriage for her because she didn't know about His Majestie's thoughts on the matter. Rather than choosing someone early and upsetting His Majesty later, she believed it was best to just let the matter flow. Who knew fifteen years would pass and the King would not utter a word on this matter? In the end, Princess Selenia 'inadvertently' alluded to it in place of her timid mother and the King granted her an approved list of eligible bachelors. Since then, she has been busy with her many 'blind dates.'

The second sister was Princess Adriadne, born from the daughter of a powerful Marquess. Two years younger than the eldest princess, Princess Adriadne was as pretty as a peony. She had lovely pink cheeks, long and curly lashes, and a chubby face that looked like a doll's. Unfortunately, Ulfstead found out much too soon that this princess was a little devil he'd have to hide from in the future. 

As the second eldest and previously 'most' adored child, Princess Adriadne thought the little prince was 'too ugly' and 'really deserved' to have commoner blood. 

These comments were made before to a few sisters who were born from a lowly palace maid. And because everyone silently turned a blind eye, she was sure that they took her comment into agreement. Regrettably, she really hit herself in the foot this time because her words were reported back to His Majesty. Before the end of the day, the second princess was confined to her palace for a month and her mother was deducted half a year's worth of salary.

The other princesses Ulfstead met were a set of identical twins. The Seventh and Eighth Princesses were only five years old. Like their second sister, their attitudes were shaping to be a bit haughty. However, they rather liked Ulfstead and wanted to bring him to their palace to play. In other terms, they wanted to use him as a replacement for one of their broken baby dolls. It was hard work for nanny Antonia to get him back safely.