Chapter 5: Destruction and Daylight

Just as Harry was feeling helpless and confused, he suddenly noticed that the bloodthirsty expressions on the faces of the two men in front of him had changed to horror, fear, and disbelief, as if they had seen something terrifying they shouldn't have.

The shock was so sudden that their faces twisted and looked almost comical. Despite having spent many years on the streets, Harry had never seen such a stark contrast in emotions. He stood there, momentarily stunned.

The two burly men seemed to have turned to stone, their bodies rigid. After what seemed like an eternity, they slowly turned their necks backward, their joints audibly creaking.

Harry felt a glimmer of hope and strained his neck to look behind the two men.

To his surprise, he saw a handsome young man, dressed casually, leaning against the door with a smile on his face.

The young man appeared to be of Asian descent. He wore an ordinary jacket and jeans, with no extra decoration or tattoos.

Even in Harry's eyes, he had to admit that the man exuded a sense of tranquility that went beyond his appearance. It was a quality that made you want to take a second look, even in simple attire.

However, that was all. No matter how you looked at him, this man seemed like an ordinary person. If Harry had encountered him on the street, he would have immediately concluded that this was just an ordinary student.

The only thing that set him apart was his eyes. They were bright and spirited, like shining stars that you couldn't look at directly.

Yet, here he was, casually standing in a room awash with blood, seemingly unfazed by the gruesome corpses strewn on the floor. With a faint smile on his face, he even held a cup of coffee in his hand.

But then the young man spoke in a language that Harry didn't understand.

"It seems that two little mice have invaded my territory." (In demonic language)

Bruce raised his coffee cup and took a sip, then scrutinized the two burly men. He had seen their transformation firsthand and instantly recognized them as lowly demons, usually called helmeted demons, that had possessed human bodies. These common lower-tier demons were known for their brute strength and hard armor, nothing more.

The two men, Marcus and his companion, who had previously been rampaging and killing indiscriminately, now looked like meek kittens with their heads down, only daring to glance at Bruce from the corners of their eyes.

"Please forgive us… Lord, if we had known of your presence, we wouldn't have dared to show up." (In demonic language)

Marcus's whole body was trembling, his voice so soft that even he could barely hear himself. The other helmeted demon couldn't even speak.

Bruce shook his head slowly, seemingly a bit displeased. He leisurely walked around the two towering men, who didn't dare resist despite being much larger than the slender Bruce. They obediently stood there without making a move.

As a fierce giant-helmeted demon, Marcus had encountered many formidable great demons and even high-ranking demons with revered status, but none of them compared to the pressure he felt from the figure before him. It was as if he stood in the shadow of the towering and terrifying Soma Demon Mountain, making him unable to even consider resisting.

He knew that the overpowering presence came from the vast difference in rank. It was like encountering a natural predator, making resistance nearly impossible. Now, all he could do was pray that the powerful figure before him would spare his insignificant life.

"Will you serve me?" (in demonic language)

Although these two giant-helmeted demons were mere low-ranking demons, Lord Mephisto was currently without any followers and had to reluctantly recruit them to work for him.

Marcus and his companion could hardly believe their ears. In the presence of a high-ranking demon, low-ranking demons like themselves were considered worthless. Not only had they narrowly escaped death, but the figure before them was actually willing to take them under his wing. Once they realized what was happening, they excitedly nodded and knelt on one knee to pledge their allegiance.

Even kneeling, the two of them reached up to Bruce's chest. He extended his left hand, and sharp claws suddenly grew from his pale fingertips. With these claws, he inscribed a mystical symbol on the foreheads of both demons, cutting through their skin.

"In the name of Destruction and Daylight, I bestow upon you honor, serve me..." (in demonic language)

As these words, akin to a spell and oath, were spoken, Marcus and his companion trembled with excitement. They eagerly crawled forward to kiss Bruce's feet before stepping back. When high-ranking demons usually inscribe a soul mark on their subordinates, they would only invoke their own names. Only true rulers and monarch-level demons would use symbolic titles because their names are not to be spoken lightly.

The King of Destruction and Daylight represented none other than the demon lord Mephisto!

Harry, the usually imposing drug lord, felt like he was hallucinating. He had been lying back, counting money leisurely, when two monstrous men barged in, killing all his men and proving impervious to bullets. Then, a strange young man appeared, conversing with the two in a language he couldn't understand. The arcane tone of their voices was chilling.

Moreover, the two human tank-like brutes were now acting as meek as lambs before the tall, thin young man, even participating in some bizarre religious ritual. Harry couldn't help but wonder if they were part of some fanatical cult...