Chapter 6: Money

Chapter 6: Money

Having inscribed the soul marks on Marcus and his companion, Bruce felt a bit weary, his body and soul still too weak. He collected himself before approaching Harry.

It seemed that his two new subordinates weren't completely inept, having chosen a drug dealer like Harry. In a gang hideout like this one, few people dared to come unless there was trouble, so there was little risk of being seen. However, Bruce knew they couldn't keep doing things like this.

Bruce looked at Harry and asked with a smile, "Sir, what is your name?"

"Harry Hill."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hill. Where do you keep your money?"

Harry's eyes darted around as he tried to force a smile. "It's all on the table. Take it all, just spare me, please…"

"Eat his left hand."

Bruce's tone was even and unemotional, as if he was simply ordering a cup of coffee. He casually picked up his own cup and took a sip.

Marcus, standing nearby, grinned maliciously and stepped forward. He had been worrying about how to please Lord Mephisto, and now he had his chance! He grabbed Harry's left hand, and before the man could react, bit down and tore off the entire palm.

Harry nearly passed out from the pain but was rudely brought back to consciousness by Marcus, who slapped him so hard that he shattered a few of his teeth. When Harry opened his eyes, he saw Marcus chewing on something, blood and bits of flesh flying from his mouth. Harry began convulsing and then reeked of a foul, fishy smell—he had wet himself from sheer terror!

My God! What kind of monster have I encountered? This thing is devouring my hand!

Shouldn't it have tried to scare or tempt me first? Why did it just eat my hand without a word?

Fear and regret flooded Harry's heart, tears and snot streaming down his face. He was clearly on the verge of breaking down.

Ignoring everything before him, Bruce spoke in a tone as if greeting an old friend: "Mr. Hill, where is your money kept? If you leave out even a cent, my subordinates will take what lies between your two legs."

His gaze barely brushed past Harry's crotch, and the already disheveled drug lord immediately revealed everything about his safe and its password without any omission. Bruce was quite satisfied with the result. He didn't even need to use intimidation on such a weakling.

Ten minutes later, he had already left with his two subordinates and all the money. Of course, he didn't forget to have Marcus confirm that all the surveillance footage had been erased, and that no one had been left alive. As for Mr. Hill, Bruce kindly left him his whole corpse. Well, not whole – he left a corpse missing a hand.

As for Marcus's desire to devour the corpse, he didn't allow it. Such behavior would attract too much attention and could easily provoke human hostility. Besides, human bodies are too frail. Even a lowly demon like a giant-helmeted demon would have difficulty drawing much power from it. There was no need to take such a risk.

Looking at the two mountainous men standing dutifully in front of him, Bruce frowned. His new subordinates had truly terrible taste in clothing. One wore a loose and ill-fitting denim jacket that was a size too small, likely procured from somewhere dubious, while the other sported a tattered leather jacket adorned with conspicuous bullet holes. They practically shouted, "Come and gawk at me!"

"Burn your jackets immediately! First order of business, I'm taking you to buy some decent clothes to improve your taste."

Bruce drained the last of his coffee and handed the cup to Marcus, thinking discontentedly that they were an embarrassment to their demonic lord, Mephisto.

Bruce found that humans were far more creative in their pursuit of pleasure than in their combat abilities, whether it came to food, clothing, shelter, or transportation. As a former demon lord who ruled countless lives and indulged in inexhaustible resources, even he couldn't compete with humans in the realm of pleasure.

The variety of food, clothing, transportation, entertainment, television, and movies had all been eye-opening for him.