Chapter 33: Sunshine Girl

A delicately crafted silver convertible maneuvered gracefully around a fountain sculpture with babbling waters, drawing a beautiful arc. After garnering a sea of admiring glances, it came to a steady halt in front of the restaurant.

The doorman, standing in attention, promptly opened the car door for Rachel. He then took the car keys from Bruce, who had walked around from the other side, and eagerly settled himself into the driver's seat. Just sitting in such a luxury car was a treat in itself. Gus, stepping out from the back of the car, handed over a hundred-dollar bill as a tip. The green bill adorned with a cute portrait of Benjamin Franklin lit up the doorman's face with joy.

Located on Beverly Hill, the Italian restaurant, Mezzaluna, didn't require its guests to be formally dressed. But Rachel's stunning outfit, complemented by her alluring figure, still turned many heads. As she entered the restaurant, there was a palpable shift in the ambiance, with most eyes drawn towards her.

The gentlemen instinctively straightened their backs, their conversations taking on a more refined tone. The ladies began to puff out their chests, pull in their bellies, and adjust their appearances.

On the other hand, the tall and handsome Bruce only attracted casual glances from a few women, making him acknowledge that beauty does indeed draw more attention.

"Buffalo wings, cream of mushroom soup, lasagna steak, Long Island iced tea," Rachel rattled off her order without missing a beat, leaving the waiter scribbling furiously, afraid of missing anything.

"Looks like you're starving," Bruce chuckled, perusing the menu to order garlic bread, bacon pasta, and iced coffee for himself.

"I haven't eaten since noon! The director changed my lines last minute and had me stand in for another actor. I spent a long time getting into the character. And guess what? I nailed it in one take!" Rachel exclaimed with sparkling enthusiasm. She didn't seem to mind that her role was a minor one with just a couple of lines and no name.

"Ha! Seems like you're doing well, still wearing that radiant smile," Bruce remarked, noting the envious looks from the surrounding tables. "These guys probably wish they could send me packing and take my place."

"Dining with a beauty like me is your privilege," Rachel quipped, her nose upturned in playful pride.

After a round of banter, Rachel scrutinized Bruce from head to toe, trying to figure him out. "You've changed so much since we last met, Bruce. Just a few months, and you're a different person. At first glance, I barely recognized you!"

The Bruce she remembered was much thinner, more gentle, reserved, and always consumed by the struggles of daily life, not bothering much about grooming himself. The man sitting across from her now was impeccably dressed, in better shape, radiating confidence and maturity. He was so different that she almost couldn't recognize him.

"I heard about your success. Congratulations! I'm genuinely thrilled for you, Bruce," Rachel said, casting a glance at Gus and another bodyguard at a neighboring table. She then sincerely squeezed Bruce's hand, showing genuine happiness for him.

Bruce could clearly see that Rachel was genuinely happy for him. "So, not even a single call from you? I couldn't even find a friend to flaunt my newfound wealth to."

"Ha! Just to make sure you didn't get the chance to gloat," Rachel laughed heartily, her demeanor resembling a playful kitten. "But what surprises me is, you studied law, and suddenly you're a bio-pharmaceutical scientist? That's quite a leap."

"I've always had an interest in that field, so I'd often take time to study with Dr. Bell. But the key to developing the new drug was the ancient formula. In the end, I'm merely standing on the shoulders of giants," Bruce replied with a smile, knowing that a little bluff here and there wouldn't be questioned.

At that moment, the food arrived, and the two began to eat and chat. Even though Rachel looked delicate, she ate quite quickly and didn't resemble a lady in the slightest.

"Are you in a hurry?" Bruce asked her with a smile.

"I actually am. Once I'm done eating, I need to visit my agent's office. She mentioned an important role, and if I want to prepare for it, I'll need to put in a lot of effort." Rachel took a sip of her mushroom soup, answering Bruce's question during the brief pause.

"Aren't you going to discuss what just happened?" Bruce inquired nonchalantly. With his sharp eyes, he noticed Richard Robb's unusual reaction even from tens of meters away.

"It's nothing. Just an annoying guy bothering me. I can handle it myself," Rachel replied after a brief pause, still smiling radiantly.

"You sure? Do you need me to handle this 'annoying guy' for you?" Bruce joked, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"No need!" Rachel glared at Bruce but quickly softened her tone after seeing his genuine concern. "It's okay. I can manage. Hey, I am Rachel!"

"Alright, alright," Bruce raised both hands in a gesture of surrender. "But don't hesitate to ask me for help, you know. I've got some influence now. Maybe I can introduce you to some investors or higher-ups in film companies."

"Thank you, Bruce. But you should have some faith in me. This is my career, and I believe I can succeed on my own." Rachel was visibly moved. Bruce was there for her in her hour of need, instantly cheering her up. She truly cherished her relationship with him.

That's a common sentiment among many Americans. We're close as family and friends emotionally, but we don't interfere in each other's personal lives and remain independent. If I need to share or seek advice, I'll say so; otherwise, there's no need to pry.

"Well, since you've put it that way, I guess I have no choice. But remember, I already played the hero once today. You owe me," Bruce joked, seeing Rachel's firm stance.

"I'm sorry, Bruce. I might be pretty busy recently, so I won't have time to show you around Los Angeles. By the way, why did you suddenly come to LA?" Rachel asked, thinking about her own hectic schedule.

"I'm here on a business survey. I'm considering acquiring a few biotech companies and then setting up my new firm," Bruce explained his reasons briefly.

"So, you'll be staying in LA from now on?" Rachel asked, excited at the idea of seeing a good friend more often.

"Not necessarily settling down, but I'll definitely be visiting frequently. Oh, I bought a new house here. Once I move in, you should come check it out," Bruce said.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's catch up when I'm not swamped. I need to head out now," Rachel glanced at her watch, signaling it was time for her to leave.