Chapter 34: A Night of Desires

The headquarters of United Elite Brokerage Company was located on Beverly Hill. Bruce drove Rachel all the way to her workplace, and even after watching her go inside, he didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he leaned back in his seat, tapping the steering wheel thoughtfully with his fingers.

Today's meeting with Rachel had given him a very special feeling. It was a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere, which he unexpectedly enjoyed a bit. It seemed like the real Bruce hadn't completely disappeared. Those deep memories and lingering emotions had somewhat affected him.

Despite being in the complex environment of Hollywood for so long, Rachel was still so passionate and straightforward. Bruce wondered, how long could she keep this up? With a twinkle in his eye, he thought about whether he should create some trouble for her, to help this sunny girl grow up sooner.

After a moment's consideration, he decided to let it be and treat it as a form of compensation to the disappeared Bruce. After all, Mr. Mephisto was in a good mood today.

However, Rachel, the help from Mr. Mephisto isn't something you can just refuse.

With a slight smile, Bruce turned the car around, dialing his private bank's number, deciding to find some fun for himself.

"Good evening, Mr. Lee." The call was quickly connected, and to his surprise, the voice on the other end was Dewa Vijeri's.

"Good evening, Mr. Vijeri. I wasn't expecting you." Bruce was taken aback; he had dialed the bank's hotline, not Vijeri's personal number.

"I'm still on duty, so all calls will be forwarded to me directly. How may I assist you today?" Dewa Vijeri briefly explained the situation and then asked warmly.

"Which is the best nightclub on Beverly Hill? Dewa, can you arrange something for me?" Bruce asked directly.

"Please give me a few minutes, Mr. Lee." Dewa Vijeri was obviously not a regular at nightclubs, and this question was a bit beyond his expertise. However, he responded quickly.

The line got busy, but after a few minutes, Vijeri was back. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Lee. We recommend Liv Hollywood Club. It's one of the most famous nightclubs in Hollywood, known for hosting annual galas, Hollywood Nights, and more. It has top-notch facilities and standards. If you wish, we can make arrangements for you right away."

"That sounds perfect. Thank you, Dewa." Bruce was very satisfied with his service. Top nightclubs usually required reservations, and he certainly didn't want to wait in line. It was much easier to just ask his private bank to handle it.

"You're welcome. Is there anything else we can do for you?" Dewa Vijeri's question wasn't just a standard formal phrase. Wealthy clients going to nightclubs or clubs often had other requests, such as private meetings with important people, or even requesting the company of beautiful women. Private banks would help them fulfill these requests. However, Bruce, making a spur-of-the-moment decision, clearly didn't have these things in mind.

Beverly Hills is home to numerous celebrities and stars, all of whom possess extravagant wealth. As such, this area is inevitably luxurious and filled with material desires.

With demand comes supply, resulting in a plethora of nightclubs in the vicinity, among which Liv Hollywood Club stands out. Located right next to the SLS Hotel, the entrance of this top-tier Beverly Hills nightclub is crowded with handsome men and beautiful women, dressed to impress and revealing quite a bit of skin. Their eyes dart around, sharp and focused, as if on the hunt, clearly seeing this place as a golden opportunity to strike it rich.

A Lamborghini convertible, roaring fiercely like a prehistoric beast with its maximum power of 580kw/rpm, captures everyone's attention in an instant. The valet rushes forward respectfully to take the car keys. The women, oozing with confidence and dressed provocatively, begin to flirt and throw seductive glances at Bruce as he steps out of the car.

If it weren't for Gus and another bodyguard, who descended from a Cadillac to protect him, people would have probably thrown themselves at Bruce by now. A young and wealthy man like him, tall and handsome, is exactly what they are looking for.

Unfortunately for Bruce, nothing at the scene catches his eye, leading him to walk towards the entrance without much interest.

"Gus, did you spot that bald guy who was bothering Rachel today?" Bruce asks.

"Yes, Boss. Do you want me to make him disappear?" Gus replies, his super-vision making it easy for him to remember the man's face despite the distance.

"We need to adapt to the rules of this society, Gus," Bruce says with a smile, stopping to pat the large man on the shoulder. "We should learn to respond based on the severity of each situation. In a case like today's, it's enough to scare him off so he doesn't cause any trouble. Make good use of fear."

"Understood, Boss," Gus responds, bowing respectfully.

The bouncer at the door feels a bit tense upon seeing Gus's imposing physique, but he remains loyal to his duties.

Nightclubs in Los Angeles are almost as common as the cars on the streets, but top-tier ones like Liv Hollywood Club still manage to be the most popular. Entrance isn't simply granted by befriending the doorman; even A-list celebrities can't get in without a reservation.

Of course, how much these rules actually apply is debatable. For the truly powerful, they are practically nonexistent. After Gus whispers a few words to the doorman, the bouncer wisely steps aside, notifying the interior staff via his headset.

The well-designed, heavy door has excellent sound insulation, creating a clear divide between the inside and outside worlds. As the door opens, the thunderous music from inside floods out. What comes into view is a circular golden corridor, with a long, fragmented glass wall extending to the corner on the left, and a curved reception desk on the right.

The clever lighting design at the corners of the ceiling, floor, and walls gives off a splendid and magnificent vibe without being overly bright, instead adding a touch of dimness and allure.

A nightclub manager in a suit and tie stands at the door, smiling as he shows Bruce his badge. "Welcome, Mr. Lee, to our club. I'm Eddie Chaplin, the manager here. Please, follow me. You can tell me any requirements you have."

Guided by the manager and two sexy hostesses in high heels, they make their way through the corridor and into the main hall.

The blue lighting that fills the entire dome and the dazzling spotlights create a modern ambiance. The deafening, powerful music constantly assaults their eardrums, making it nearly impossible to hear each other even from close range.