Chapter 38-39

Chapter 38: Jealousy

Shanghai, China.

Ever since that phone call, Lee Xinyi had been quite happy. Even the usually tedious schoolwork seemed lively, and studying for exams didn't feel as burdensome. Especially after an extra hundred thousand yuan appeared in her bank account, her daily expenses became much more comfortable.

Indeed, after Bruce arranged for Kit to transfer one million yuan to her family, he separately sent a hundred thousand to Lee Xinyi's card. It wasn't that he was stingy or indifferent, but sudden wealth can easily lead to psychological imbalance. Being outside China, handling any issues would be troublesome. For things outside his control, he was always cautious.

Girls tend to have a bit of vanity, especially at an age when they are young, beautiful, and blossoming. Although she didn't flaunt her connection to Bruce, Lee Xinyi did start to spend more generously, purchasing beautiful clothes, beloved laptops, smartphones, bags, and occasionally treating her close classmates to outings and meals.

At heart, Lee Xinyi was a straightforward girl. Despite her family's modest means, she hadn't been tainted by society's superficiality.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't always revolve around one's personal wishes. While Lee Xinyi lived in her simple world, not everyone did the same. Under Bruce's instruction to keep the source of her finances a secret, whispers and rumors began to circulate, suggesting she was being kept by a sugar daddy.

Schools are breeding grounds for gossip. Eventually, these rumors reached Lee Xinyi. She was baffled but knew that trying to clarify things might only make them worse. So, she kept her frustrations to herself.

It's an interesting phenomenon; no matter where, some people can't stand to see others doing better than them, especially those who used to be inferior. Often, those who spread rumors behind others' backs are the ones with the most to hide.

"Where's my new Cartier bracelet? Has anyone seen it?"

A fashionably dressed long-haired girl was throwing a tantrum in the dormitory. Lee Xinyi and her roommate Yuan Ji exchanged glances, unsure of what to do.

Most undergraduates of the Life and Science College at Fudan University reside on campus, in recently renovated dorms with decent environments, usually housing three or four people. Lee Xinyi was in a three-person room, including herself, all locals from Shanghai. Yuan Ji was taller than average and quite straightforward.

The girl throwing the tantrum was Yu Fei, from a well-off family and quite accustomed to luxury. She was somewhat arrogant and difficult. Such girls were not uncommon in Shanghai, and Lee Xinyi usually avoided conflict with them. Yu Fei spent three to four nights a week away from the dorm, so they managed to coexist peacefully.

"None of us saw it. Maybe you misplaced it?" Yuan Ji scratched her head, a bit intimidated by her roommate. Lee Xinyi, on the other hand, was easygoing and got along well with her.

"Yeah, maybe it fell somewhere outside? Are you sure you left it in the dorm?" Lee Xinyi also chimed in.

"Of course it's lost here. What do you mean? Do I need to lie to you?" Yu Fei suddenly turned on Lee Xinyi.

"I didn't mean that. Just asking," Lee Xinyi replied, slightly annoyed. Why should Yu Fei always be so overbearing just because she's wealthier? That doesn't give her the right to bully others.

She remembered Bruce's advice during their calls: don't provoke, don't fear, and call if there's trouble. With this newfound support, her confidence had grown, and she now saw this distant brother as a strong backing.

However, her naturally amiable personality didn't incline her to quarrel. She simply replied and let it be. But Yu Fei wasn't about to let Lee Xinyi off the hook. She had always been envious of her roommate, who was young, beautiful, and wealthy. In her view, everyone should revolve around her.

Lee Xinyi, admittedly, was slightly prettier. Previously, that didn't matter much; despite being easygoing, her family's poverty made her seem like a poor country girl in Yu Fei's eyes. But lately, Lee Xinyi's newfound generosity, including treating classmates to meals and dressing up more, attracting the attention of many outstanding male students, was too much for Yu Fei.

In Yu Fei's mind, she should be the most noticed person in the college. Lee Xinyi should stay in her lane. The fact that she was now speaking up was the last straw.

"What do you mean by asking? There are only three of us here. I know Yuan Ji, so where could my bracelet be? The Cartier Love collection, worth over twenty-eight thousand yuan!" Yu Fei was fuming, showing no intention of calming the situation.

She was smart enough to ally with Yuan Ji, whom she often treated and gifted, assuming she would take her side.

"What are you implying? That I took it? Yu Fei, don't push it!" Lee Xinyi couldn't hold back anymore, her face flushing with anger as she stood up to confront her.

Yuan Ji, caught in the middle, usually benefited from Yu Fei but also had a good relationship with Lee Xinyi. All she could do was try to mediate, suggesting it was all a misunderstanding.

"A misunderstanding? Yuan Ji, you don't have to defend her. Let's be rational, don't you think I have a point? It's not just one or two people losing things in this building lately, and coincidentally, Lee Xinyi suddenly has money," Yu Fei voiced her suspicions. In today's society, it was rare for a woman with some looks not to capitalize on them.

They used to say Lee Xinyi was naive, but now it seemed she had suddenly become lavish. Could money just fall from the sky? If not dishonesty, then she must have a man supporting her.

"Everyone knows your family isn't well-off, and suddenly you're splurging. Look at the clothes you're wearing, worth thousands, right? Where did you get the money? Well, tell us then?"

At this, even Yuan Ji hesitated, looking uneasily at Lee Xinyi. Honestly, she didn't believe Lee Xinyi would steal, but she couldn't deny her roommate's recent spending spree had raised eyebrows. She had been curious but never pressed the issue. Now, Yu Fei's interrogation left her speechless.

By now, their neighboring dorms were abuzz, drawn by Yu Fei's escalating voice. Some watched coldly, others advised peace, and a few chimed in with comments. The scene was lively indeed.

Especially those who had also lost items. With Yu Fei adding fuel to the fire, their looks towards Lee Xinyi were less friendly, tinged with suspicion.


Chapter 39: Transoceanic Call

Lee Xinyi never imagined she would find herself in such an awkward situation, being publicly interrogated, especially under the watchful eyes of her familiar classmates. It felt as if she was harboring some dark secret.

Though her family's modest means had toughened her up, making her independent and strong, she had always been in the relatively sheltered environment of the school, untouched by significant insult or setback. At that moment, tears involuntarily welled up in her eyes.

"What's the matter, Yu Fei? Did she take something of yours?" This came from someone close to Yu Fei, the tone subtly biased, suggesting a predisposition.

"Who knows? Don't you think I'm making sense? Then refute me." Seeing Lee Xinyi's tears and the crowd of classmates watching, Yu Fei felt a surge of perverse pleasure, as if she had indeed caught Lee Xinyi in the act, becoming even more overbearing. "Why the silence? Guilty conscience, huh?"

Lee Xinyi's tears kept falling, but unlike other girls, she didn't sob uncontrollably. Instead, she wiped her eyes and stood her ground, looking coldly at Yu Fei. "Your logic is laughable. Whether I have money is my business. Why should I tell you? My silence becomes your reason for suspicion? You claim I stole your bracelet, where's the evidence? Without proof, stop slandering me here!"

When someone gets absorbed in their own assumptions, no matter what others say, they'll think they're just making excuses. Yu Fei was exactly in this state of mind, believing her logic was flawless — Lee Xinyi was poor and suddenly came into money without explaining its source. If it were someone else, they'd be showing off, but not Lee Xinyi, so there must be something shady!

"You think you can just talk your way out of this? You think I can't do anything? If you're innocent, let me search and we'll know," Yu Fei said aggressively, moving to rummage through Lee Xinyi's desk.

"What gives you the right to touch my things?!" Lee Xinyi blocked her, showing a backbone that belied her typically gentle nature. Even though she knew Yu Fei wouldn't find the bracelet in her drawer, this invasion and accusation were already trampling on her dignity. She wouldn't back down an inch.

Yu Fei was taken aback by her resistance and stepped back. This wasn't her giving up but rather preserving her self-image; she didn't want to come off as a shrew in front of everyone.

Lee Xinyi's firm stance only fueled Yu Fei's resentment further. In a fit of rage, she sneered, "So, you refuse to be searched? Got a smart mouth, huh? Fine, we'll let the police handle this. Let's see how arrogant you can be then. The truth will come out."

The surrounding students, initially just onlookers, were startled by the escalation. This was getting serious, and they started advising restraint. A girl with shoulder-length hair, Su ChiaoChiao, the class president, reluctantly stepped forward, hoping to defuse the situation.

"ChiaoChiao, I've searched everywhere, it's really gone. My bracelet was just bought half a month ago, worth over twenty-eight thousand yuan. This is no trivial matter! And there's been a string of thefts in this building, there must be a serial thief!" Yu Fei glared at Lee Xinyi, teeth clenched.

After stating this, she took out her phone and made a call. After a brief conversation, the person on the other end seemed to agree promptly.

"Just wait! Everyone who's lost something, make a list. We might just get lucky and find our things today."

After hanging up, Yu Fei acted like a victorious general, issuing commands. A few people began to murmur and jot down notes on paper, casting uneasy and distrustful glances at Lee Xinyi.

At this point, persuasion from others was futile. A loss of tens of thousands wasn't trivial, and the recent spate of thefts had already frayed nerves. Class President Su ChiaoChiao helplessly spread her hands, immediately calling the counselor and others to rush over. She also instructed everyone to stay put and not leave the dormitory to avoid any semblance of guilt.

The waiting was undoubtedly torturous. With a large group of restless, suspicious, and irate students, whispers and plots swirled. However, it became apparent who Lee Xinyi's real friends were. Even in such a situation, a few girls stayed close and offered comforting words.

To Yu Fei, this scene was like fuel to the fire. "Are they putting on a pity play for me?" she thought scornfully, and immediately her clique began to mock and jeer.

She had made up her mind. The local police chief was an acquaintance of her family, and she had already given him a heads up. She felt she was in a no-lose situation. If Lee Xinyi was indeed the thief, it would serve her right and soothe Yu Fei's anger.

If not, at least the dorm would be turned upside down, the bracelet would be found, and Lee Xinyi would be put in her place. They had been roommates long enough for Yu Fei to know Lee Xinyi's family had no significant connections, just an uncle who was a judge and not a particularly influential one, and they seldom interacted. Lee Xinyi was just a puppet in Yu Fei's hands.

Lee Xinyi stood motionless, her tears had stopped, and her mood had settled slightly, though her eyes were still red-rimmed. She looked at her somewhat unfamiliar roommate, her words half murmured to herself, half an outpouring of her feelings.

"Yu Fei, we've been classmates for over a year and spent quite some time together. I've always been good to you. Do you really despise me that much? Yes, my family was not wealthy, and I had to be frugal. But now, my brother has graduated and is earning money. Is it wrong for him to send me some? I just promised him not to flaunt it. Is that a reason for you to insult me? Can't I allow myself a better life? Is it a crime not to tell you the source?"

Sadly, her heartfelt words didn't touch Yu Fei, who scoffed as if hearing a ridiculous joke. "Your brother? Oh, the one who just graduated in the US? A law student trying to make it abroad? How much can he earn right after graduating? You've spent tens of thousands this month. Is he not eating or drinking to fund your expenses? Or is your brother Bill Gates, dropping out to start a business? Zuckerberg, starting a business while still in school?"

The more Yu Fei spoke, the more justified she felt. "You think your brother is a genius? You think you're that lucky?"

"Do we really have to come to this, as roommates? Do I have to bare my soul only to have it trampled? Since it's come to this, I guess nothing I say will convince you. That's it then. If words fall on deaf ears, so be it. I know I'm in the right." Lee Xinyi sat down, her dignity preventing her from saying more. Despite being innocent, she felt like she was begging for mercy.

What mattered more was that lately, she felt her brother becoming more confident and composed. Every phone call resonated with his carefree and resolute laughter. It was hard to describe, but it gave her a lot of confidence.

She had noticed Yu Fei's posture and was sure she had connections with the police. The officials were probably already biased. Distressed, she finally decided to call Bruce, not her parents.

Bruce was on a private jet from Los Angeles to New York when he received the call. Luckily, he had given Lee Xinyi his satellite phone number. After hearing her out in silence, Bruce replied warmly, "Don't worry, I'll handle it. Stay in touch. If anything uncontrollable happens, tell them to let you make a call. I'll talk to them."

His calm and assured voice, traveling across the globe, instantly soothed Lee Xinyi's worries. It was that calm confidence that made her feel she could entrust anything to her brother.

Having a brother like him is truly a blessing, she thought silently.

Yu Fei watched coldly from the sidelines, suspicious as she saw Lee Xinyi talking to Bruce on the phone. But things had escalated too far for her to back down. "Handling a Lee Xinyi is no big deal," she thought. Her brother, even if he had some connections in China, was too far away to make a difference now.

On the other side, after hanging up, Bruce pondered for a moment and called Cai Chengping.

After several rings, Cai picked up amidst a cacophony of noise – women's laughter, music blaring, a chaotic scene. But Bruce was unfazed. "Find a quiet place to talk."

It was obvious Cai was in the middle of one of his notorious parties. After a while, the noise subsided, "Hey, Mr. Lee, got something interesting for me? Aren't you back in New York? I'll come to your turf to hang out sometime."

"No problem, but right now I need your help with something important," Bruce said evenly.

His tone was calm but unmistakably serious, making Cai instantly sober up. "What's up? Just tell me."

"Do you have a reliable network in Shanghai, China?" Bruce asked directly.

"In Shanghai? I have some connections, depending on what you need," Cai replied, his tone casual but cautious.

"My sister, Lee Xinyi, is having some trouble there. She's a 15th-grade undergrad at Fudan University's Life Science College. A student named Yu Fei has accused her of stealing a Cartier bracelet. I just got off the phone with her, and the police are probably on their way to their dorm by now," Bruce explained succinctly, then added firmly, "The girl might have some connections. I'm not entirely sure. But my sister can't be wronged. Can you handle it? If not, I'll find another way."

"For something like that, leave it to me. If that girl isn't too powerful, I'll ensure she gets the message. Even if she's tough, we'll protect our sister," Cai replied decisively, clearly confident.

"I don't care how tough the other side is, but my sister can't suffer. Thanks, stay in touch, and act fast," Bruce said, his trust in Cai evident as he ended the call, leaving him to coordinate swiftly.