Chapter 40-41

Chapter 40: The Human Heart

Even though Bruce wasn't overly concerned about this minor issue, the feeling of helplessness due to the distance was unsettling. He pondered for a moment and then picked up the satellite phone again, dialing another number — that of Ray Stein. Ray Stein and his privately funded demon legion never appeared with him in public. With the distance being an issue, phone contact was more convenient.

To maintain a low profile, Ray's team hadn't expanded particularly fast and was still primarily confined to the US. However, today's incident made Bruce decide to make some adjustments, starting with deploying some of his people to China and other strategic locations.

Yang FaRong of Shanghai's Guozheng Road police station was having a headache. When he received Yu Fei's call, he knew it was trouble. But it's a society where relationships matter. Failing to act swiftly on requests could tarnish one's reputation, essentially a trade of favors.

As a precinct chief, he usually wouldn't bother with such trifles. But today was different — the incident involved Fudan University, a renowned institution where any minor incident could quickly become the focus of media attention, especially online.

A few years back, a student's act of cruelty towards a cat went viral, stirring public outrage. Though trivial in his eyes, the incident overwhelmed him with calls and headaches, a testament to the power of public opinion.

Life as a precinct chief is not easy, Yang FaRong mused. Nevertheless, upon arriving at the dormitory, he discreetly instructed his subordinates to investigate each room, chatting with Yu Fei to confirm she had no significant backing before sitting down with Lee Xinyi.

"You must understand the seriousness of this matter. If you come clean, considering you're a student, we might be lenient," Yang FaRong said, his demeanor stern and serious.

"But I really didn't take it. Yu Fei is suspecting me without any reason. Please believe me," Lee Xinyi replied nervously, facing these professionals.

"In that case, we might need you to come to the station to assist with our investigation. Rest assured, we won't wrong a good person, but we won't let a guilty one go either," Yang FaRong stated with an air of fairness, yet his phrasing subtly implied a threat.

The authoritative presence of the police uniform was intimidating. It wasn't until Yang FaRong mentioned going to the station that Lee Xinyi remembered Bruce's advice and, somewhat panicked, pulled out her phone. "May I make a call?"

"Let's handle everything at the station. We'll inform your family," Yang FaRong replied, his patience wearing thin. His every word carried a heavy psychological implication, enough to frighten most.

"Just a moment, please. It's just one call, very important. Please listen," Lee Xinyi knew she had to make the call now, or things might turn dire.

"Hmm?" Yang FaRong hesitated upon seeing her determination. As an experienced officer, he knew that many issues could be subtly steered without leaving traces. The more discreetly handled, the less trouble.

In a few seconds that felt like an eternity, the phone connected. Handing it over to Yang FaRong, Lee Xinyi watched as the stern police chief took the call, hearing a young, steady voice on the other end. "How may I address you?"

"Guozheng Police Precinct's Yang FaRong. Are you a relative of Lee Xinyi?" The confident tone on the other end made Yang FaRong uncertain. This wasn't the typical reaction of ordinary people to the police.

"Hello, this is Bruce. I'm not sure if you've heard of me, but my sister would never steal a mere trinket worth tens of thousands. So, Officer Yang, I'd like to ask for your help. Just follow the procedures, and someone will contact you shortly, is that okay?" Bruce spoke without giving Yang a chance to interject, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

"Mr. Lee, rest assured, our police force will handle this according to the law," Yang FaRong replied officially while his mind raced. The name Bruce sounded too common, and he couldn't immediately place it.

Though irked by Bruce's tone, Yang knew only someone either ignorant or fearless could speak to him like that. He had seen it all and knew better than to get worked up over a trifle. Playing it cool was his forte.

"Good, thank you, Officer Yang. I believe this matter will be resolved amicably," Bruce concluded as the phone was handed back to Lee Xinyi. After a few more words of reassurance, he ended the call. With Cai Chengping's assurance, Bruce was confident the issue would be resolved quickly. Even if there were hiccups, backup plans were in place.

Still, Bruce called Cai Chengping again: "The police have reached my sister's dorm. What's the situation?"

"That Yu Fei girl has an uncle who's a big shot in the district police, plus a few shady characters. It's not a big deal. How far do you want this handled?" Cai's efficiency was evident; within half an hour, he had gleaned the background of the other party, showcasing his clout in China.

"I don't like leaving loose ends or unnecessary troubles," Bruce replied firmly, then ended the conversation.

Chapter 40: The Human Heart

Cai Chengping frowned at the disconnected call, "Heh, Mr. Lee sure doesn't beat around the bush. Looks like I need to handle this smoothly and show some muscle."

The call continued, "Wu Yang, why are you dragging your feet? Have you gone soft staying in China? The police are already at our sister's dorm, and you haven't sorted things out yet?"

"It's all set, no problems. Why the rush, doesn't calling take time? Relax, your precious sister won't lose a hair, and who's got you so smitten this time, Cai?" The person on the other end was evidently close enough to speak so freely.

"Stop it! You think I get swayed by every pretty face? This is for a brother's sake. Next time you're in the States, I'll introduce you to some worthy contacts," Cai Chengping retorted, a bit irked. Though he was known for his playful antics, he was reliable when it mattered, never messing around with serious matters.

"You better keep your word, arrange it properly when I get the time."

Thirty-year-old Wu Yang, dressed in a business suit, sat in his spacious office. Behind him, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the magnificent Shanghai World Financial Center and the sprawling river view unfolded.

His secretary, Deng Yan, stood by, inwardly astonished. As the CEO and sole heir of Gree International, Wu Yang was always stern and rarely joked around, even with her, his personal secretary.

Deng Yan knew well that the person on the other end of the line must be a real heavyweight, mentally noting the title 'Cai Big Young Master'.

"This is no big deal! That Yu family has been a pain lately. Just deal with them, can you?" Cai Chengping got straight to the point.

"Is it necessary to go that far for such a trivial matter?" Wu Yang was taken aback, clearly surprised.

"It's necessary," Cai Chengping replied without hesitation. "Just let me know if you can handle it."

"I'll get on it right away," Wu Yang assured, sensing the determination in Cai's tone.

In Shanghai, the Wu family had deep roots, but Wu Yang always saw himself as a businessman. Business decisions boiled down to two things: risk and return.

This situation promised a lucrative return. Favors from Cai Chengping weren't easily earned. As for the Yu family, they weren't significant enough to warrant his careful consideration.

Meanwhile, to ensure a thorough investigation, Yang FaRong had his team meticulously check each dormitory while he racked his brain, trying to figure out who this 'Bruce' might be. But the response was faster than he had anticipated. Within minutes, three to four calls came in, all from influential figures, albeit not top-tier ones.

The precision and efficiency of these moves made the seasoned Yang FaRong sense something unusual. He broke out in a cold sweat, thankful he had been cautious and hadn't taken Lee Xinyi away without a second thought.

In the dormitory, chaos reigned. Yu Fei, out of caution, hadn't interacted much with Yang FaRong. But seeing the police officers' thorough questioning without taking Lee Xinyi away, she grew suspicious and was about to probe further when an officer approached Yang FaRong and whispered something.

Yang FaRong's eyes lit up, "A girl from the next dorm confessed. She took the bracelet. Yu Fei, please come with us to the station to complete some procedures."

The development was unexpected. The real culprit was a quiet, unassuming girl who most people wouldn't suspect.

Although she hadn't kept the stolen items in her dorm, her inexperience showed when faced with the officers' skilled interrogation. She quickly broke down and confessed everything.

Without waiting for Yu Fei's response, Yang FaRong turned to Lee Xinyi with a warm smile, "I told you we wouldn't wrong a good person. Now that the real suspect is found, we'll take our leave."

His tone was that of a benevolent public servant, eliciting gratitude from those around.

Lee Xinyi, overwhelmed with relief, was caught off guard by Yang FaRong's sudden warmth. Though she didn't know his exact rank, the respect he commanded from other officers indicated his high position.

Yu Fei, though happy to find her bracelet, was utterly confused by Yang FaRong's demeanor. The relationship between her family and Uncle Yang was no shallow bond, yet his behavior today was peculiar. With doubts in her mind, she hurriedly followed him out.

At the dormitory entrance, Yang FaRong seemed pensive. Glancing around to ensure privacy, he pulled Yu Fei aside and said, "Niece, it's not that I don't want to help you. But this matter isn't simple. In such a short time, many leaders have called me directly on behalf of Lee Xinyi. The other party must have a strong background. You better go home and explain everything to your dad. Don't bother going to the station; I'll handle the paperwork, and we'll have your bracelet delivered to you later."

With that, Yu Fei left, full of questions. Though skeptical, she knew Yang FaRong wasn't one to speak without cause.

As for Yang FaRong, he watched her leave, shaking his head, "Kids are unreliable. How could they know the real power behind someone so easily? Good thing I was cautious, or she would have dragged me into this mess."


Chapter 41: Siblings

By the time Lee Xinyi finished dealing with the apologies and consolations and called Bruce again, he had already arrived at The Top of the Sun Shine, located on the top floor of 432 Park Avenue.

The spacious circular living room was lined with rows of clothing racks, neatly arranged handbags, accessories, and perfumes, almost as if an entire boutique had been transported there—this was Burberry New York's full-range personal service for him, offering a 2016 limited edition collection for home selection.

"I'm sorry, bro, for all the trouble," Lee Xinyi's somewhat downcast voice came through the receiver, her confusion, bewilderment, and lingering fear palpable even across the vast ocean, a reminder of her naivety.

"Trouble? Why don't I feel troubled?" Bruce gestured for his butler, Elliott Valen, to place the selected accessories in front of him while soothing his sister.

"But they might all know about you now, and I still can't tell everyone," Lee Xinyi felt guilty for causing a situation she couldn't explain.

"This was bound to come out sooner or later. I'm only going to get more famous, and you all will be affected. Your classmates and friends won't be able to ignore it," Bruce joked lightly. He wouldn't admit that he had originally just wanted to avoid hassle by keeping a low profile.

"For him, it wasn't about flaunting or not; it was more about preventing the newly wealthy Lee family from getting carried away, especially since he couldn't be there to handle any fallout due to the distance.

"I've always been careful and never looked for trouble, but this time Yu Fei was too much," Lee Xinyi was clearly puzzled, unable to understand why her kindness made her a target.

"Everything in the world is interconnected, and human relationships are especially complex and intertwined. Avoiding trouble doesn't work. It's about learning from each situation," Bruce continued, intending to give his naive sister a reality check. Though Lee Xinyi was resilient and could endure hardships, she hadn't yet grasped the harsh realities of the world. "Tell me, what have you learned from this incident?"

"I…" Lee Xinyi opened her mouth, her thoughts a tangled mess, unable to articulate a response.

"Yu Fei has been your classmate for a while, right? What's she like normally? Why did she target you? How did others around you react when the incident happened? Did anyone stand up for you? Why did they help you? Who sided with Yu Fei, and who were mere bystanders?" Bruce posed a series of questions, knowing these weren't issues Lee Xinyi had pondered deeply. Explaining more would be overwhelming for her.

"Bro, are you telling me to be more cautious in my relationships?" Lee Xinyi, though innocent, wasn't foolish and quickly caught on after being bombarded with questions.

"No, I'm not saying anything. Think, reflect, learn to actively think. Always ask yourself, why?" Bruce gently coaxed, as if assigning homework. "Don't think too much for today. Rest well. When I return, you can tell me your answers."

"Okay," Lee Xinyi replied, somewhat understanding, then hesitantly asked, "Bro, you seem different since you've been away. Sometimes you talk differently than before."

"Maybe that's just part of growing up," Bruce said with a distant, deep tone, a smile flickering in his eyes. His voice was laden with emotion, yet his expression remained relaxed and carefree as he browsed the luxurious items.

Had anyone in the room understood Shanghai dialect, they might have been surprised by his effortless emotional control.

Butler Elliott and the staff from Burberry's VIP service exhibited their professionalism, assisting Bruce patiently and ensuring his call with Lee Xinyi remained undisturbed.

"Xinyi, you're fortunate. I've made it out there, and no matter what happens, you have your brother. Everyone has their own way of life and beliefs, all unique... Learn to think, always ask yourself: why? Okay?" Bruce's words were filled with warmth, which might have left Lee Xinyi skeptical at any other time. But at this crucial juncture, after a significant ordeal and her brother's seemingly magical resolution of her troubles, she was completely drawn into the atmosphere he created, nodding in agreement.

"Let's not tell mom and dad about today's events; no need to worry them. I'll handle the rest. If someone still doubts you, you can reveal a bit more to those close to you, it's okay," Bruce said teasingly. "No matter what happens, I'm still the obedient son at home, and your beloved brother, right? You should be happy. Life is only going to get better. Want something? Just buy it, money's no object!"

Lee Xinyi, who was on the verge of tears again, couldn't help but laugh at his words, playfully retorting, "Hmph! Don't think you can dismiss me so easily. I know you've been quite the ladies' man out there, no wonder you're reluctant to return home. And that Gal Gadot... beware, I might tell mom!" Ever since she found out about her brother's achievements, she had been keeping tabs on the news, including some of Bruce's escapades. If not for the distance and lack of direct connection to China, there might have been even more stories about him.

"Isn't that a bit unfair? You're enjoying the benefits but playing the traitor!" Bruce laughed heartily, fully embodying the role of a caring parent. "Alright, a sister of mine will visit you soon; I've arranged it. Remember her contact. If you can't reach me, she'll take care of you. I have to go now, we'll talk later."

After hanging up, Lee Xinyi felt much lighter, as if the sun had dispersed the clouds. Standing by the window, she pondered for a long time, finally clenching her fists and vowing, "Bro, I've grown up too. I'll be more independent, stronger, and worry you all less."

Bruce couldn't have anticipated the profound impact of his words. For him, the experience was equally unique. He hadn't expected to feel such warmth for a sister he had never met, existing only in the memories of his body's previous owner.

Was this a natural reaction, or was it influenced by the remnants of the original Bruce? Recalling Ray Stein's report about Samuel Phillips, a smile played on his lips. "Interesting."