Chapter 1: You shall be named Alvana

In a small village in skye, a woman is been attended to by the local midwives. She had been in labour for six hours and the people were starting to worry, some people even started spreading different rumors abt her.

"She's a witch, she has eaten her child and is taking her punishment" a woman said to her friends.

"Serves her right" another woman answered and they all laughed

Eloise(the lady in labor) life became miserable after she became pregnant, her husband died and the few properties he had were taken by his family and she was made to work as a maid for her husband's family. There, she was treated with scorn and hatred by her mother inlaw. The only one who took care of her was her husband's immediate elder sister, Laura. Laura would give her food anytime she comes to visit the family and this caused the family to hate her more. After sometime, Laura stopped coming home. Eloise life became more miserable, her mother inlaw made her work as the lowest of all maids.

The only thing that kept her going was her unborn baby, her child was her only happiness.

On her labour day, Eloise was woken by a whip lash from the senior maid

"You work the least here and yet you are so lazy" the senior maid scolded

"I...I..I am sorry, senior Clara." Eloise said, admidst the pain

"Hmph!" she puffed, "good that you know your place. Now go clean the courtyard!"

"I'll go do that now" Eloise replied, and with a bow she went to clean the courtyard.

While Eloise was working, she dropped her broom and when she tried to pick it she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, she tried to ignore it but the pain kept coming.

"Aaah..... someone please help!, Help please!" She screamed in pain but the people just ignored her. The pain was so much that she fainted.

When she woke up, a lady was looking at her with a smile

"Laura!"Eloise exclaimed happily

"You finally woke up" Laura said with a smile that would make any man go crazy. She was a very beautiful woman and all the men in the village sought after her, she would always receive marriage proposal from them which she would always turn down with a smile

"How have you been? Why didn't you visit all this while" Eloise asked sadly

"Hahahaha" Laura laughed

"Someone miss me? I've only been gone for 7 months"

"It feels more like a dec..... aaah" Eloise was still talking when she felt the pain again

Then she felt her baby trying to come out

"Fast, go and call the midwife!, I think she's going into labor" Laura instructed the maid


Present time

"Aaah.....I can't, I am going to die... Aaaah" Eloise screamed, tears were trickling down her face.

"Push with all your might!" The midwife said to the screaming Eloise

"Aaaah!....I can't.....I just want to die!"

Laura who had been quite the whole time suddenly said " If you die who would take care of your baby?, will you be able to face your husband in paradise after leaving your baby here to suffer?.. Soo please don't die, muster every strength you got there and push your child out!"

Laura's words were like magic to Eloise ears as she pushed with all her strength

"Aaaaaaah!!!". Eloise screamed while pushing with all her might

"Waaah..waaah" a baby was heard.

The midwife took the baby to Eloise and Eloise received the baby with a smile.

When she carried her baby, she saw a flash of white light in his eyes and she was shocked, she immediately his her shock.the she looked at his head and she saw some strand of pure white hair.

She hugged her baby with a smile and said "you shall be named Alvana because you are a gift from the heavens".


Somewhere in the universe

"Aaaah!" an old woman screamed, with blood trickling down her face from her eyes

"H...He...aaah!.....ha... has been....aaah! Birthed..aaah" the old woman said with pain.