Chapter 2: Celestial Dragon race

After the birth of Alvana, Laura stayed with Elena for a month before returning to the city. After Laura's departure, Elena's sufferings increased, her mother in-law made sure she suffered a great deal. any slight mistake by Elena would result in a long session of beating and scolding. Most times, she would think of running away with her child, but she had nowhere to run to, she didn't anywhere and she would not want her child to fall into danger, so she had no choice but to endure, hoping and praying that the heavens keep her child safe till the day he had the power to protect himself and leave their village.


15 years later

Alvana had grown up to a tall and handsome teenager. He grew up to hate his father's family due to the sufferings they caused him and his mother. Once, he had seen his mother been beaten and he had tried to defend her but he was held down by his two uncle and was later flogged by his grandmother. That day, he swore to get revenge for himself and his mother.

Alvana was cutting woods in the forest when he heard a soft growl, he stopped what he was doing at once, to look for the the direction of the growl, he wanted to kill the animal and roast it for his mother.

when he got to the location of the growl, what he saw shocked him so much that he stepped back subconsciously. He saw a ten feet tall winged creature with its upper body that of a dragon and its lower body that of a human only that its skin was azure coloured.

Alvana was scared shitless and he was about to run when he heard a soft feminine voice

"Help! human, please help"

"Who said that!, show yourself!" Alvana looked around but he couldn't find anyone there with him except the creature in front of him.

"heaven, please let this human help me even though he doesn't understand what am saying" the creature said with sadness

"aaaaaah!" Alvana screamed while looking fearfully at the creature, He couldn't help but ask " can talk?"

The creature looked at him with shock and said "You can speak the beast language?"

Alvana "-" "-"

"How did you...." the creature was shocked

Alvana calmed himself and said "I dont know how i can speak your language but...i mean it is as if i've known it all my life"

"aaaah" the creature roared in pain an said

"Human, i dont have much time left so please, promise me this". Then the creature raised its wing. beneath it was a blue eyed azure skinned baby.

"Promise me that you will take care of my child, please" the creature pleaded with tears trickling down her face.

Alvana hesitated, but was moved by the creature's tear and he swore on the spot "I, Alvana, swear to take your child as my brother and take care of him with my life".

The creature was pleased and it transformed its upper body to that of a human while shrinking its size.

Alvna was stunned. laying before him was a beautiful woman with blue coloured eyes and hair with an azure coloured skin that complemented her curves. if Laura was said to be beautiful, then this woman was a goddess. 

Alvana swallowed a lump of saliva as he stared at the naked beauty in front of him. she was covered in blood and it was obvious that she didnt have much time to live

The woman looked at him and said "My name is elena"

"Elena? that's my mother's name" Alvana said in his mind while Elena continued 

"I am a dragon"

"woooah! a dragon, so the myths were true?" Elena was interrupted by Alvana.

"Yes, dragons existed and they still exist in different part of the universe"

"what's a universe?" Alvana asked 

"The universe is where your world and every other world out there is located, each world takes a part of the universe and yet the universe is not filled up, to show you how vast the universe is". Elena answered 

Now let me continue from where i stopped before you interupted me" Elena said as she continued 

"My dragon race is the celestial dragon race and..." Elena pupils constricted as she suddenly yelled at Alvana "Take my child and leave this place now!"

Alvana was taken aback by her sudden warning and he could not help but ask "What's going on"

"Hurry up! take my child and leave this place. the one who injured me to this state is coming" Elena warned again, this time with fierceness in her voice

Immediately she finished speaking, the sky darkened and a voice roared 


The voice shook Alvana so much that he trembled.

"Alvana, please leave with my child, please am begging you" Elena pleaded with tears 

"hahaha, Elena you didn't think this day would come eh" the voice said again. 

Elena looked at Alvana and when she saw that he wasn't running, she used the last bit of her strength to teleport him to his house


The place where elena was had already formed a huge pit with blood and body parts scattered around. She was killed by the fire ball that the man[the owner of the voice] threw at her