Chapter 3: The Primal Pearl

"sniff" The man sniffed the air and said "There was a human here and it smells delicious"

The man looked at a direction and disappeared.

Alvana had fainted when he was teleport by Elena and when he woke up, he met himself in his room, on his bed. He looked around and saw the dragon baby sleeping peaceful on the other side of his bed. he tried to get off his bed without waking the baby, and when he almost succeeded, the baby opened its eyes and stared at Alvana for a long time and this stunned Alvana

"waaaahhhh"Alvana was jolted back to life by the baby's cry and he tried to cover the baby's mouth but it was already late as his mother had barged into is room.

"what made that noise?" Elena asked while looking around for the source of the noise. Alvana used his body to hide the baby as he replied "uh...nothing mother" 

"Alvy, i am your mother and you should not hide anything from me" Elena said, with a stern voice

"i am fine, mother. i am really fine"

"Then i'll be leaving" Elena turned to leave and was almost stepping out when she turned abruptly.

"aaah" Elena exclaimed with her eyes wide open

"Mother are you okay?" Alvana asked, after seeing Elena's expression

"wh...wh..what is that?" Elena asked while pointing at something beside Alvana

Alvana immediately realised that something was wrong so he turned to look at what his mother was pointing at and he could not help but curse in his mind "Dumb baby, now you have put me into trouble"

Alvana looked at his mother and said. "i am sorry mother"

"you are sorry?" his mother asked sarcastically

"no amount of sorry can save you from the trouble you have put yourself in"

"Trouble? mother, i dont understand" alvana said, while expecting elena to reply. Elena didn't reply Alvana and instead, she moved to the baby and the next scene shocked Alvana.

When Elena moved towards the baby, the baby stared at her for a while and then extended its two small arms as if telling Elena to carry him. Elena closed her eyes for a while and when she opened them, her pupils had already turned from the normal black colour to blue.

Elena carried the baby and said to Alvana "we have to leave, Now!!"

"Mother" Alvana stared at his mother with complicated feelings. the woman in front of him was a total stranger"

"Don't mother me!" Elena scolded. "we have to leave now"

"Bu...bu....but" Alvana could not find the right words to say. He could only stare at the strange but familiar woman standing in front of him.

Elena used her left hand to support the baby as she placed her right and on Alvana's shoulder 

"Alvy, i know i owe you a lot of explanation, but if we don't leave, you are going to die, the baby's going to die and i would also die. so please listen to me and let us leave now"

Alvana looked at his mother and he hugged her.

"Mother, you do not owe me any explanation, so lets leave while we still can" Alvana said with a determined look.

Elena and Alvana with the baby, left the house to the forest as that was the only exit out of their village.

After Alvana and his mother left the village, the village was plunged into mystery by the man. The man was enraged when he could not pick the scent of Alvana and out of anger, he destroyed the village structure killed many people, while leaving the young female and men alive. Since he was already injured and would die soon, he planned to birth his offspring through the woman while tampering with the peoples brain to make them see him as his master. that day was the beginning of misery in Skye continent.

In a deserted area in Skye continent, a teenager and a woman were walking towards the direction of hope city. the woman was with a baby and she looked fatigued, the teenager's condition was worse than hers. they were Alvana and Elena.

After They left the village, they traveled through the forest for three days while resting at night. in the forest, many beastly creatures approached them. But surprisingly they did not attack. This made their journey through the forest smooth.

They were almost at the city gate when Elena suddenly asked Alvana "Do you know why we are going to that city?"

"No, i was planning to ask you" Alvana replied while looking at his mother for answer

"We are going there to look for the primal pearl"

"The primal pearl? what is it, some kind of special pearl?" Alvana asked 

"It is way special than you think" Alvana eyes were wide open as he asked "so why are we looking for it?"

Elena looked at Alvana and started "during the cosmos war, The great guardian of the cosmos, kazel forged a pearl with the celestial dragon blood to transport the celestial dragon race to a small world that he created. The pearl succeded, but it shortened his livespan while it killed the celestial dragon. on the celestial dragon death bed, the celestial dragon used the last bit of his life to transfer 30 percent of the primal pearl energy to the small world that kazel created. Then kazel fused 50 percent of its energy to a strand of his soul to defeat the anti-lives. after the war, the pearl split into two and it traveled across the universe. No one knew how the primal pearl looked like, so when its half showed up on this world people saw it as garbage an they dumped it in hope city, a dead city, the city of the poor". 

"ha, i see, so the primal pearl is somewhere in hope city" alvana said 

Elena nodded and continued "The primal pearl can transport us from this world to another world. but it has a flaw, you cannot predict the location it will send you to, which means you will be sent to a random world

Alvana face sunk.

"what if the world we are sent to is dangerous?" He asked himself 

while he was lost in his tought, a childish voice suddenly said

"mummy, am hungry"

"aaah! who said that? alvana was jolted from his thought

"mummy am hungry" the childish voice sald again 

alvana stared at the owner of the voice and he could not help but exclaim

"what the fuck!"