Chapter 5: Devil's Angel

After the announcement, everyone gathered to bow to the king. Elena and co Also joined but with no intentions to bow to the king.

"Here comes the king!' Shouted a voice.

Elena turned towards Alvana and said

"Do not bow to the king no matter what happens, do you understand me?"

Alvana nodded.

Alvana's mind was in a turmoil, ever since the revelation, he had been all quiet and this worried Elena, but she let him be...

"All bow to king Derek!" The voice of the spokesperson travelled accross the ears of the people as they all bowed....well, except for Elena and the duo.

A lady tugged at Elena's cloth and whiapered "young woman, I understand that you are New here and you don't know the rules,but if you don't bow, you'll be killed and those men will be taken as slaves".

Elena looked at the lady and smiled.

The king's eye roamed around till it fell on three people- Elena and co.

"Interesting" the king smiled.

"Never have I imagined that I would still see people who would disobey my orders" the king smiled more...

Meanwhile, the spokesperson was already shaking as he knew how terrifying this king could be.

The king stood up and walked towards Elena and co.

Elena was ready for whatever might come not until she saw who the king was.

"Derek Malfoy!!" Elena exclaimed

"You know this man?" The quiet Alvana asked.

"I know him?, Of course I do" elena replied

Elena!" King Derek also exclaimed

"How?.....I mean.....??" Elena was surprised..

"Save the questions for later Elena, let me welcome you first" king derek laughed...

King Dereked beckoned to the maids to take Elena and co to the palace while he dismissed the people.


At the palace

Alvana and aster watched quietly while Elena and Derek talked about the old days....

"Alvana" aster suddenly called


"That man seems suspicious" aster said

"Uh?.....what do you know about suspiciousness? Alvana asked with sarcasm

"I....uh....I don't know about suspicions but I have this bad feeling about trusting this man

"Hmm.... you're just been too careful" alvana said

"I don't know, but we definitely can't trust him" Aster said seriously

"Ok, I hear you" alvana replied..

Derek and Elena walked towards Alvana and aster

"Derek, these are my children". Elena introduced the two to Derek

"Oh," Derek said as he turned to aster

"I thought....your skin was..... Never mind"

"Did he see me before my I changed my skin color?" Aster thought to himself as he smiled to Derek...

"In the absence of nothing, the maids will take you two to your room" Derek said

"We two?" Aster suddenly asked

"Oh ...your mother and I have something to discuss"

"Oh really.....?" Aster asked while frowning

"Let them take us to our rooms" alvana cut in while giving aster a eye signal.

Derek stared, while stroking his beards, at alvana and aster as they were taken to their rooms...


"Tell me, how are you still alive?" Elena asked after sipping from her cup of wine

"Hmm" Derek sighed

"Your husband sacrificed himself for me"


Elena stood up and said "I want to go meet the boys"


When elena got to the room, she suddenly shut the door and this startled both Alvana and Aster.

"We have to leave now" Elena said while packing."

"Mum what's wrong?" Aster asked

"I have this uneasy feeling about derek"

" If we leave now, he's going to suspect" alvana said.

Elena looked at alvana and asked " when do we leave?"

"We'll leave in 3 days".


A lady is seen walking along the royal garden and everywhere she passed, the servants would bow as it was a taboo to look directly at her face. This lady was the princess, the last child and the only daughter of Derek. She was so beautiful that men would always turn to look at her. She had the face of an Angel but sadly the heart of a devil. She has caused the death of many people and anytime the citizens complain, blood would flow. This led to the nickname, devil angel.

Behind the princess were two huge men, carrying a heavy box, while also ensuring that nothing would cause the princess to be angry.

The princess, with the two big men, continued walking till they got to a building.

The princess looked around before entering the building. Inside the building, the princess signalled to the two big men behind her to drop the box they were carrying.

"Open it!". The princess instructed

The men opened the box as the princess had commanded.

The people were stunned by what was in the box. It was a huge stone with blue glowing patterns around it and at the center was the glowing image of a dragon.

The princess stood up to gain the attention of the people in the building

"I need someone to crack this stone" the princess stated, but the people stepped back as no one wanted to have any to do with the devil angel.

The princess looked around and when she saw that no one wanted to help her, she stared at two huge men beside her and immediately

"Aaaaaah" a scream was heard and an arm fell on the floor. One of the huge men had chopped of the arm of a man.

The princess looked around again and said "I need someone to crack this stone"

"And why should we help you?" A man asked rudely and immediately a head rolled. The man was Beheaded by the princess.

"Any other question?" The princess asked while looking around

No one could raise their head to look at the princess, they were truly afraid and they cursed their luck.

"Since there's no other question, I'll repeat my self. I need someone to crack this ston now!".

Nobody answered. They couldn't disregard the princess neither did they have the courage to help the princes.

"I will help" a burly man stepped forward.

"But only on one condition"

The princess turned towards the man and smiled. Her smile was so terrifying that it gave the people chills, some couldn't stand it and dropped on their knees.

"So you will crack the stone Wii a condition attached to it, so what is this condition of yours?" The princess asked while given off a devilish aura.

The burly man was on the verge of collapsing, the pressure he was feeling from the princess was just too much that he wished he could just disappear from the spot.

"Yo.....yo...if I help you, you'll let them go" the man said, with little courage.

The princess looked up for a while as though thinking about the man's request and after what seemed like enternity she finally replied.


"Uh??, Okay??" The man was surprised by the short and simple answer from the princess.

"Yes okay. You got any problem with that?"

"No no no" the man answered fast

"Now lets start the business, and be fast with it" the princess gave the order.

The man quickly chose some men to be his assistants while he tried to crack the stone.

After three hours, a bright blue pearl with engravings of a dragon was placed in front of the princess

The princess smiled and thought "now the primal pearl is with me, I can finally summon the dark lord...."

The burly man dropped the blue pearl and said "ive done all what you asked for, your highness, now can you let us go"

The princess smiled at the man and said"sure".

The princess looked at the guards that follows her and ordered "you can let them go now"

The guards nodded and unsheathed their sword and in the next instance


Different heads rolled on the ground While the guards returned their sword into the sheath.

The burly man was shocked and before he could even say anything, the princess looked at him with a devilish smile

"Now it's your turn" the princess giggled

"Noooo!!! Please your highness, I'll do anything to want, I'll warm your bed, please!!" The man begged on his knees with tears.

The princess looked at the man disgustingly and said "you can't warm my bed for me, you don't have the strength to"

The man begged but the eventually he was Beheaded.

Apart from being wicked, the princess was also a lady that craved the touch of a man but no one had been able to satisfy her. 15 years ago when she was born, a curse was placed on her and this led to her wickedness and cravings for men's touch. The curse manifested on her 13th birthday and since then she had been left alone by her father, Derek and her family. In a span of two years, she had killed thousands of souls and slept with countless men. And the only way to break the curse was to meet a man who could satisfy her cravings


After the princess killed the burly man, she went back to her quarters in the palace.

On her way to her quarters she suddenly felt the aura of the blue pearl pulling towards a direction.