
He repeats the process with the second pouch, ensuring every grain of the precious powder is transferred into the water. The essence infuses the water completely, turning it into a powerful concoction.

Li Wei positions himself comfortably and begins to drink from the bucket. The essence-laden water flows into him, its potency magnified by the sheer volume he consumes. He feels the warm surge of energy almost immediately, a sensation that starts at his core and rapidly spreads through his body.

His eyes are closed as he focuses inward, directing the powerful current of energy flowing within him. His breathing deepens, becoming a rhythmic anchor amidst the storm of essence coursing through his pathways.

The energy from the two pouches of essence builds within him, a mounting pressure against the threshold of his current level. Li Wei remains motionless, save for his chest's steady rise and fall with each breath. His concentration is absolute, focused on harnessing and directing this immense power.

As he continues to drink the essence-infused water, the energy within him approaches a critical point. The barrier of his current level trembles under the onslaught of the essence's power, the breakthrough to the 8th level imminent and inevitable.

Li Wei braces for the transformative process, prepared to shed the remnants of his former level and embrace the new power awaiting him. Fueled by the essence, his journey through the night marks another step in his pursuit of cultivation.

Li Wei is immersed in the cultivation process in the confines of his cave. The only sound is the steady cadence of his breathing; each inhalation and exhalation synchronised with the flow of Qi within his body. Hours drift unnoticed, the passage of time marked only by the subtle changes in the energy that courses through him.

The essence he consumed earlier continues its work, a potent force that drives him ever closer to a significant milestone in his cultivation journey. With its muted echoes and stoic walls, the cave provides a secluded haven where Li Wei can focus entirely on the task without distraction.

As the process intensifies, Li Wei begins to feel an unmistakable surge within him. It's a sensation that heralds a significant change, a prelude to a breakthrough. He recognises the signs and prepares himself for what is to come.

Li Wei removes his clothes, aware that the next phase of his breakthrough could be messy and physically demanding. Stripped bare, he sits cross-legged on the ground, his body exposed to the cool air of the cave. His skin prickles in response, but his focus remains unshaken.

The night outside deepens, casting the cave into deeper shadows, but Li Wei is unaware of his surroundings. His entire being is centred on the internal struggle, the battle to push through the barriers of his current cultivation level.

He feels the barriers of the 7th level starting to weaken, the 8th level tantalisingly close with its promise of greater power and deeper understanding of Qi. His body begins to respond to this imminent change. It's a process he's familiar with, yet each breakthrough brings unique challenges.

The energy within him builds to a crescendo, a swirling vortex that demands release. Li Wei's muscles tense, his jaw clenches, and beads of sweat form on his brow. He channels all his willpower into guiding this force, steering it towards breaking the invisible threshold that separates him from the next level of his cultivation.

The transformation is intense, a physical and spiritual trial that tests the limits of his endurance and skill. Li Wei's breath becomes ragged, his body trembling under the strain. He pushes through the discomfort, his mind singularly focused on the goal.

Black, stinky fluid begins to exude from his pores. The fluid flows more profusely than ever before, dripping onto the cave floor and forming a small puddle. The smell is pungent, filling the air with an acrid odour.

Despite the discomfort, Li Wei remains focused on his cultivation. The release of the fluid signifies the shedding of impurities. He endures, his mind fixed on the breakthrough.

Finally, as the first light of dawn begins to seep into the cave, the process completes. Li Wei opens his eyes, feeling a newfound strength within him. He has reached the 8th level. The sensation is exhilarating, a mix of relief and triumph.

But the state of his surroundings quickly brings him back to reality. The stench in the cave is overwhelming, the puddle of black fluid a stark reminder of the night's ordeal. Li Wei stands up, his legs stiff but strong, and picks up a soap bar.

He walks out of the cave, heading towards the nearby stream. The cool morning air feels refreshing against his skin, tainted with the residue of his cultivation. Reaching the stream, Li Wei steps into the cool water. He begins to wash himself, scrubbing away the black fluid. The soap lathers in his hands, its scent a welcome relief from the stench.

As Li Wei stands in the stream, the cool water flowing around him, washing away the remnants of his cultivation, his thoughts turn inward. "The 8th level of cultivation," he reflects, "a significant milestone indeed." He feels a sense of achievement, a recognition of his power.

"This brings me closer to the foundational establishment," he thinks, the water cleansing not just his body but also providing a moment of clarity. "But first, there's the matter of Xue Feng."

He watches as the dark fluid, a physical manifestation of his recent breakthrough, is swept away by the gentle current of the stream.

The morning light spills into the cave as Li Wei returns. The soft glow of dawn illuminates the rugged interior, casting long, muted shadows against the walls. He steps inside, the familiarity of the space enveloping him. The air is cool and still, undisturbed by his entrance.

The early morning stillness of the cave enveloped him. He moves with purpose, each action deliberate and calculated. Today is not like any other day; it requires precision and caution.

Li Wei sits motionless, his eyes closed in concentration. The breakthrough to the 8th level has left his Qi fluctuating, powerful and unruly like a stormy sea. He focuses, guiding this raw energy, coaxing it back into its familiar pathways. The process is meticulous, requiring a delicate balance between control and patience.

Around him, the cave is silent, the only sound being the subtle movement of his breath. Time seems to stretch, each minute lingering as he stabilises the newly expanded reservoir of Qi within him. The dawn light slowly brightens the cave, casting long shadows on the walls.

A single thought echoes with urgency in his mind: "It has to be now. I have to kill Xue Feng now, or Senior Huo will kill me. I don't have a day to spare." This mantra repeats, reinforcing his resolve, even as he calms the tempest of energy.

Gradually, the wild surge of Qi begins to settle. He feels it flowing more controlled, aligning with his meridians, filling him with a sense of newfound strength. Yet, there's no time to relish this power. The weight of his task presses heavily on him.

He opens his eyes, a new clarity in his gaze. The Qi within him has reached a stable state, no longer the turbulent force it was moments ago. He knows he's ready to proceed. Standing up, he feels the strength in his limbs, the power coursing through him, directly contrasting with the calm demeanour he projects.

He reaches for his robe, draped neatly at the foot of his sleeping area. The fabric is coarse, yet it provides the necessary concealment for what he carries. Within its folds, he places two daggers. Unadorned and purely functional blades slide effortlessly into pockets sewn into the lining. Their presence is almost undetectable.

As he secures the robe around him, his hands brush against the small pouches containing his remaining pills. He checks them one last time, ensuring they are secure and within easy reach.

Li Wei steps towards the cave entrance. The early morning air greets him, cool and fresh, a stark contrast to the stale air of the cave. He breathes in deeply, allowing the chill to sharpen his senses.

As he steps out into the open, the quiet of the sect surrounds him. Most of its inhabitants are still asleep, oblivious to the actions he is about to undertake. He looks around, his eyes taking in the stillness of the dawn. The world is peaceful, a tranquillity he is about to disrupt.

Li Wei steps out from his cave on the north slope, embarking on a path he frequently treads when descending the mountain. The familiar route, often taken for various tasks within the sect, weaves through the high-altitude terrain where vegetation is sparse. Here, trees are rare, replaced by hardy shrubs and grasses that cling to life in the thin, cool air.

As he travels through the dimly lit paths of the sect, his mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and strategies. "Early morning," he muses internally, "when the mind is still clouded with sleep, and reactions are slow. That's the opportune time to strike."

He navigates the familiar terrain . The faint light of dawn casts long shadows, providing cover as he moves towards his destination. He is like a shadow himself, unseen and unnoticed, a solitary figure on a critical mission.

"The element of surprise is on my side," Li Wei thinks, his eyes scanning his surroundings with a predator's focus. "Strike swiftly, strike silently. Leave no room for retaliation."

The landscape around him is rugged, unyielding, and imposing. Rocks and boulders are scattered haphazardly, a testament to the mountain's ancient and turbulent history. The path, carved into the side of the mountain, is narrow and rocky, requiring careful navigation.

As Li Wei descends, he reaches a junction where he typically continues straight down. However, today's journey requires a different route. He takes a less familiar path that veers away from his usual descent and begins to wrap around the mountain's massive bulk.

This new path introduces a gradual but noticeable change in elevation. It slopes upwards, steadily gaining height, and Li Wei feels the incline challenge his muscles more with each step. As he ascends, the air grows thinner and cooler, a reminder of the mountain's formidable height.

He navigates the winding path, which at times becomes steep and treacherous. Small pebbles skitter down the slope with his steps, the only sound in the quiet expanse. The higher elevation offers a panoramic view of the sprawling landscape below, where valleys and distant peaks come into view, a mosaic of nature's grand design.