Less Potent

Li Wei awakens in his cave, the early light filtering through the entrance. He stretches slowly, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from the previous day's exertions.

Li Wei settles down in the relative safety of his cave, his body easing into the familiar contours of his sparse bedding. The stillness around him starkly contrasts the constant motion of his recent days. "Just lay low," he murmurs to himself, the words barely audible in the quiet of the cave.

His eyes drift across the dimly lit interior. The paranoid thought niggles at his mind, the ever-present awareness that danger could be lurking just outside his door. "Can't let my guard down, not even here. "

"Being seen could spell trouble," he reasons, "Best to stay hidden, at least for now." Though seemingly an indulgence, this day of rest is as much a strategic choice as any of his calculated moves.

Lying back down, he closes his eyes, letting his mind drift. The cave provides a serene environment with its cool air and dim light. He relishes this moment of calm; such moments have been rare.

After a while, he stirs. Opening his eyes, he pushes himself up from the bedding. He moves slowly, deliberately, feeling the cave's cool air against his skin. Standing, he takes a moment, then steps towards the cave's centre.

In the heart of the cave, Li Wei sits cross-legged, a pouch of essence in his hands. He opens it gently, the fine powder within catching the dim light. With precision, he tips a measured amount into his cup of water. The essence and liquid meld seamlessly, the water's surface shimmering subtly. Li Wei raises the cup. He consumes the essence-infused liquid in a single, steady gulp. A familiar warmth begins to spread from his core, a sensation of burgeoning energy, yet subtly different from before.

Closing his eyes, Li Wei focuses inward, tuning into the energy flow within him. His breathing is calm, each inhale and exhale synchronised with the essence's power. The energy travels through his pathways, a once overwhelming force now a more tiny stream. While still enhancing his inner strength, the sensation feels markedly less potent than in his earlier days of cultivation.

After a moment of stillness, Li Wei reaches for the second pouch. He repeats the process, adding another portion of the fine powder to his water. The mixture takes on a slightly deeper hue. Drinking again, the warmth inside him intensifies, yet the anticipated power surge is more of a steady crawl. The energy courses through him, and the progression is slow, almost laborious.

The session concludes with Li Wei opening his eyes. The cave around him remains unchanged, the dim light casting long, unmoving shadows. But within Li Wei, there is a newfound understanding.

"This used to be enough for some advancement at least." Once, a single pouch meant substantial progress. 

"Hundreds of pouches," he thinks. "That's what it'll take now."

This new reality settles in. Once a quick path to advancement, the essence now represents a gradual, laborious journey. Li Wei sits, processing this change. Once a place of progress, the cave now feels like a reminder of his new challenge.

As he sits there, consumed in his cultivation practice, time seems to lose its meaning. The only reality is the flow of energy within him, a testament to his dedication.

Li Wei continues cultivating in the cave, deliberate movement and breathing a measured rhythm. He consumes another pouch of essence, hoping for a surge in his Qi. Progress is minimal. Frustration mounts within him, a silent storm brewing against the slow pace of advancement.

The cave, his constant companion, watches silently as Li Wei cultivates. The world outside the cave fades away, leaving only the cultivator and his unyielding quest for advancement.

He pauses, his senses heightened. There's a faint sound, a disruption in the cave's stillness. "Who could that be?" he thinks sharply, irritation washing over him. The cave, his sanctuary for cultivation, is now a place of unexpected intrusion.

Li Wei's muscles tense, ready for confrontation. The footsteps grow nearer, cautious yet steady. Li Wei positions himself, every fibre of his being on alert.

"Senior brother," a voice calls out, cutting through the tension. The voice is familiar, unmistakably that of Jai Long. Li Wei's posture relaxes. Jai Long's presence in the cave is expected.

Li Wei gets up to greet Jai Long at the cave entrance. Jai Long's expression is earnest, a mix of respect and a hint of unease. He approaches Li Wei and extends a scroll towards him. "Senior brother," Jai Long starts, "I've brought what you wanted." He pauses, then adds, "A technique called Bone Spire."

Li Wei takes the manual, his eyes scanning over Jai Long. "Is it good?" he asks, his tone direct.

Jai Long shifts uncomfortably, looking slightly embarrassed. "Um, I don't actually know, senior. I've never seen it before." He hesitates, then continues, "I got it off a level 9 Qi cultivator, though, so it's bound to be good."

Li Wei's gaze remains fixed on Jai Long. "And in exchange?" he inquires, his voice steady.

Jai Long responds, "30 pills, senior."

Li Wei counters immediately, "20."

"Um, sorry, there is no haggling with these prices," Jai Long states, his voice carrying a trace of apology. He shifts his weight slightly, the unease in his stance reflecting the conflict in his words.

"The other senior quoted this price; it is final," he continues, his voice steadier now but still tinged with reluctance. "If I accept less, I will offend him."

Li Wei responds to Jai Long, "OK, wait here." He turns and heads deeper into his cave, towards a desk. There, he empties the contents of his robe – a collection of pills, gold and the talisman. He counts 23 regular ones, 14 blood-stained ones acquired from Xue Feng and 20 gold coins. 

Li Wei examines his resources, a calculating look in his eyes. "I don't have enough," he concludes, a hint of frustration lining his thought. His gaze drifts to the blood-stained pills. Despite their marred appearance, he sees their potential value. "I'm not selling these," he decides firmly. The possibility that among them lies a higher-quality pill, obscured by the blood stains, holds his attention.

He weighs his options, a mental balancing act. "I'll either have to make more or barter," he muses. The options present different challenges and opportunities, each requiring careful consideration.

The dilemma is tangible in his thoughts. Negotiating with Jai Long is necessary, yet he's reluctant to part with the pills that might hold more value than they appear. 

Li Wei returns to Jai Long at the cave entrance and hands over 23 pills. 

"Jai Long, I need you to front me seven more pills," Li Wei says, his tone even.

Jai Long's face pales instantly. "Senior, I thought you had the pills," he replies, his voice tinged with worry.

"Relax, relax," Li Wei responds, trying to ease the tension. "I just need to ask my master. I haven't visited him in a while."

Despite this reassurance, Jai Long remains apprehensive. "Still, senior, I can't do that," he insists.

Li Wei, remaining calm, attempts to persuade him. "Come on, we're old friends. Return at the end of the day, and I'll have ten pills for you. Seven for the debt, and three as a thank you for helping me out."

Jai Long hesitates, clearly torn. 

"Jai Long, this will be the last time I ask kindly. Seven pills mean nothing to me," Li Wei says firmly, his gaze steady. "Come collect them at the end of the day." His voice conveys a mix of authority and finality, leaving little room for argument.

After a moment, he slowly hands the manual to Li Wei, his actions betraying his reluctance. 

Jai Long leaves the cave, his steps heavy, reflecting his downcast mood. Li Wei watches him go, his expression unchanged, indifferent to Jai Long's distress. 

Jai Long's steps echo heavy and slow as he leaves the cave. Li Wei watches silently, his face showing no reaction to Jai Long's evident distress.

Turning away from the entrance, Li Wei's gaze falls on the manual on his table. "Ah well, I needed to make pills anyway," he thinks. "The mortal essence is practically useless to me now anyway."

He sets the manual aside, a decision made without outward deliberation. His next actions are precise and focus on what needs to be done. 

"I have to pay for it," he reminds himself, his reputation within the sect surfacing in his thoughts. "Can't be known as a freeloader or a thief."

Li Wei makes his way to the cave's rear. Kneeling, he unearths the hidden sack, meticulously digging through soil and moss. The heavy sack emerges, brimming with purified bone ash. He unties it, the sack's mouth opening to reveal the ash, glowing faintly in the cave's dimness.

Li Wei begins his arduous task in the quietude of the cave. Opening the sack, he carefully pours all the bone essence into the mortar, forming a fine, powdery mound. With precision, he adds water, mixing thoroughly after each addition. He seeks a particular consistency – a balance that is neither overly moist nor excessively dry.

Once the mixture achieves the right texture, Li Wei, with practised fingers, scoops a small amount and transfers it onto the pill-rolling board. He then uses a gentle, circular motion on the concave surface of the board, rolling the mixture into a small, spherical pill. His movements are deliberate and steady, a testament to his focus on creating uniform pills in both size and shape.

He continues this meticulous process – scooping, placing, and rolling. His movements become more efficient, a dance of precision and patience as he does so. He pauses only to check the consistency of the mixture, adding a drop more water if it begins to dry out.

After several hours, a quarter of the essence from the pouch is transformed into a collection of neatly crafted pills. Li Wei stores these carefully in the old sack and then proceeds to the next one, replicating the process with unwavering concentration.

The process is slow and repetitive. Converting the essence into pills is a task that demands both skill and patience. Li Wei watches his cache of essence diminish as he works, and the number of pills grows. He meticulously fills each pouch, ensuring the pills are snugly packed without risking damage.

With the pouches filled, Li Wei addresses the surplus pills. He picks up the muddy sack previously used in the pill-making process. "This will have to do, as temporary storage," he decides, carefully placing the extra pills into the sack.

After several hours, the task is complete. Li Wei has successfully converted his entire cache of essence into pills – 238. He tidies up, storing away the pill-rolling board and the mortar. 

With the new manual, Li Wei feels a renewed sense of purpose. He starts organising his belongings, preparing for what lies ahead. He gathers his essentials, ensuring everything is in order. There's a sense of urgency in his actions, a recognition that he needs to be ready for any eventuality.