Is This Bitch Going To Attack?

Dao Feng nods, then leans in slightly, lowering his voice as if to share a secret. "Speaking of which, I have a technique that might be of use to you."

Lin Yue, overhearing the conversation, interjects with a scoff. "What the fuck, you're not serious, are you? We're now giving handouts to the bumpkin?"

Dao Feng shoots Lin Yue a sharp look, his irritation clear. "Shut the fuck up; this has nothing to do with you."

Turning his attention back to Li Wei, Dao Feng's expression softens. "The technique might help you control your servant," he offers, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "It's subtle yet effective, ensuring loyalty and obedience without the need for constant oversight."

Li Wei's interest piques, his gaze fixed on Dao Feng, recognising the potential value of such a technique. The promise of a method to ensure the boy's loyalty with minimal effort could prove invaluable on their journey.

Li Wei intrigued yet cautious, responds with a measured tone, "That's very kind of you, but I'm wary of receiving anything for free." His statement hangs between them, acknowledging the offer's value tempered by the understanding that few things come without a price.

"True, true," Dao Feng concedes with a nod, the faintest hint of a smile playing at his lips. "I only ask that you help out when the time comes." His request, vague yet laden with implications, suggests a mutual understanding, a trade of favours now for assistance later.

Lin Yue, unable to contain her disbelief, interjects sharply, "What the fuck do we need this bum's help for?"

Li Wei, his attention still on Dao Feng, raises an eyebrow at Lin Yue's outburst but chooses to address the more pressing concern. "I must agree on this occasion," he says, turning back to Dao Feng. "What could possibly threaten you in a mortal kingdom, with or without my help? Aren't you being overly cautious?" His question, laced with genuine curiosity, seeks to peel back the layers of Dao Feng's cautious stance. 

Li Wei, still focusing on Dao Feng, can't help but notice Lin Yue's reaction from the corner of his eye. Her surprise at his alignment with her viewpoint is evident, her face a mix of confusion and a hint of respect as if the possibility of agreement from Li Wei was a scenario she hadn't entertained. It's a momentary lapse in her usually composed demeanour, revealing a crack in her facade of disdain.

As Li Wei's challenge hangs in the air, questioning the need for such caution in a realm presumably beneath their concern, Dao Feng's response is enlightening and sobering. "Once again, Brother Li, your understanding of these dynamics falls short," Dao Feng replies with a calm that belies the depth of his insight. His explanation paints the mortal kingdoms not as the passive backdrops Li Wei imagined but as active chess boards for the sects' power plays.

"The mortal kingdoms are not as stable as they appear," Dao Feng continues, his voice steady, drawing Li Wei into a deeper understanding of the political undercurrents at play. "They are battlegrounds for the sects, territories to be won and lost." His words unfold the complex tapestry of alliances and enmities that define the sects' interactions with these kingdoms. In this realm, the ascension of one sect's influence directly challenges another's.

"Changes in power are frequent, and the ascension of one sect often invites retribution from another. Stability is a delicate balance, easily disturbed." This revelation shifts Li Wei's perception, the notion of these kingdoms as mere backdrops to their mission dissolving into the reality of a dynamic and volatile landscape where every action and alliance can have far-reaching consequences.

Dao Feng's explanation gently reprimands Li Wei's simplistic view.

Li Wei absorbs Dao Feng's words, the advice-giving him pause. The world of sects and their politics is vast and intricate, far beyond the simple dichotomy of Bone ash sects' internal politics.

Dao Feng reaches into his sack, retrieving a small, worn manual. He hands it to Li Wei with a nonchalant gesture."Here, try it out on animals to get the hang of it. But," he adds, locking eyes with Li Wei, "give it back after you've studied it. It was a gift from my master." The weight of the manual in Li Wei's hands feels suddenly heavier with this revelation. "Remember, you're on the hook now. If I ask for help, you'll lend it."

Taken aback by the casual imposition of such a significant debt, Li Wei nods slowly. "Sure, no problem. Many thanks, Brother Dao," he replies, the formality of his words betraying his surprise at the turn of events. He slips the manual into his sack, already contemplating its contents.

Following the exchange with a mix of interest and disdain, Lin Yue scoffs audibly at Dao Feng's offer and Li Wei's acceptance. Rolling her eyes, she turns her attention away, busying herself with her belongings. Her movements are sharp, punctuated by a huff of irritation. It's clear she disapproves of Dao Feng's favouritism towards Li Wei, feeling perhaps slighted or concerned about the implications of such an exchange.

Seeing Lin Yue's reaction, Dao Feng smirks, unbothered by her disapproval. "Don't worry, Lin Yue," he teases, "I haven't forgotten about you. Who else would keep me entertained with constant complaints?"

Lin Yue shoots Dao Feng a glare but doesn't bite, focusing instead on rearranging her space for the night and her back to the group. 

Holding the manual in his hands, Li Wei couldn't help but be taken aback by Dao Feng's casual attitude towards a technique of such harsh potential. It wasn't the cruelty of the technique itself that struck Li Wei—after all, the cultivation world was no stranger to harsh methods—it was Dao Feng's blatant disregard for the boy's presence during the discussion. The boy, merely a few steps away, could be the subject of this technique, yet Dao Feng spoke of it as if discussing the weather, an indifference that highlighted a ruthless pragmatism Li Wei found startling.

With a deep sense of unease settling within him, Li Wei slides the manual into his sack, his decision to pore over its contents the next day tinged with apprehension about the ethical implications of its use. In the presence of those it might harm, the casual discussion of such a potent and potentially harmful technique leaves him wrestling with questions of right and wrong, of power and its responsible use.

Later, as he lies down on his linen, the warmth of the nearby fire a small comfort against the night's chill, Li Wei allows the evening events to fade into the background. The fire's glow ebbs away, and the campsite quiets as sleep begins to claim him, the moral quandaries momentarily set aside.

The next morning, Li Wei's awakening is anything but gentle. Lin Yue's voice cuts through the haze of sleep with her usual blend of scorn. "Morning ugly, get up time to go," she snaps, greeting as abrasive as ever.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Li Wei's response is sharp, a retort that mirrors the harshness of her wake-up call. "Ugh, whoever marries you and has to wake up to your face, I pity," he shoots back, the words out before he can weigh their impact.

Lin Yue's scowl in response is immediate, her expression darkening at the insult.

Li Wei observes Lin Yue's scowl deepen, her brows knitting together as if weighing her next move. He wonders momentarily, "Is this bitch going to attack? Did my retort cross a line?" The tension between them crackles, unseen but palpable.

Just then, Lu Huan approaches, breaking the silent standoff. "Master, everything is ready save for your bedding," he announces, his voice a cautious intrusion into the charged atmosphere.

"Good, good," Li Wei responds, rising but keeping his gaze locked on Lin Yue, alert to sudden movements. Lin Yue remains still as the boy gathers the linen, her posture suggesting she might spring into action at any moment. Yet, she holds back, her anger simmering but not boiling over.

Li Wei's mind races, "Perhaps she's reconsidering, deterred by my watchful eye." 

The air between Li Wei and Lin Yue, charged with silent confrontation, vibrates with tension. Each glance and breath seems loaded with unvoiced threats and challenges, an invisible battle waged within the tent's confines. This electric standoff continues unabated, a delicate balance of wills, until the fabric of the tent flutters with Dao Feng's entrance. His arrival, sudden and unannounced, acts like a stone dropped into still water, rippling through the atmosphere and altering the current of energies between Li Wei and Lin Yue. The dynamics shift palpably, the tension diffusing as if his presence brings a new gravity to space, pulling them away from their silent clash.

"Are we all ready?" Dao Feng asks, his presence a grounding force. Lin Yue's attention shifts from Li Wei to Dao Feng, her earlier aggression deflating under the question's weight. Sensing the moment of potential conflict passing, Li Wei turns his focus to Dao Feng, nodding in affirmation.

As Li Wei, Dao Feng, and Lin Yue emerge from the tent, the crisp morning air offers a brief respite from the charged atmosphere they've left behind. The campsite, alive with the day's first light, is a hive of activity. Servants move with purpose, their tasks orchestrated to dismantle the camp swiftly.

Lu Huan, Li Wei's servant, is knee-deep in his own set of duties. With meticulous attention, he sorts through the belongings outside the tent, organising items with a methodical precision that belies his youth. He focuses on ensuring that nothing is left behind, from the smallest utensil to Li Wei's personal effects, which are handled with care. Every fold of linen and placement of gear is done with consideration for the journey ahead.

Nearby, Dao Feng and Lin Yue's servants coordinate their efforts to collapse the tent. Their actions are synchronised, born of routine; one holds the fabric taut while the other expertly rolls it, ensuring no crease or wrinkle mars its surface. They work in silence; the only sounds are the soft rustling of canvas and the occasional clink of metal from the tent poles being disassembled and packed away.

The efficiency with which the campsite is being dismantled speaks volumes about the discipline the servants have undergone. Each knows their role and executes it proficiently, making the complex task seem almost effortless.

Li Wei watches momentarily, appreciating their temporary home's orchestrated dismantling. He notes Lu Huan's diligent efforts and the boy's determination to perform his duties well.

In his mind, Li Wei muses, "The influence of the other two servants must be weighing on him. He's pushing himself hard, trying to meet a bar they've likely set, not just in skill but in the expectation of service." The thought lingers.

This silent observation leads Li Wei down a path of contemplation. "Perhaps the others have spoken to him," he considers internally.

As the last of the tent is folded and stowed, the area that had been their shelter and meeting place is returned to its natural state, leaving barely a trace of their presence. The efficiency of the pack-up reflects the transient nature of their journey, a reminder that their path is ever forward, with each stop merely a pause in the grander scheme of their mission.

In this moment of transition, the air between Li Wei and Lin Yue cools, the earlier heat of their exchange dissipating under the open sky and the tasks at hand.