
Li Wei wakes groggy, his body heavy, mind foggy. It feels as if he hasn't slept at all. The dim light filtering through the paper screens does little to lift the oppressive sense of fatigue.

"Master, the others are waiting for you in the other room," Lu Huan says softly from the doorway.

Li Wei grunts in response, pulling himself upright. He rubs his face, trying to shake off the lingering weariness. He moves to the basin, splashing cold water on his face. The shock helps clear some of the fog.

He dresses methodically, ensuring every piece of his attire is perfectly in place. His hands move with efficiency, tightening sashes, adjusting collars. He pauses, looking at his reflection, trying to muster the energy for the day ahead.

With a final breath, he steps out of his quarters and walks through the quiet corridors. The wooden floors creak under his feet, the sound echoing softly. He reaches the room, the large wooden doors standing closed.

He pushes the doors open and enters. The others are seated around a low table, scrolls and maps spread out before them. They look up as he enters. Li Wei takes his place at the head of the table, eyes sharp despite the lingering fatigue.

Li Wei sits at the head of the table, trying to focus. Dao Feng looks at him with a questioning gaze. "How was last night? Find any troublesome mortals?"

Li Wei shakes his head. "Just went out for the fresh air. Couldn't be bothered to look too hard."

Dao Feng frowns. "Keep in mind, you're not invulnerable to mortals. If enough come, it won't be good, especially before reaching foundational establishment."

Li Wei nods absently. Across the table, Lin Yue sits, looking bored and spoiled, clearly uninterested in the conversation.

Dao Feng then looks back at Li Wei. "We were just looking at the layout of the city. We'll act together when we're inside, so nothing can get close to us."

Lin Yue, still looking bored, fidgets with a strand of her hair. "What exactly are we planning in Xianyang?"

Li Wei leans forward, addressing Dao Feng. "What's the plan for taking over the city?"

Dao Feng nods, laying out the strategy. "The plan should be relatively easy as long as no other sect's disciples show up. Since the Bone Ash Sect knows about the free city, other sects will likely know as well. Our best chance is to remain undetected, take the city secretly. If another sect intervenes, we'll have the upper hand due to surprise. Alternatively, we could hide and wait for the right moment."

Li Wei nods slightly, keeping his thoughts to himself.

Dao Feng continues, "We only have a short amount of time. What do you think, Lin Yue?"

Lin Yue looks up, disinterested. "As long as I'm not in danger, I don't care. I'm looking forward to having mortals wait on me hand and foot."

Li Wei's eyes narrow slightly, but he remains silent.

Dao Feng senses the tension. "Let's stay focused. We move quietly and quickly. Any complications, we adapt and overcome."

Li Wei gives a curt nod, his mind already working through the details of the plan. Lin Yue sighs, clearly bored.

Li Wei stands up from the table, excusing himself with a brief nod. He leaves the Xuanwu room and walks back to his quarters. The wooden floors creak softly under his steps, the silence of the corridors calming his racing thoughts.

Entering his room, he finds Lu Huan waiting. "Need anything, master?"

"Fuck off. Sit in silence," Li Wei snaps, his frustration evident. Lu Huan quickly complies, sitting quietly in the corner.

Li Wei paces the room, his frustration growing. He has been stuck at the 8th level of cultivation for too long. The constant travelling has hampered his progress, leaving him feeling stagnant and powerless. He clenches his fists, anger boiling inside him.

Li Wei spends the evening consuming as many cultivation pills as possible. The progress is agonisingly slow. He sits cross-legged on the floor, focusing his energy inward, feeling each pill's effects but not the breakthrough he desperately needs.

He laments the loss of access to Bone Fire, a resource that had significantly boosted his cultivation in the past. Without it, each step forward feels harder and more taxing. The frustration of stagnation gnaws at him, a constant reminder of the obstacles he faces.

Li Wei looks through the rest of the bloodied pills, some already consumed during the journey. A grade one pill still evades him. He examines the pills closely, hesitant to wash the blood off, fearing it might dissolve and damage them. The quality of the pills is uncertain, and risking their integrity is not something he is willing to do. Frustration builds as he contemplates his limited options, knowing that each decision could impact his progress. 

Li Wei sits cross-legged on the floor. The first pill he selects is small and blood-streaked. He swallows it, feeling its rough texture as it goes down. He waits, his breathing steady, his mind focused on sensing any change within his body. Minutes pass, stretching into an hour. The energy remains faint, barely noticeable. Frustration simmers, but he remains composed.

He reaches for the second pill, inspecting it closely. It is slightly larger, its surface covered in dried blood. He swallows it, closing his eyes and focusing inward. A moment later, a powerful surge of energy floods his body, intense and overwhelming. His muscles tense, and his mind sharpens. The energy pulses through him, breaking through the barrier that had held him at the 8th level. He feels a shift, a sudden expansion of his inner power.

His body reacts violently. Black impurities begin to ooze from his skin, a foul-smelling sludge that drips onto the floor. The process is painful, his muscles contracting and relaxing uncontrollably. He grits his teeth, enduring the discomfort as his body purges itself of toxins.

Lu Huan, sitting nearby, notices the change and panics. "Master, what's happening?" he exclaims, his voice high-pitched and frantic.

"Shut up," Li Wei snaps, his voice strained but commanding. "Don't distract me."

Li Wei's focus intensifies. He feels the raw energy coursing through his meridians, threatening to overwhelm him. He directs the flow, guiding it through his body, stabilising it. The energy surges, filling him with a newfound strength. His skin continues to ooze black impurities, the smell pungent and overwhelming.

He breathes deeply, his mind locked on consolidating the breakthrough. The energy swirls within him, chaotic but powerful. He uses his will to tame it, channelling it into his core. Slowly, the chaos subsides, the energy settling into a steady rhythm. His body feels lighter, his mind clearer.

The process takes hours, each moment stretching into an eternity. Sweat drips from his forehead, mixing with the black sludge on the floor. His muscles ache, but he remains still, his focus unbroken. The breakthrough solidifies, the energy stabilising within him.

Finally, the flow of black impurities slows, then stops. Li Wei opens his eyes, his gaze sharp and intense. He feels a deep sense of satisfaction, the barrier to the 9th level shattered. He breathes deeply, the air filling his lungs with a sense of accomplishment.

Lu Huan, still sitting nearby, watches in awe and fear. "Master, are you alright?"

Li Wei, wiping the sweat from his brow. ""Go clean this up, bring me a change of clothes."

He stands, feeling the strength in his limbs, the clarity in his mind. The room is filled with the stench of impurities, but he ignores it, focusing instead on the sense of power within him. The journey has been long and arduous, but the reward is undeniable.

The boy leaves the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Li Wei remains seated, the faint scent of impurities still lingering in the air. He feels a rare sense of satisfaction wash over him. The breakthrough has finally come, and it is not a minor one. He has pushed a significant way into the 9th level of Qi Condensation.

Li Wei breathes deeply, feeling the newly invigorated energy coursing through his meridians. Each breath brings clarity and strength, a sharp contrast to the stagnation he felt before. Foundational Establishment now seems within his reach, no longer a distant goal but a tangible reality. The potential for further advancement fuels his determination.

He looks at the remaining pills scattered before him. The ungraded pills he has relied on for so long seem inadequate compared to the grade one pill that propelled him forward. The thought of years of effort condensed into this moment is both humbling and exhilarating. He understands that without this superior pill, he would still be struggling at the previous level, inching forward at a painfully slow pace.

Li Wei sits in silence, his eyes fixed on the remaining bloodied pills. He contemplates the fact that Xue Feng possessed a grade one pill. The possibility that Xue Feng had more of these valuable pills crosses his mind. His master must have cared for him greatly, unlike Senior Huo's indifference towards Li Wei.

The thought of Xue Feng's superior treatment stirs a mix of resentment and greed within him. He knows that the secret of Xue Feng's death must remain hidden. If others discovered he had killed Xue Feng, his own life would be in grave danger.

His gaze shifts to the bloodied pills once more. Perhaps there is another grade one pill among them. 

Li Wei sits in the middle of a circle of black impurities, the remnants of his breakthrough. The smell lingers, heavy in the air. He breathes slowly, letting his body relax. The door opens, and Lu Huan enters, immediately setting to work cleaning up the mess. Li Wei watches, feeling a sense of calm.

Once the room is clean, Li Wei stands and walks to the basin. He washes himself thoroughly, scrubbing away the grime and sweat. The cool water refreshes him, clearing his mind further. He dries off and changes into the new clothes that Lu Huan has brought. The fresh fabric feels comfortable against his skin.

Li Wei sits quietly, the aftermath of the breakthrough settling within him. He knows he needs to rest before consuming more pills. The grade one pills, powerful as they are, take a significant toll on his body. Each one brings pain and strain, a price for the surge of energy they provide.

He feels the newfound strength coursing through him. His cultivation has advanced significantly, making him stronger than Dao Feng and Lin Yue. The knowledge of his superior power is satisfying, but he understands the importance of caution. Revealing his true strength now would be foolish, drawing unwanted attention and possibly threats.

The room is quiet, the only sound is the soft rustling of Lu Huan cleaning up. Li Wei watches him for a moment, then turns his attention inward. He feels the energy within him, the steady pulse of his enhanced Qi. The power is intoxicating, but he knows the dangers of overreaching.

Rest is essential now. His body needs time to recover, to adjust to the new level of power. He closes his eyes, focusing on his breathing, each inhale and exhale bringing a sense of calm. The weariness from the intense cultivation seeps into his bones, reminding him of his limits.

He lies down on the mat, letting his body relax. The journey to foundational establishment is within reach, but it requires patience and prudence. He cannot afford to make mistakes, not when so much is at stake. The thought of surpassing Dao Feng and Lin Yue brings a slight smile to his lips, but he quickly suppresses it. Pride can be as dangerous as any external threat.