
After a moment of hesitation, Li Wei decides to speak. "Senior, what was something you wish you had known when you first became an inner disciple?"

Elder Guo raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by the question. "Hmph, asking me about the weather would have been just as useful," he replies dismissively. However, after a brief pause, he continues, "But if you must know, start by getting a proper meditation technique that complements your affinity. That'd be a good start, you fool."

Li Wei bows respectfully, feeling the sting of Elder Guo's sharp words. The elder's tone leaves no room for argument, and Li Wei knows better than to show any sign of dissent.

Elder Guo snorts, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips, as if amused by Li Wei's discomfort. "When I was an inner disciple, I used the Silent Void Art," he says, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "A proper meditation technique is what you need, something to clear that cluttered mind of yours."

Li Wei absorbs the elder's words, bowing again. "Thank you, Lord Guo. I will seek it out," he replies, his voice steady but respectful.

Elder Guo's expression shifts, his tone growing more serious. "And another thing," he adds, leaning forward slightly. "You'll be learning potioneering under Zhao Feng. Learn quickly. Don't make a fool of yourself."

The elder's gaze sharpens as he studies Li Wei closely, the weight of his scrutiny almost palpable. "In case you become a direct disciple, you will also have to assist with my experiments. Show competence, and it might be worth your while," Elder Guo says, his voice carrying a veiled warning.

Li Wei bows deeply, the prospect of working directly under Elder Guo both daunting and intriguing. "I will do my best, Lord Guo," he replies, the determination clear in his tone.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Elder Guo ends the conversation. "Good. Now go, and do not embarrass me," he commands.

Li Wei bows one final time before turning and exiting the cave. The atmosphere inside still hangs heavy with the elder's presence as Li Wei steps outside, the weight of the conversation pressing on his mind.

Li Wei returns to his cave on Mount Qiyun, the familiar surroundings offering a sense of solace amidst the uncertainty.

He sits cross-legged on the bedroll, the silence allowing his mind to wander. "The elder didn't say what was happening next, and I wasn't dumb enough to ask", he thinks, contemplating what is to happen now. 

The cave's entrance lets in a gentle breeze, carrying with it the scents of the mountain—fresh pine and damp earth. Li Wei breathes deeply, letting the tranquillity of the setting calm his racing thoughts.

He reflects on the elder's cryptic words and the expectations that now rest on him. The challenge of learning potioneering under Zhao Feng presents both risk and opportunity. The potential to assist Elder Guo with his experiments also weighs heavily on his mind, though he views it as a calculated risk rather than a burden.

The potential to assist Elder Guo with his experiments weighs on his mind. It is a double-edged sword—an opportunity for advancement, but also a task fraught with peril. Li Wei understands that failure in such a task could have dire consequences, but success might just be his ticket to securing a more stable position within the sect.

His thoughts shift to the Silent Void Art that Elder Guo mentioned in passing. "I need to find a way to obtain a technique like that," Li Wei considers, realising that a proper meditation technique could be crucial in stabilising his unstable foundation. Strengthening his meditation practices is not just a matter of improving his cultivation; it could be the key to surviving and thriving in the ruthless environment of the sect.

The next day arrives with a sharp interruption. Li Wei is startled awake by a commanding voice echoing into his cave. "Come out!" the voice demands, cutting through the morning calm. He quickly stands, brushing off the remnants of sleep as he prepares to face whatever awaits him. Stepping outside, he finds a disciple clad in red robes—a direct disciple, clearly marked by his attire—waiting for him. The disciple stands with a stern expression, a skeleton servant by his side holding various items. 

Li Wei understands that this disciple must be Zhao Feng, the one under whom he is to learn potioneering. Zhao Feng's expression is stern, his demeanour unyielding as he speaks. "Our master has bestowed upon you a storage pouch and inner disciple robes." His words are clipped, professional, with no hint of warmth. The skeleton servant extends its bony arms, offering the robe and pouch to Li Wei.

Without a word, Li Wei accepts the items, his face a mask of neutrality. Following the disciple, he tucks the robe under his arm, feeling the slight weight of the storage pouch in his hand. The path they take winds through familiar terrain, yet there's an underlying tension that sets his nerves on edge. They are heading towards the mountain that Li Wei had been taken to before.

As they draw closer to the looming peak, the atmosphere becomes heavier, charged with a palpable sense of foreboding. Zhao Feng continues, his tone clipped and matter-of-fact. "This is Mount Xinlun, Master Guo's peak." The path before them is steep, lined with jagged rocks and sparse vegetation.

His arm sweeps out, indicating the landscape before them. The mountain rises with a foreboding presence, its lower levels marked by a series of cave openings. 

"You are permitted to set up your residence on the lower levels," Zhao Feng continues, his voice devoid of any inflection that might suggest he cares where Li Wei chooses to reside. The disciple gestures towards the caves, a silent command to pick one.

Li Wei's gaze sweeps across the available options. He spots a cave at the far edge, isolated from the others. Its position offers the seclusion he desires, away from prying eyes and potential rivals. "I'll take that one," he says, his voice steady as he points towards the solitary cave.

Zhao Feng nods in acknowledgment, but his expression remains unreadable. 

They make their way to the chosen cave, the silence between them broken only by the crunch of gravel underfoot. Upon reaching the entrance, the skeleton slave shuffles forward, depositing Li Wei's new possessions inside with a clatter.

Li Wei steps into his new cave, the cool air greeting him as he takes in the surroundings. The space is larger than his previous residence, with smooth, unmarked walls that suggest it has been well-maintained. His eyes quickly scan the interior, noting that the cave is not as empty as he had expected. A bedroll lies neatly in one corner, alongside several apparatuses that hint at alchemical use. A small desk, flanked by a well-crafted chair, stands against the far wall, and a stack of books rests on a shelf nearby.

Li Wei frowns slightly. "I thought this was abandoned, Senior," he remarks, turning to the direct disciple beside him.

Zhao Feng, with a cold, indifferent expression, responds, "Well, now it is. This is what happens to those useless people who disappoint the elder. The grass has to be thinned every so often for new growth."

A pit forms in Li Wei's stomach at the implication. "So, perhaps Foundation Establishment isn't as safe as I once thought." The notion unsettles him; the idea that one could be cast aside so easily, even at his level, is a harsh reminder of the sect's ruthless nature.

Zhao Feng shrugs, his tone dismissive. "Well, whatever—all this stuff is yours now."

Li Wei's eyes linger on the items scattered around the cave. "Though it might be dangerous, all this stuff might actually be useful." He then turns his attention back to the direct disciple, who is rummaging through his storage pouch.

With a flick of his wrist, Zhao Feng tosses a large book toward Li Wei. "Here is the bone slave manual, your reward for achieving Foundation Establishment from the sect."

He barely gives Li Wei time to react before he pulls another book from his pouch. This one is even thicker, with a worn cover that suggests frequent use. "And learn this," the disciple commands, tossing it over as well. "This is the Compendium of Essential Elixirs—an introduction to basic elixirs, all materials included."

The direct disciple's tone leaves little room for questions or complaints.

Li Wei catches the books, feeling the weight of the knowledge they contain. The situation is clear: the sect expects him to grow stronger, to prove his worth—or face the same fate as the cave's previous occupant. The book lands heavily in Li Wei's hands, the weight of it a stark reminder of the challenges ahead. The cover is worn, a testament to its frequent use, yet it has been meticulously cared for. He opens it, and the pages reveal an intricate web of diagrams, instructions, and lists of ingredients. The names blur before his eyes—Crimson Sun Grass, Starlight Dew Petals, Azure Dragon's Breath, Moonshadow Moss. The complexity of it all is staggering.

"You'll pay for your materials yourself," Zhao Feng states bluntly, his tone devoid of any sympathy. His eyes betray a mix of boredom and mild annoyance. "Potioneering is difficult and costly. You'll need deep pockets."