Chapter 10: A Complicated Man

Dominique's POV

Griffin had been acting strangely ever since our kiss. I couldn't wait to see him, to thank him for giving me the opportunity to learn how to fight from a real warrior. Sam had already helped me get so much better at sparring, and I wanted to show Griffin what I had learned. But when I tried to tell him, he just nodded and walked away. At first I thought he was busy, or had a lot on his mind. But it had been several days now, and we hadn't spoken once.

"Collins, what's the deal with Griffin?" I asked him the morning of day four, over breakfast and pastries in the dining hall, "Is something going on that I don't know about?"

"Define 'going on', Ma'am," Collins replied with a quizzical smile, "There is today's pack meeting, of course. And I know that he's been keeping tabs on your sessions with Mr. Steele. Apart from that, there doesn't seem to be much happening. Were you wondering about something in particular?"