Dominique's POV
"What is it, Dominique," he barked in barely restrained fury, "I'm on my way somewhere. Can't this wait?" His face was an expressionless mask.
"No, it cannot," I replied firmly, "I need to speak with you, immediately."
If, once I explained the true situation, he still refused to talk to me, then that would be his decision to make. But I wasn't going to let him leave without at least attempting to tell him what was happening. And Alpha or not, he was going to listen to me.
"As you wish," he replied, grimly, unlocked a door, and gestured for me to go in.
It appeared to be a small sitting room that I hadn't noticed on any of my previous trips in the wing. The floors were burnished hardwood, and two leather armchairs sat opposite each other, across from the small fireplace. The view from the room's window was stunning, overlooking a lush apple orchard in the back of the property. Griffin opened the window, allowing the crisp autumn air to flow into the space.