Chapter 17: That Nasty Proposal Business

Dominique's POV

Sebastian and I spent the better part of the day together. It had been so long since I'd seen him, it was wonderful to catch up. Once we'd gotten that nasty proposal business out of the way, it was as if we had never been separated. Sebastian was like a brother to me, and really the closest thing I had to family now. I was excited for Griffin to get to know him. The odd thing was, Griffin was nowhere to be found. As the sky turned to lavender twilight, I realized that we had better get back to the house and figure out where everyone had gone.

"Collins, there you are," I exclaimed as we came through the front door, "I've been looking all over for you! I'd like you to meet my friend Sebastian! We grew up together, and he's come for a visit." I was surprised to see Collins stiffen in response. It was unlike him. Collins had been so friendly and welcoming to me from the moment I'd walked through the door.