Chapter 21: The Big Bad Wolf

Dominique's POV

I knew that I'd been near death. I hadn't had a vision, there had been no white light or angelic visitations, but I could actually feel my body shutting down. I heard voices from time to time. Sometimes I thought I heard Griffin, and the voice of a woman I didn't recognize. I could have sworn I smelled Collins's aftershave at one point. The light pressure of a hand holding mine from time to time. But it was as if I was underwater. I tried to swim to consciousness, but each time was dragged down by forces more powerful than me.

Then suddenly, for no reason I could really pinpoint, I was awake, and gasping for air. Bright lights surrounded me, and I shielded my eyes from the glare. My heart pounded, and it was as if my entire body was filled with some type of energy. I struggled to find my bearings, and heard shouting.