Chapter 22: Begging to Be Freed

Dominique's POV

It took a few days, but I had finally started to feel like myself again. I could walk for longer than a few minutes at a time, and my appetite had returned to nearly normal. The black strands of poison scarring my arms had faded to narrow lines, but hadn't entirely disappeared. The doctor warned me that they might never go away entirely, but I didn't care. I was alive, and I was with the man I loved. I had everything I needed.

It was almost Halloween, and Griffin was helping me decorate the estate for the holiday. We had waited until after dark to make our preparations. The idea was to surprise the children the next morning with silly ghosts and ghouls. At first he'd grumbled about pack business he had to take care of, but I could tell that he wasn't serious. In fact, once we got started, I think he was actually more enthusiastic about it than I was.