Chapter 11


I haven't slept all night. I'm afraid if I do, what happened will have all been a dream. Instead, I've stared at her since she fell asleep. My arms tighten around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I don't know what this day will bring us, but I know I want to spend as much of it with her as I can.

Inhaling deeply, she melts closer. "Was last night a dream?"

"Funny, I wondered the same thing," I drop a kiss to her neck. "Any chance we can have a round two before we get started on whatever it is we have to do today?"

"So much," she answers with a yawn.

"We need to go start our vehicles, just to make sure the batteries haven't died," I remind her. "It'll do us some good to go outside too."

She groans. "You're right, that's the responsible thing to do."

We get up and get dressed. She puts on a red lip-stain, shrugging when I make a comment about it.

"I always like to look slightly put together, no matter what it is I've done the night before."