Chapter 33


I've always been the type of guy to sit back and bide my time. To wait until the perfect moment to strike. Like a snake who has to be patient to catch his prey. That's why Halloween night happened. I sensed an acceptance in Noelle that had never been there before, a vulnerability she was willing to show. One I picked up on because I felt it too.

It's happening again. She's asking me to be the man she needs, and that in itself is a vulnerability I've never witnessed from her previously. 

I pull out the empty seat beside her and get comfortable. "We're going to have a baby together, along with all that entails."

She exhales deeply. "Why does that sound so scary?"

Placing my elbows on the counter, I hook my fingers together, propping my chin on the back of my hand. "Because I don't think either of us planned to be in this position. It's not bad—just different."

"You're right." She takes another drink. "I didn't plan to be here, but I'm excited for it."