Chapter 34


I glance nervously at the clock at the bottom of the computer screen. Fifteen more minutes and I'll be having my first official date with Cal. He hasn't told me where we're going, just to dress warmly. Which honestly, for Blizzard Bluff, could mean anywhere. 

Eyeing the front door, I notice my relief coming in. Becca is a high school girl who I hired over the summer, and she's become one of the most dependable employees I have. 

"Hey." She waves. "Let me go change and then I'll be up there. I know you have plans." She gives me a sly grin.

Somehow, everyone knows I have a date. "Take your time."

All day I've had to deal with the winks as my employees have walked by me. There have been a few whistles in my direction, and I've taken it all with as much dignity as I can. However, I have to draw the line at my teenage, high school, desk clerk acting like she's my mother as she prepares to take over my spot and see me off.