post paid lunch

After accepting karan as his disciple, old man Vishwas placed his hand on karan's shoulder and said " Now let me show you another thing you can do if u succeed in learning."

As he finished his last word air around them started distorting and slowly not just air but the whole space started distorting and soon they vanished into thin air as if they were never present.

Karan felt as if everything around him was slowly loosing it's shape and slowly vanished. All he could see around him was mystic coloured. Suddenly he felt like his body was thrown forward by some force and than came an abrupt halt as if his whole body struck a wall but he didn't feel any pain and soon after new landscape started appearing out of thin air. He could see many trees around him as if he was in some kind of forest and in front of him was a rocky mountain with a slope going around it like a path to top.

Old man Vishwas seeing Karan not suffering from headache or nausea was really surprised, getting more certain about his choice of disciple. As traveling through space by utilising matter energy was a rather mysterious, suppose u were traveling through air experiencing several times G force than normal and suddenly coming to a stop rather than slowly decreasing the speed, like hitting a wall. Although he should not feel any pain but his internal organs must have felt some tumbling, which results in headache or feeling of nausea. But karan seemed completely normal indicating he was anything but normal person.

Old man Vishwas than said in a way which felt like a host announcing at stage of some event " kid, from this time onwards your training will start and you will learn everything that you may need in order to take your revenge. This training will be anything but easy. Let's start now but first you need to reach the place of your training. My house is located at the top of this mountain and you need to climb it alone."

Hearing all this Karan was not demotivated at all. A new fire was burning in his heart pushing his excitement further, after witnessing all the things his master could do and wad willing to teach him.

But a thought flashed in his mind ' why would anyone help him without asking him anything in return?'. Having lived in this cruel world for two years on his own having witnessed or heard many situations. His accumulated experience was telling him that there was no free lunch in this world. Thinking all this helped in calming down his excited heart.

After calming down karan turned towards his new master and asked with a serious voice but still being respectful " Master, why are you helping me without asking for anything in return?"

Old man Vishwas hearing this smiled and replied " kid, it's not like I am not asking for anything, but you are capable of completing my request. So, don't worry it's not a free lunch just post paid lunch. Now start climbing I will meet you at the top of mountain."

After saying all this his figure started dissappearing in front of karan's eyes without leaving a trace.

Karan was even more determined after getting his doubts solved and looked at the mountain in front of him with burning gaze.