16. Dogmeat And The Minutemen

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After that, they went to Nora's house, while Jenny and Curie back to their house to get some ingredients and then went straight to Nora's kitchen to make dinner. When Jenny finished making dinner, everyone ate together while talking happily then when it was done they went back to their own room to get some rest for the night.

The next day, Everyone gets up and gathers at Nora's house for a discussion before going to Diamond City. While they discuss Nora going to Diamond City, Jenny cooks some breakfast for them to eat.

Sico: "Guys I have a suggestion."

Robert: "What is it, man?."

Sico: "How about I join Nora at Diamond City and you guys stay in this base and continue setting the place like making the farm for growing some food for us."

Jenny: "Hmm… Well that's reasonable, you can show the way Nora to Diamond City plus protect her, and don't forget to bring one of the Brahmin to carry the resources."

Robert: "Yeah that's a good suggestion."

Nora: "What? No, I don't want to trouble you guys."

Jenny: "It's fine Nora, we need to buy some resources for the base and some ammo."

Sico: "Yes it's okay, well then we will depart in 1 hour prepare yourself, Nora. By the way, you know how to fight right? Or at least have some self defense."

Nora: "Of course I have, I let you know that before we went to cryogenic my husband Nate was a part of the Army before the great war."

Sico: "Great then I don't have to teach you how to fight, here you can use my pistol."

Nora: "You don't have to, I have a pistol of my own remember? Got it from the vault."

Sico: "Oh yeah, we should visit the vault sometime. Maybe we can use it for our base too."

Jenny: "Hey that's a good idea!."

Robert: "Awesome, we can have our own vault!."

Sico: "Hahaha… if the facility in there is still functional then why not right?"

Nora: "I can assure you it's still in good condition aside from the malfunction on every cyro pod."

Sico: "Great then!."

After that, they went to eat breakfast that Jenny made and then after finishing eating breakfast Sico with Nora went to prepare their stuff for the journey to Diamond City. 1 hour later, Sico and Nora with a single Brahmin said goodbye to everyone and then went on to Diamond City. When they passed the red rocket shop, they saw a dog wagging his tail while the dog saw them so they approached it.

Nora: "Hey there buddy."

Dog meat: "Woof!."

Nora: "You want to join us? Sico how about we bring him we can use him for tracking someone."

Sico: "Well it's up to you Nora."

Nora: "Thanks Sico, well then Dogmeat your name is come on boy let's go."

Dogmeat: "Woof! Woof!."

After that, they went on their journey to Diamond City, along the way they met some mongrel dogs, bloat fly, bloodburg, and ghoul but they defeated them easily. What makes Sico in awe is that Nora is really great at fighting, well Sico knows that the sole survivor is very good but not this good.

While they passed Concord, they heard the sound of gunfire there so they went to investigate it. When they arrived, they saw a group of raiders attacking a group of people who were held up in some building or museum from the looks of it. So Sico and Nora discussed that should they help these people, and after a short discussion, they agreed to save them.

Sico and Nora quietly found a spot to take cover and then went on to ambush the raiders from behind, the raiders were absolutely shocked because of the attack from Sico and Nora so they had to split some of their force to take care of them. Sico and Nora bravely advance to the building while killing every single raider in their sight with dogmeat to bite some raiders.

after finishing killing the raiders they hear a voice from the person upstairs asking for help from them to clear the group of raiders inside the building and telling them to take the laser musket from his fallen friend to help them. Then Sico told Nora to take the laser musket with the ammo, then went on inside the building to help them.

When they were already inside, Sico and Nora saw that there was a bunch of raiders attacking upstairs. So they went on quietly around the place to reach the stairs and attack the raiders from behind them, with support from Sico and Nora the raiders were quickly wiped out by them. Then Sico and Nora approach the door of the room that has been used by the people they safe to hide to greet them, when the door is open they are greeted by a man who asking for help from them on the outside.

Preston: "Thank you for helping us, we really thought that would be the end of us. By the way, my name is Preston Garvey but you can call me Preston and this man here is Sturges."

Sico: "You welcome Preston, my name is Sico and the lady is Nora."

Preston: "Well really appreciate your help Sico and Nora, but if you don't mind me asking why do you guys help us? I mean many people who saw it just simply ignore them."

Nora: "Well I think rebuilding this world, we really need everyone to stick together you know?."

Sico: "Yup what Nora said, I probably could really use your help in the future."

Preston: "That's really nice of you guys, but now we have other matters to attend to. From what we believe this group of raiders seems will send another assault on this place, so Sturges here has a plan to kill them easily."

Strives: "Here is the plan, you guys know that there was a crash vertibird on the rooftop of this building right? There was a power armor and minigun on there where we could use it but the problem was that the fusion core was run out. So you guys have to get it from downstairs but it's locked and we can not open it from picklock the door and hack the terminal we all failed."

Sico: "There is a terminal right? I can easily hack it, let me do this heavy job while you Nora help Preston here to hold this place."

Sturges: "Great then we see you when the battle

Is finished."

Nora: "Be careful Sico."

Sico: "Yes Nora, besides I don't want to die just yet."

Then Sico went downstairs to grab the fusion core while Nora and Preston prepared themselves for the upcoming attack. When Sico arrives at the place, he hacks the terminal so that he can open the door to grab the fusion core and when Sico successfully hacks it the door is open then he grabs the fusion core and goes to the rooftop.

When he arrived at the rooftop, he saw the power armor and then quickly plugged the fusion core then used the power armor. After that Sico grabs the minigun from the vertibird, then walks slowly to the front and sees there are many raiders who start attacking the building.

From there Sico attacks the raiders with a minigun from the rooftops raining them down with bullets. When Sico saw that he could not attack a group of raiders because it was too far away, Sico jumped down from the rooftop and then walked to the raiders while firing them with a minigun. When Sico continues killing a bunch of raiders, suddenly he hears an explosion coming from the underground.

When Sico saw that there was a hole in the street, Sico slowly found a spot to take cover because he knew what was coming from there. Then a Deathclaw quickly went out from the hole and killed the remaining raiders who were shocked by his appearance and quickly attacked it. Sico saw that the deathclaw was busy killing the raiders, so he attacked the deathclaw with the minigun and continuously rained down bullets on the deathclaw until it died.

After killing the deathclaw, Sico went back to the museum to meet up with Nora and Preston with his group. Went Sico was inside, he saw that Nora and Preston with his group already waiting for him downstairs.

Preston: "Thank you again Sico for your help, especially when the deathclaw came in you really busting his ass."

Sico: "You welcome, so where are you guys heading now?."

Preston: "We follow Mama Murphy's vision, she says that near hear there is a place called sanctuary that is perfect for us."

Mama Murphy: "Yes what my vision shows me is always right. And you sense that you want to find someone, you want to find your son."

Nora: "Yes I am, do you know where to find him?."

Mama Murphy: "Yes, I can sense him but something is blocking me from finding his location. Maybe you can find him in the Great Jewel of the Commonwealth The Diamond City."

Nora: "Thank you for your information."

Sico: "Thanks for your information Mama Murphy, and by the way Preston Sanctuary is my base. So maybe I can escort you guys there, don't want you and my crew to have some friction because of some misunderstanding. Is that okay Nora? We suspend our mission to find Shaun first?."

Nora: "It's okay Sico, besides I'm worried about Preston and his group too."

Preston: "Thank you guys and Sico you can lead the way, Let's move on people!."

Then Sico, Nora, and Preston with his group went on together to Sanctuary, along the way there was no enemy in sight because Sico and Nora already killed them. When they reached at Sanctuary, Preston and his group were amazed at the place because it was perfect for them. Jenny, Robert, Codsworth, and Curie were shocked that Sico and Nora came back to Sanctuary while bringing a group of people.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 5,44

P: 3,44

E: 4,44

C: 5,44

I: 8,44

A: 2,44

L: 5

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic and Science skills, beginner Shooting and Medical skills

• Inventory: 16.960 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 1 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, power armor T51 blueprint, and Electric Motorcycle blueprint.

• Active Quest: None