33. The Big Dig

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(AT: Hey Everyone I have some ideas for a new novel named 'Becoming a Wrestler', go and check it out and give me your opinion and suggestions in the comments there! It's an ongoing project that I still don't know if I will continue or not, if any people are interested i will continue it alongside ROTK and Fallout 4)

Sico, noticing the group's weariness, suggested a brief rest before continuing their exploration of the underground passage. As they took a moment to recuperate, Bobbi No-Nose emerged from her house, curiosity etched across her face.

Bobbi: "What's going on down there? Why did those two idiots run out like there's a deathclaw on their tail?"

Sico, with a composed demeanor, explained to Bobbi No-Nose about the unexpected mirelurk encounter in the underground passage. He assured her that the group had the situation under control and that they were equipped to handle such challenges.

Sico: "Just a little hiccup, Bobbi. We ran into some mirelurks, but we took care of them. "

Bobbi No-Nose, considering Sico's explanation, sighed and shook her head.

Bobbi: "Look, I appreciate you handling those mirelurks, but we can't continue the digging with just you folks. Meet me at Diamond City marketplace, and we'll go find him together."

Then Bobbi No-Nose gathered her gear and set off for Diamond City, the group decided to make a quick stop at their hotel to gather their equipment before following her. The familiar surroundings of the hotel provided a brief respite, allowing them to prepare for the challenges that awaited in Diamond City.

The group, equipped and ready, left the hotel and bid farewell to the shadows of Goodneighbor. The city's enigmatic allure lingered as they ventured towards Diamond City. The journey through the Commonwealth led them to the bustling marketplace, where they found Bobbi No-Nose patiently waiting wearing a mask.

Bobbi No-Nose, with her face shrouded by a mask, explained the necessity of her disguise in the unforgiving social climate of Diamond City.

Bobbi: "This mask keeps me out of trouble. Diamond City isn't friendly to ghouls, and I'd rather avoid a confrontation. Now, we have a job to do. We need to release Mel, a tech expert caught by Diamond City security. They've got him in jail, and we need his skills for the dig."

The group, understanding the delicate situation, began discussing strategies to liberate Mel from the clutches of Diamond City's security. The marketplace buzzed with activity around them as they planned their next move. Sico, considering the options, suggested a more discreet approach.

Sico: "Let's try a subtle approach. I say we bribe the guard to release Mel from jail. It might save us from unnecessary trouble."

Approaching the Diamond City security office, the group engaged a guard in conversation, subtly hinting at their intention to expedite Mel's release.

Sico: "We heard there's a tech expert named Mel in your custody. We'd like to ensure he's set free. A little incentive for your trouble, perhaps?"

The guard, eyeing the offered caps, contemplated the proposition. The negotiation hung in the balance as the group awaited the guard's decision.

The guard, enticed by the promise of caps, nodded in agreement. With a discreet exchange, the group secured Mel's release from Diamond City's jail.

Once outside, Mel, a wiry figure with a keen intellect, wasted no time in expressing his gratitude.

Mel: "Thanks for springing me. Now, we need to talk. Follow me to a quieter spot."

The group, now joined by Mel, moved to a more secluded area within Diamond City, ready to delve into the next phase of their quest.

Mel, with a mix of surprise and skepticism, turned to Sico for an explanation.

Mel: "Bobbi sent you? She really can't wait, huh?"

Before Sico could respond, Bobbi No-Nose emerged from the shadows, her masked face concealing any emotions.

Bobbi: "Mel, we need your tech skills for a job. There's a dig, and time is of the essence. Can you help us out?"

Mel, correcting their assumption, clarified his expertise.

Mel: "I'm not a tech expert, I'm a robot expert. But, sure, if you need my skills for this dig, count me in."

Bobbi No-Nose, satisfied with his willingness to join, nodded in approval.

Bobbi: "Great. We can use all the help we can get. Let's get back to Goodneighbor and discuss the details."

Mel, agreeing to join the group, gestured for them to proceed back to Goodneighbor.

Mel: "Go ahead, I'll catch up. Need to grab the robot from my place."

The group continued on their way, leaving Mel to retrieve his equipment. The prospect of a skilled robot expert added a new dimension to their mission, and they eagerly anticipated the unfolding collaboration.

As the group arrived at Goodneighbor, the lively atmosphere of the city enveloped them once more. Bobbi No-Nose, leading the way with a purposeful stride, directed the group to wait at the Third Rail. The vibrant ambiance of the establishment offered a brief respite as they prepared to discuss the details of the upcoming dig with Mel, the skilled robot expert.

After they arrive at the Third Rail, Bobbi leave them there and went back to her house. Sico, taking the lead, guided the group to Charlie's bar at the Third Rail. Understanding the importance of camaraderie, he ordered drinks for everyone, setting the stage for a discussion about the details of the upcoming dig and their collaboration with Mel, the skilled robot expert.

As the group enjoyed their drinks, laughter and conversation filled the air, creating a sense of camaraderie. The anticipation for Mel's arrival lingered, and each member shared stories, creating bonds that would strengthen their collaboration.

Sico, with a smile, glanced toward the entrance, expecting Bobbi arrival and told them that the dig can be continue because Mel already arrive. The Third Rail buzzed with the energy of Goodneighbor, and the group reveled in the shared moments, united by a common purpose.

After a while, Bobbi entered the Third Rail, a determined expression on her face.

Bobbi: "Alright, folks, the wait is over. Mel's here, and we can continue with the dig."

Following Bobbi's announcement, the group gathered their resolve and made their way to Bobbi's house. The entrance to the cave awaited them, leading to the underground drainage system where their mission would unfold.

As they ventured into the depths, the subdued sounds of running water greeted them. Turning a corner, they found Mel patiently waiting, his robot companion by his side.

Mel: "Took you long enough. Ready to get this show on the road?"

The group, fortified by determination and collaboration, nodded in unison, prepared to face the challenges lurking in the underground depths.

Mel, with a hint of pride, introduced his advanced utility eyebot named Sonya. He explained how he had modified her radio system to emit a sonic pulse at a frequency that could loosen sediment around, making her a valuable asset for their digging endeavor.

Mel: "Meet Sonya, my trusty companion. Her sonic pulse can clear the path ahead, making our dig smoother. Just stay close, and we'll get through this."

The group, intrigued by the capabilities of Sonya, prepared to venture deeper into the underground passages, guided by Mel's expertise and his modified eyebot.

As the group ventured deeper into the underground drainage system, the narrow passages echoed with the rhythmic hum of Sonya's sonic pulses. Mel's expertise guided them through the labyrinthine tunnels, revealing hidden chambers and passages that spoke of forgotten stories from the pre-war era.

The air grew colder, and the sound of running water reverberated in the distance. Suddenly, the group encountered a collapsed section of the tunnel, obstructing their path. Mel, unfazed, analyzed the situation.

Mel: "Looks like a recent collapse. We'll need to clear this to proceed. Sonya, let's get to work."

Sonya emitted a series of powerful sonic pulses, dislodging debris and revealing a passage beyond the rubble. The group pressed on, eager to uncover the secrets buried beneath the Commonwealth.

As the group pressed on through the underground passages, the echoes of Sonya's sonic pulses seemed to awaken the dormant denizens of the dark tunnels. The distant scuttling sounds grew louder, and the group found themselves face to face with a horde of mirelurks emerging from the shadows.

Sico, Nick, Nora, MacCready, Mel, and Sonya formed a defensive formation, weapons drawn, ready to confront the approaching threat. The mirelurks, their chitinous shells gleaming in the dim light, advanced with an eerie determination.

Amidst the clash with the mirelurks, the group also encountered ghouls, their ghoulish moans echoing through the underground passages. The team's combat skills were put to the test as they navigated the tight confines, fending off the dual threat of mirelurks and ghouls.

The group, their combat skills finely honed, engaged in a fierce battle against the mirelurks and ghouls. Sico's leadership, combined with Nick, Nora, MacCready, Mel, and Sonya's coordinated efforts, proved effective in overcoming the dual menace.

With precision and strategy, they defeated the scuttling mirelurks, their shells no match for the group's firepower. The echoing moans of the ghouls were met with well-aimed shots and measured teamwork, ultimately clearing the path ahead.

As the last echoes of battle subsided in the underground passages, the group took a moment to regroup and assess their surroundings. The dimly lit tunnels, now devoid of immediate threats, held an air of anticipation as they continued their descent into the depths of the Commonwealth.

Mel, with a furrowed brow, confronted Bobbi about the nature of their mission.

Mel: "Robbing Diamond City's strongroom? Isn't our way is wrong? Isn't Diamond City is on the east?"

Bobbi, undeterred, met his gaze with determination.

Bobbi: "No Mel, the way is right."

As their discussion reached an impasse, Bobbi announced their arrival at the destination.

Bobbi: "We're below the Diamond City strong room now. Mel, can Sonya blast through this?"

Mel, assessing the situation, nodded confidently.

Mel: "Sonya can handle it."

Mel, with a determined expression, instructed the group to stay clear of the blast zone.

Mel: "Everyone, stay back. Sonya, maximum firepower. Let's get through this."

As Sonya emitted a powerful sonic blast, the underground chamber trembled, and dust filled the air. The anticipation hung thick as the group awaited the results of this bold endeavor to breach the barriers protecting the Diamond City strong room.

As the dust settled, it became evident that Sonya, the advanced utility eyebot, was broken from the intense blast. Mel, looking at the damaged robot with a mixture of sadness and determination, sighed.

Mel: "I can't believe she's gone."

Bobbi No-Nose, placing a reassuring hand on Mel's shoulder, spoke with a pragmatic tone.

Bobbi: "Mel, you can build a new one after we're done robbing Diamond City's strong room. Let's focus on the job."

The group, still feeling the weight of the moment, prepared to enter the breached strong room and face whatever challenges awaited them.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 5,44

P: 3,44

E: 4,44

C: 5,44

I: 8,44

A: 2,44

L: 5

• Skills: intermediate Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, Beginner Medical skills

• Inventory: 16.460 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 1 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, and Righteous Authority.

• Active Quest: None