237. The Safari Adventure PT.1

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With that, they settled in for the night, each member of the team focused on the task ahead and the steps they needed to take to secure their next victory in Nuka-World.

The next morning, Sico rose early, his mind sharp and ready for the task ahead. The mission to secure Safari Adventure was critical, and he knew they needed to be well-prepared. After a quick breakfast, he called the team together.

"Alright, everyone. Today we take Safari Adventure," Sico announced. "I want us to gather 15 Pack raiders, 15 Disciple raiders, and 15 Operators raiders for this mission. We need a strong, coordinated force."

Hancock and MacCready nodded, immediately setting off to rally their respective groups. Robert began organizing the supplies they had gathered the previous day, ensuring everything was in order.

By mid-morning, the raiders had assembled in the main square of Nuka-Town USA. The mixed group of Pack, Disciple, and Operator raiders created an impressive display of force and unity, each faction ready to follow Sico's lead.

"Listen up!" Sico called out, addressing the gathered raiders. "Today, we're taking Safari Adventure. We need to work together and stay focused. Our goal is to secure the area and eliminate any threats. Follow your leaders and watch each other's backs."

The raiders responded with a chorus of agreement, their weapons at the ready. Sico turned to his core team, who were busy preparing their gear for the mission.

"Hancock, MacCready, Robert—make sure everyone has what they need," Sico instructed. "Check ammo, medical supplies, and rations. We don't want any surprises out there."

Hancock and MacCready moved through the ranks, distributing ammunition and stimpaks, while Robert ensured everyone had enough food and water for the mission. Sico took a moment to double-check his own gear, ensuring his weapons were in top condition and his armor was secure.

As the final preparations were made, Sico gathered his core team for a quick briefing. "Once we're inside Safari Adventure, we split into three groups. Hancock, you'll lead the Pack raiders and secure the eastern section. MacCready, you'll take the Disciple raiders and handle the west. Robert and I will lead the Operators through the central area. We'll regroup at the main pavilion once the perimeter is secure."

Everyone nodded, understanding their roles and the importance of the mission. The sun was climbing higher in the sky, signaling it was time to move.

"Alright, let's do this," Sico said, rallying the raiders. "Move out!"

The group set off towards Safari Adventure, their steps purposeful and determined. The park loomed ahead, its overgrown paths and dilapidated attractions a stark reminder of the challenges that lay within.

As they approached the entrance, Sico felt a surge of resolve. This was their moment to take another piece of Nuka-World and solidify their dominance. With a final nod to his team, he led the charge into Safari Adventure, ready to face whatever dangers awaited them.

As Sico and his raiders approached the entrance of Safari Adventure, they were greeted by an unexpected sight. A man was fighting a fearsome creature that resembled a deathclaw, but with the features of an alligator. Its powerful jaws snapped menacingly as the man struggled to fend it off.

Sico quickly assessed the situation. "Looks like a gatorclaw," he muttered, drawing his weapon. "Let's help him out!"

The raiders sprang into action, their coordinated attack overwhelming the gatorclaw. Bullets flew and blades slashed until the beast finally fell to the ground, lifeless.

The man, breathing heavily and covered in dirt and sweat, looked at them with a mix of relief and curiosity. He had a wild look in his eyes, his hair matted and unkempt. "Thank you," he said, his speech halting and stuttering. "Cito... Cito name."

Sico stepped forward, offering a reassuring smile. "Well, it can't hurt you anymore, Cito."

Cito shook his head, his expression grave. "No. Many more Monster. No stop. Cito kill Monster. New Monster come. Cito kill Monster again. New Monster come again."

Sico exchanged glances with Hancock and MacCready, realizing the gravity of Cito's words. "So there are more of these gatorclaws?"

Cito nodded vigorously. "Yes. Many. Cito try stop, but more come. Cito need help."

Understanding the situation, Sico turned to his team. "Alright, everyone, listen up. Looks like we've got more than just raiders to deal with here. These gatorclaws are a real threat, and we need to clear them out."

Hancock, MacCready, and Robert all nodded, their expressions serious. The raiders readied their weapons, prepared for the battle ahead.

"Lead the way, Cito," Sico said, determination in his voice. "We'll help you take down these monsters."

Cito nodded again, a look of hope and gratitude crossing his face. "Cito show. Follow Cito."

With Cito leading the way, the group ventured deeper into Safari Adventure, ready to face the gatorclaw threat and secure the area once and for all.

As they ventured deeper into Safari Adventure, Cito led the way with a determined stride. "Need to go to my family first," he said, glancing back at Sico and the others.

"Lead the way," Sico replied, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

The group moved cautiously through the overgrown pathways of the park, the sounds of distant gatorclaws echoing through the trees. It wasn't long before they encountered the first of many gatorclaws. The beasts were relentless, and the raiders found themselves in several intense skirmishes.

"Here they come!" Hancock shouted, firing his rifle at a charging gatorclaw.

The raiders fought fiercely, bullets and blades striking true as they took down the monstrous creatures. Sico and his team stayed close, their coordinated efforts proving effective against the gatorclaws. By the time they reached the Primate House, they had faced and defeated six of the fearsome beasts.

Breathing heavily, Cito pointed to the building. "Where family is."

Sico nodded. "Alright, let's go."

They entered the Primate House cautiously, weapons at the ready. Inside, the air was thick with the scent of decay and old hay. As they moved further in, they came across a sight that stopped them in their tracks.

In a large enclosure, surrounded by broken bars and old equipment, were ghoulified gorillas. There were at least five adults and five children, their once majestic forms now twisted and decayed by the radiation. Despite their appearance, there was a sense of familiarity and calm between Cito and the creatures.

"Family," Cito said softly, a mix of sadness and pride in his voice. "They help Cito. We protect each other."

The ghoulified gorillas seemed to recognize Cito, moving closer to the edge of the enclosure. Sico and his team watched in awe and empathy.

Hancock shook his head, clearly moved by the scene. "Well, I'll be damned."

Sico turned to Cito. "Your family is safe for now, but we need to secure this area. Are they safe to be around?"

Cito nodded. "Yes. They know Cito. They help. But... Monsters come. We need to stop them."

"Alright," Sico said, turning back to his team. "Let's set up a perimeter around this building. We need to keep Cito's family safe and take down any gatorclaws that come our way."

The raiders quickly moved into position, setting up defenses around the Primate House. Sico knew they had a long battle ahead, but with Cito's guidance and the strength of their combined forces, they were ready to face the gatorclaw threat head-on and secure Safari Adventure once and for all.

As the raiders established their perimeter around the Primate House, Cito approached Sico, his expression thoughtful. "Sico," he began, his voice halting, "there was... a wrinkly man. Long time ago. He came here."

Sico turned to Cito, curious. "A wrinkly man? What do you mean?"

Cito pointed to Hancock, trying to explain. "He looked... like him. Wrinkly face. Before he died, he gave Cito something."

Hancock raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A ghoul? What did he give you?"

Cito reached into a pouch he had tied to his waist and pulled out a small object, handing it to Sico. It was a holotape, old and slightly worn from age.

"He said it was important," Cito explained. "He said, 'Cito, you keep safe. One day, someone come. You give to them.'"

Sico examined the holotape, wondering what secrets it might hold. "Thanks, Cito. We'll check this out."

Hancock leaned closer, peering at the holotape. "I wonder what this old ghoul had to say."

MacCready, overhearing the conversation, joined them. "Let's find out."

Sico nodded, inserting the holotape into his Pip-Boy. The device whirred for a moment before a crackling voice began to play through the speakers.

"This is... Doctor Darren McDermot, last known survivor... *cough* at the Safari Adventure... Replication Facility. This is... my final recording. I've done something horrible... *cough*... the thing I created... the thing I called the Gatorclaw... *cough*... they must be destroyed. They can't be... tamed, they can't be controlled... *cough*... their sheer ferocity is like nothing I've ever seen. And now... the Nuka-Gen Rep...*cough*... Replicator is out of control. It's producing them at an... alarming rate... Please... somebody. Anybody! Find my passcode... or Dr. Hein's... *cough*. Shut down the Replicator before it's... *cough*... before it's too late. And if this recording should reach Dr... Hein. Please...*cough* tell him... to forgive me."

The message ended abruptly, leaving Sico and his team in a heavy silence. The gravity of Dr. McDermot's words hung in the air, emphasizing the urgency of their mission.

Hancock was the first to break the silence. "So, there's a replicator out of control, churning out these monsters. We need to find that passcode and shut it down."

MacCready nodded, his expression grim. "If we don't stop it, there'll be no end to these gatorclaws. We need to act fast."

Sico turned to Cito. "Cito, do you know where the main lab is? Where this replicator might be?"

Sico turned to Cito. "Cito, do you know where the main lab is? Where this replicator might be?"

Cito shook his head. "No. But... Cito saw the wrinkly man come out of a big building in the center, near the entrance."

Sico nodded, considering the information. "That must be where the main lab is. Thanks, Cito."

Turning to his team, Sico laid out the plan. "Alright, everyone. We need to head to that central building near the entrance. That's likely where the replicator is located. Let's move out, but stay alert for any gatorclaws."

Before they left, Sico turned to Cito. "Cito, I need you to stay here and protect your family. We'll take care of the replicator."

Cito looked conflicted but nodded. "Cito stay. Keep family safe. You be careful."

"We will," Sico assured him, giving Cito a firm nod. "We'll be back soon."

With their plan set, Sico and his team moved out, heading toward the central building near the entrance. The group moved cautiously, weapons at the ready, their senses heightened for any signs of danger.

The journey was tense, the silence broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves or distant roars of gatorclaws. As they approached the central building, the structure loomed ominously before them, its large doors slightly ajar.

As they approached the central building, they saw a weathered sign above the entrance: "Welcome Center." The structure, once intended to greet visitors with information and warmth, now stood as a shadow of its former self, dark and foreboding.

"Welcome Center, huh?" Hancock remarked, eyeing the sign. "Let's hope the welcome committee's friendly."

"Stay sharp," Sico said, pushing the doors open cautiously.

Inside, the building had the look of a typical visitor center, with faded maps of Safari Adventure, old brochures, and cracked display cases filled with memorabilia. The remnants of what once was a bustling hub for tourists now lay in disarray.

As they moved further in, the air grew thick with the scent of decay and mildew. Sico motioned for silence, his hand raised in a warning.

"Listen," MacCready whispered. "Do you hear that?"

The faint, heavy breathing of something large echoed through the corridors. Sico signaled his team to prepare their weapons. They crept forward, and as they rounded a corner, they saw them—two massive gatorclaws prowling the visitor center, their scales glistening under the dim lights.

"Take positions," Sico ordered in a hushed tone. "We hit them hard and fast."

Hancock, MacCready, and Robert spread out, taking cover behind the remnants of old exhibits and counters. Sico aimed his rifle, his heart pounding in his chest. He gave a quick nod, and they opened fire simultaneously.

The gatorclaws roared in fury, charging toward the intruders. The raiders' bullets struck true, but the beasts were relentless. One gatorclaw lunged at Hancock, who deftly dodged and fired a shot into its side. The other beast bore down on Sico, its jaws snapping dangerously close.

Sico fired a series of precise shots, each one finding its mark. The gatorclaw staggered, blood oozing from its wounds. Robert and MacCready joined in, their combined firepower overwhelming the creature. They know that they has to defeat this creature, otherwise they will be kill and eaten by it.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint

• Active Quest: -