
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The laughter of some maniacal man could be heard closing in on Yin Lian and her family.

"Kill the men and bring the rest to me!" He shouted in his tenebrous voice.

The horses galloping hastened as Yin Lian hid herself inside of her father's chest as he ran. But it wasn't enough, it would never be enough.

To her horror, Yin Lian saw her father's chest pierced by a spear. Due to the spear having pierced through right in front of her face, blood splattered all over her as her father fell, still clutch onto his family.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Yi Lian cried as she saw her husband killed right in front of her.

She tried to go to her husband's side for the last moments of his life, but the bandits hopped off of their horses and grabbed her. She tried to get out of their grasp but was too weak to do so.

All the while Yin Lian silently watched all of this from beneath her dying father, who in a last-ditch effort to save at least his daughter's life, slowly brought her under him.

"Hmm?" One of the bandits noticed and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out. "Well, looky here, we got ourselves another slave, probably this guy's kid and the whores spawn since they were together."

"Hahaha! Ah, today has been a good day. We've been paid to do this, AND we get to keep all the people as slaves! What a wonderful day indeed!" The bandit who seemed to be leading this group shouted. "Now give me that woman, I want to have a taste of her first."

And upon hearing that, Yi Lian struggled even more violently. "NO! NO! NOOOO!!!" She screeched in fear as she saw her daughter being brought over to witness this brutality.

"PLEASE!!! SPARE HER!!!" Yi Lian kept on screaming as her clothes were torn apart by the bandit leader.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! WE'RE BANDITS BITCH!!! WE DO WHATEVER THE FUCK WE WANT!!! And I want to rape you right now, SO I WILL!!!!" The man shouted as he finished ripping apart Yi Lian's clothes, leaving her naked body exposed to everyone.

She screamed in horror as the bandit leader undid his trousers, exposing her to his stiff member before he forcefully shoved it into her mouth.

And as the bandit leader had his way with his prey, the girl was forced to watch in horror as her mother was raped right before her eyes. She didn't know what was going on, she didn't know why this was happening, she just wanted it to stop, but she couldn't.

She was powerless to stop this.

"Hahaha! That's gonna be you one day!" Said the man holding her.

With tears falling down her face, the little girl didn't respond, as she wasn't able to with her mind completely broken.

"OI!" The bandit yelled in annoyance as he smashed her face into the ground, causing her to scream in pain.


Her nose was fractured from the impact, causing it to bleed, her vision blurring slightly from the sudden impact.

"Listen here you little shit, you belong to us now, so when we tell you to do something, you do it, and when we say something, you respond, GOT IT!?!" the bandit berated.

"Hahahaha! She's not paying attention man, can't you tell?" The other bandit observed.

"Haahhh??? You think I care? We have to get her ready for whomever we sell her to in the future. That means we have to train her to be obedient!" The first bandit retorted.

"Well, she's not in any state to be trained right now!" The second bandit retorted also.

And as the two bandits started bickering, their leader continued having his way with the woman beneath him, torturing her as he started choking the life out of her as she clawed at his hand, trying to breath, all while looking at her daughter with a look of terror, desperation and sorrow.

And soon, her life was extinguished.

"Ahhh, that was a good rutting, now, bring that girl to me." He ordered.

"But boss, I thought we were gonna train and sell her off?" The second bandit asked.

"Oh yeah, that's right..." There was a silence before he spoke up again, "Well how have you done so far?"

The first bandit spoke up saying, "I've started but haven't gotten anywhere. She won't respond to anything."

"So!? Just beat some obedience into her and be done with it!" He shouted.

"I would be, if it wasn't for this twat here saying I shouldn't!" The bandit argued.

"Look, I'm not saying that we shouldn't do this, just that we can't do it right now, I mean just look at her." The second bandit retorted, pointing at the girl's face. "She is in no way able to be trained in her current state."

"Well I don't care! You two better think of a way or else I'll have your heads!" Their leader berated.

He then stormed off to someplace else, leaving the two bandits on their own to figure out how to get the child in their possession to respond.

They looked at her for a second, and then realised that she hadn't been listening to anyone, and was just staring at her now deceased mother. The bandits turned to face each other and saw that they both had the same idea.

The first bandit kept a hold of the girl while the second one walked over to the corpse.

And began hitting it with his boots.

Yin Lian finally came out of her stupor, her eyes shrinking in horror as she saw the body of her mother get beaten up.

The only reason she hadn't responded to anything until now was because she didn't understand what was happening or even why, she just knew that it was bad.

But now, with the second bandit beating up her mother, something she did understand, she finally reacted.

"NOOO!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she tried to run over to her mother.

But she was held back by the bandit.

"Good! Now listen here you little shit, your gonna behave and do as we say or else we'll do to you what our boss did to that dead bitch there!"

But she continued to struggle and break free from the grasp of the bandit.

"OI! I'm talking to you right now, so you better listen and quit being a bitch!" He yelled as he slammed the girls face into the ground again.



She groaned in agony once more as blood started spilling from her forehead as her vision was starting to blur. Yet she still didn't give up and kept on trying to get out of the bandit's grasp.

All the while, the second bandit continued beating the corpse, even going so far as to use his sword to stab it, and then with a heavy swing, he decapitated the dead mother.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" And despite her increasingly blurring vision, she could still see well enough to watch her mother's body being cut up.

"HAHAHA! Take this you disobedient little shit!" He clamoured, kicking the head straight into the child's face.

"AUGH!" The impact made her cry out in pain once more. She then looked down at her feet and saw her mother's face, teared up and in pain.

"No… No…" She repeatedly muttered weakly whilst trying to grab the head.

And then, out of nowhere.


A boot came down onto the head, smashing it to pieces, blood and brains flying everywhere, onto everything and everyone.

"That's going to be you if you don't start doing as we say." Said the second bandit with an ugly look on his face as he crouched down to speak.

And in that moment, something within Yin Lian broke, and something inside of her was released.

"RRRAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!" With a violent cry, she leapt out of the other bandit's hold, at the bandit that crushed her mother's skull, and bit his nose off.

"AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!" He screamed loudly in severe pain. He fell on his back and clasped his face, continuously screaming.

He then felt something clawing at his legs so he kicked it away, sending the young girl he was just tormenting into a nearby tree.


She smashed against the trunk so hard that all of her internal organs were broken and bleeding, causing her to spit blood.

"Shit!" The first bandit cried, not because of his mate, but because of the girl. He knew that if she was dead, then his head would end up just like the one that was just crushed.

He started panicking out loud, muttering to himself, trying to figure out a way to escape death.

"You can't." A majestically sonorous voice spoke from behind him.

And before he could turn to look at who just spoke, his body fell into three pieces.

"Hahh…" Amore elderly voice sighed and asked, "Was all this necessary my liege?"

The same majestic voice responded with, "Of course, it was the heavens will who willed it. And you know better than to disobey the heavens."

"I just think we could have done this better is all." The old man said.

"Oh shut up old man, just get on with it and seal her already, we don't have time."

The old man sighed again and muttered under his breath, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Meanwhile, Yin Lian had barely been able to hear everything that the two men said. And the last thing she saw before dying, was a bright light that quickly encompassed her, before she finally died.

With the sealing technique succeeding in its task, the old man gently picked the girls dead body up and the two men flew away, leaving everyone else in the village to their fate.