

Nicholas Aegisthus

How could I forget these beautiful greenish-grey eyes? She stared at me confused as I smiled at her. She looked nervous at me.

"Did I do something wrong, Your Highness?" She asked me.

"No." I answered smiling.

'If you want to consider stealing my heart as something wrong then you did.'

"Then may I know what you meant by when you said it's really you?" she asked emphasizing the words it's really you.

I laughed at her nervous expression. She looked like a little mouse in a lion's den.

"Do you really not remember me, Cassandra?" I asked her smirking.

Her eyes widened in shock before she got her composure back.

"Your Highness, my name is Marissa, not Cassandra." She responded.

"You have the same eyes as her and Cassandra's eyes are one of a kind and the only people with such eyes in the empire are Marquess Braun and his last-born daughter Marissa." I told her as I leaned forward to her.

"It's upsetting that you forgot about the guy you were all over a year ago. How our lips touched and our tongues danced together." I added whispering in her ears.

"Nate?" She whispered shocked after a few minutes.

"So you do remember me." I said as I combed my hand through her hair smelling it.

"You have the same scent just like the first time." I said as I let her hair go.


One year ago...

"Do I have to attend this party? " Orisis asked me.

"Yes, it's my private exclusive birthday party, you can do this much for your brother." I answered.

"Is it really private?" He asked, sceptical.

"It's so private that it would take you a while to find whoever you meet today." I answered.

Every year after my annual public birthday party I always host a private one for all the young people.

It's a masquerade costume party that only young people can attend as they are the only ones who know about it.

"Plus we all are using fake names at this party," I added smiling.

Orisis sighed as he followed me.

We used magic to change our hair colours and eyes colours. I had changed from white hair and golden brown eyes to blonde hair with green eyes.

Orisis hair colour went from black to brown and his eyes golden brown to red.

"We look completely different from who we are." I told him proudly.

When we entered the banquet everyone was already doing their own things. Men were smoking cigars while women drank wine.

"I'm going to go get myself a glass of strong liquor, so don't come find me." Orisis told me as he walked away.

"Sure." I answered back.

I walked around looking at the ladies. They looked beautiful but I found none of them to be interesting.

The main reason why I host these parties is for me to fall in love and find someone I want to be with.

"Hey." a voice spoke.

I turned around to see a girl standing in front of me.

"Hello?" I let out unsure.

"Cassandra is my name." she told me smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Cassandra, I am Nate." I told her as I kissed her hand.

She was so different. Her greenish-grey eyes enthralled me to want to know her more

"You know, I'm actually not supposed to be here but I snuck out." she let out giggling.

I raised my eyebrows amused as I stared at her shocked.

"Are you drunk, Cassandra?" I asked.

"Nooooo." she answered giggling.

"I only had one glass." she added showing me five fingers.

I laughed at her silly expression and she pouted.

"Would you like to sit with me, Cassandra?" I asked her.

"You are a very handsome man but first I need to tell my best friend that I'm going to be with you." She told me as she turned scanning the banquet with her eyes.

After a while turned back to me and sighed.

"My friend seems occupied so I'll tell her later." she let out.

We walked towards an empty couch and we sat down.

"You have a sexy physique." she added smiling.

I choked on my saliva and she gave me a glass of wine.

Isn't she an interesting one? I drank from the glass and she smiled.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her feeling a bit confused.

She gestured for me to come close to her then she whispered giggling in my ear,

"We just indirectly kissed."

I looked at her taken aback and amused as she smiled at me.

"Was I your first then?" I asked.

She nodded yes and I felt pride for some kind of accomplishment that was equivalent to defeating 200 dragons.

I moved close to her and held her chin, her greenish-grey eyes were like a mirror looking through my soul.

"You have beautiful eyes." I tell her.

Her cheeks flushed rosy red as she blushed.

"Thank you." she said.

Her lips were red from lipstick and I wanted to mess it up.

"May I?" I ask her.

"Yes." she answered immediately.

Her eyes were filled with lust which I wanted more than anything else in the world. I kissed her lips and she kissed me back. Her lips tasted like sweet Strawberry syrup. Her lips were so soft it made me want more. I bit her lower lip which made her gasp and I slipped my tongue in her mouth. My hands roamed all over her covered body.

She had a sweet fruity earthy scent coming from her. The scent that was clutching onto her body drove me mad. I wanted every bit of her.

"Please." she moaned trying to catch her breath.

Her voice was like an enchanted song being sung by sirens luring people into the ocean.

I kissed her neck as I lifted her. I'm so glad that there are special rooms near this banquet hall. I have to leave my mark on her. I have to make her mine.


"It's nice to see you again." Marissa let out smiling awkwardly.

I snapped out of my thoughts from the memory I adored the most.

"I'm also sorry for the vile things I said that day I'm sorry I bothered you that day." she added looking down at her hands.

Her cheeks were flushed cherry red.

"It's O..."

Before I could finish she had started speaking.

"I'm actually sorry for that day. You see I don't remember much from that day other than the fact that I told you that you were my first indirect kiss." she explained in an embarrassed tone.

She doesn't remember what happened between us.

"It's Okay." I told her smiling.


"Although it's a bit upsetting that you forgot about the night we spent together kissing each other and the promise we had made." I say pouting before I smile again.

Her cheeks flushed cherry red.

"Promise?" She asked.

"You don't remember promising me to meet up with me the following day?" I asked sadly.

She really forgot the promise she made to me. Her expression went from disappointment to realisation.

"So that's why I felt so uneasy and confused." she whispered to herself.

"I apologize sincerely, Your Highness," she told me bowing her head.

"Don't bow Infront of me," I spoke.

She looked at me confused.

"You are not allowed to bow in front of me, okay?" I added.

"May I ask why?" She asked.

"Marissa, this might sound crazy to you, this is absolutely crazy, but ever since that night we spent together at the banquet, I couldn't get you off my mind. I went crazy searching for information on you and if it was not for Marquess Braun, I would have never been able to find you." I answered her.

"Father?" She asked shocked.

"I met your father at an aristocrat party I would have never found you." I explained to her honestly.

I'm so grateful that my future father-in-law was so adamant about speaking to me that day. I could only find her because of her father's insistent.

"Is that the reason why you asked to meet with me?" She asked me.

"I might sound crazy and this is not how I hoped to ask you, but Marissa Braun, will you do me the honour by becoming my wife and the Crown Princess of The Aegis empire?" I asked her.

She stared at me surprised and hesitant...

"Your Highness, you are very handsome and we might have had something going on one day last year, but I don't know you enough for me to want to say yes." she answered me.

I could feel my heart cracking through my eyes. I only want her and here she is telling me that she can't marry me because she doesn't know me well.

"I'm really sorry." she let out.

I'm not giving up. I won't! I will only marry her.

"Then why don't you get to know me and then after a while you can decide on whether you want to marry me or not." I suggested.

This would give me time to make her fall in love with me.