
Latrice Richardson

Three weeks later...

"How do you feel?" Rissa asked me.

"Very much annoyed," I said as Mariam helped me into my dress.

"You can't deny the fact that he picked out a nice dress," she says.

"Thats why I'm not saying anything," I said sighing.

"I feel jealous that you met your mysterious someone from the party," I add pouting.

"But I don't remember what happened," she says blushing furiously.

I stare at her shocked before bursting into laughter.

"You remember!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"No! I don't!" she half-shout at me.

Her cheeks are cherry red which means she's embarrassed and if she doesn't remember like she said, her cheeks would be a light red showing that she's a bit embarrassed that she doesn't remember.

"Rissa we have been friends since the age of 5. Do you think you could fool me?" I ask in a playful tone.

"Latrice Bellatrix Richardson, You better keep your mouth shut about this," she warns me.

"No need for the hideous middle name," I whine as I raise my hands in surrender.

"Just so you know, Everyone will be hearing your so called hideous name," she said sticking her tongue out and running away.

I abruptly stand up as I choke on my own saliva.

"Mar... Mariam... Is that true?" I asked coughing shocked.

She nods her head and I feel my soul leaving my body.

"Miss!" Mariam shouts shocked.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"How could I be," I say laughing lifelessly.

"Miss?" Mariam says confused.

"I should not have used my middle name as an alias name," I said to myself.

One year ago...

"You look hot," I said as I walked up to a guy with brown hair and red eyes.

"My name is Bella, Bellatrix," I said smiling.

This will never be a problem because no one knows my middle name.

"Bellatrix, your fiance is on his way here to fetch you," Rissa said laughing.

"Rissa, don't!" I warn her.

She raised her hands up on surrender and walked away. I picked up a teddy bear from my bed and threw it at the door frustrated.

"So much violence," a voice said.

I looked at the door and there he stood. The Grand Duke Osiris of the Northern Aegis Duchy. My eyes widen in shock at the teddy bear he caught.

"Uhm, that wasn't meant to hit..."

"Me?" He asked interrupting me.

Ugh! Maybe I should have thrown a book.

I nodded my head and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm glad to see that the dress fits you perfectly," he said as he leaned against the door.

"Yes, Thank you for the dress," I said sarcastically.

"You could have worn a dress of your choice but unfortunately you chose to throw a tantrum or so I heard," he said walking towards me.

"Should I not have expressed my feelings," I asked cheekily.

He gently yet firmly grabbed my cheeks with one hand making me stare straight into his eyes.

"You should express your feelings as much as you want but do know, that it won't change the fact that you will be my wife," he said brushing his thumb across my lips.

"I might become your wife but just know that you won't be my first," I said proudly.

His facial expressions became dark for a moment before it turned back to his normal expression.

"I'll have to kill , so that he doesn't get the privilege of saying that he is your first," he whispered into my ear.

I felt a quiver through my spine.

He was smirking and I could feel it without even looking at him.

"And do remember, he might have been your first but I intend to be your one and only, your last, remember that Treece," he added before moving his face away.

"Let's get going, the guest are waiting," he said extending his hand out to me.

What the hell! How?

My heart was racing. No! It was POUNDING against my ribcage.

I could feel the warmth of my cheeks on my ears. How dare he! I must get him back for this.

We walked down to the banquet hall and everyone stared at us.

Rissa looked so beautiful in her olive green dress with beige patterns around her waist. She looked like an forest fairy that shined under the chandeliers.

" Do you know her?" He asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Know who?" I asked back.

"The girl with the Crown Prince," he asked.

"She's my best friend," I said looking at him.

"Is that..."

"Grand Duke Osiris," a voice said interrupting him.

It was the Grand Duke Aubrey of the Western Aegis Duchy. He had a Blue and Black Regal outfit. The black complimented his hair.

"Grand Duke Aubrey," he said in a bored tone.

"Isn't this lovely?" He said as he looked at me.

I stared confused at him as he stared at me creepily yet it was subtle.

"You look beautiful Lady Latrice," he said smiling at me.

"Thank you, Your partner looks gorgeous in her Auburn dress," I said moving the conversation away from me.

The woman next to him had a disgusted look aimed at me that changed drastically when Orisis looked at her.

"It's nice to see you again, Duke Osiris," she said, smiling.

He nodded his head and looked at me.

"This is Elaine Allen, my younger sister," Grand Duke Aubrey said.

"She was almost also the duke's fiancé," he adds smiling.

From the corner of my eye I could see the hatred seeping out of Elaine. She looked like she would poison me if Duke Osiris wasn't here.

"Well too bad," I said subconsciously sighing.

I suddenly heard someone laughing and I looked up to see Duke Aubrey laughing.

"It doesn't seem as though you intended to say that out loud," he said still laughing.

"I'm sorry," I said as I covered my mouth.

"It's okay," Elaine said smiling.


"Well we have to go now," Duke Osiris said placing his hand on my waist.

"It was lovely to meet you," I said as we left.

"Aren't you a interesting one," He said as he pulled me close to him.

"Am I now?" I ask him .


"Latie!" A familiar voice interrupted him.

It was Theon! He had a blue and gold regal outfit on. His outfit complimented both his blond hair and blue eyes. He looked like a Prince.

"Hoho, look at you looking so handsome," I compliment him.

"Oh, is that so? " He asked as he kissed my hand.

My back suddenly felt cold and from the corner of my eyes I saw Duke Osiris shooting daggers at Theon.

"Yes," I answered.

"And how do I look?" I asked him.

"You look beautiful. You look so beautiful that I wasn't even sure if it was really you," he said smiling at me warmly.

"Oh my, did you fall in love with me?" I asked him in a playful tone.

"You know I've been in love with you since the beginning," he answered in a playful tone as he wriggled his eyebrows.

"Ahem," we heard.

We turned our direction towards the Duke and he had a menacing look on his face.

"Oh, Theo, This is the Grand Duke Osiris," I said as I gestured towards the Duke.

"Duke Osiris, this is Theon, MY FIRST," I said emphasizing on the words my first as I gestured towards Theon.

"Nice to meet you," Theon said extending his hand for a handshake.

Duke Osiris stared at his hand in disgust for a few seconds before he held on to it.

He had a creepy menacing smile on his face as he spoke slowly.

"Nice. To. Meet. You. Too," he said as he held on to Theon's hand.

Theon's eyes looked teary and when I looked down at his hands. His fingers were turning blue. Shocked I clutched on to his arm. His grip loosened as he let go of Theon's hand. Theon suddenly let out a heavy breathe before looking at me shocked.

"What happened?" Rissa asked confused as she walked up to us.

"You look so beautiful, I think I'm ready to die now, I've seen the Angel, I wanted to," I said dramatically as I placed my arm on my forehead.

"You look beautiful too, I feel like I should have done more," she said pouting.

"But you look so beautiful though," a voice from behind her said.

I looked behind her was the prince. The freaking bastard that wants to ruin my best friend's life.

"Your high..."

I was suddenly pulled up by strong arms before I could even finish greeting the prince properly.

"You don't bow to him, he has to bow to you," Duke Osiris said.

My eyes widened as I heard him say that.

"That's the crown prince, you know that, right?" I asked whispering.

"He is a normal human being," the Duke answered.

Is he crazy!? I looked at him baffled as I looked at the crown prince from the corner of my eyes. He was laughing. I turned my head towards the Crown Prince and he was laughing.

"It's okay, Lady Latrice," he said.

"Your fiance never respected the rules," he added.

He does this alot???

The crown prince explained to me after noticing how confused I looked about what it meant. Basically he once was in trouble and Duke Osiris helped me. Duke Osiris also was the first person to ever tell him that he is a normal human being like everyone else before he is the Crown Prince.

We continued talking and the crown prince and duke were shooting daggers into Theon as he spoke to us.

After mingle with each other we went ahead and mingled with everyone else when my father came to make an announcement.

"Thank you all for coming here, this evening," he said.

"Today, we are here to congratulate Grand Duke Osiris Evans and my daughter, Latrice Bellatrix Richardson on their engagement," he added.

"Cheers to their engagement," he said.

"Cheers!" Everyone said.

I looked at Duke Osiris from the corner of my eyes and he looked shocked. His cheeks were red and his eyes were avoiding me.

I wonder what's wrong with him. Don't tell me his trying hard not to laugh at me. I buried my face in my hand from embarrassment . Why do I have that horrible middle name????