The unknown plan

Elaine Allen

"Is it going as planned?" I asked.

"Yes Miss, it will be happening as planned," he said.

"Good," I said.

"Make sure that nothing can ever be tracked back to me," I added.

She won't know what hit her until her last breath.

'well too bad,' she said.

How dare she! I am Elaine Allen, the most perfect woman in the Aegis Empire! A Marquess daughter looked down on me! Maybe I should just kill her.

Should I kill her? I mean there is nothing special about her so it's not like anyone will miss her.

"Relax, sister, they won't get married, I'll make sure of it," He said.

"Brother, we need to get our hands on it before they discover it, or else, alot of things will go wrong," I state as I sat down.

"They won't find it, so don't worry," he said confidently.

"You know that it's the only place that we can discover the key and there is only one key ," I state.

"You should have convinced the King that my marriage to Orisis would have been beneficial for this damn country," I say frustrated.

"Patience is virtue and with hasteness comes mistakes, there is still 6 months left before they get married," He said as he played with the quil in his hand.

"Did you see how he looked at her?" He asked me.

"He looked mesmerized by her," he added as he broke the quil into two pieces.

"I'll make sure their wedding does not take place," he said smiling.

I felt a shudder through my spinal cord as my brother face went from menacing to jolly. He was like... No, he is like a wolf hiding in sheep's fur.

"What do you think our parents would say if they saw that bastard mesmerized by a woman," he asked happily.

"I don't know, what would they say?" I asked him .

"Bastards like him don't deserve to be happy," he said with a menacing expression on his face.

His planning something. Something I won't know if until it occurs...


Aubrey Allen

She was very mesmerising...

From the way her curly hair moved as she walked to the smile on her face that shined brighter than all the stars and moon combined together. He doesn't deserve her. He deserves nothing but pain. He doesn't deserve to fall in love with an angel like her.

I have to take her away from him. I have to make her mine and make him suffer as she loves me.

"Your Grace," Butler Harry said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?'' I asked, annoyed.

"Lady Elaine has left," he said .

"Okay, send him in," I said.

"I'll do so, your Grace," he said.

He walked in covered a black cloak. His aura was leaking like a toxic gas that normal people would not notice.

"He said that they could not find the key," he said as he kneeled in front of me.

"Really?" I asked as I wiped my hands with my handkerchief.

"Yes, your Grace but we won't know until we see it for ourselves," he added still bowing.

"Then do so," I said.

"He has people gaurdinng the mine, we have to plan for it," he said.

"Are you always this fucking dumb!" I shouted as I grabbed him by the neck.

He had fear in his eyes. His blue eyes quivered as I tightened my grip around his neck.

"You are very annoying," I tell him.

"I let it slide because whatever you called your pathetic aura was like a bite from the baby, I gave you an order and you gave me an excuse," I say as my grip tightened even more.

"I hate excuses, " I said as I threw him towards my bookshelf.

I looked at him and he was gasping for air as if he drowned.

"Get your pathetic excuse of a soul out of my office and don't come back until you found something of value," I said as I shooed him out.

He ran out and Harry appeared.

"May I ask if you will be eating supper your grace?" He asked.

"I lost my appetite, clean this mess up, I'm leaving," I said as I opened a teleport warp to pass through.

I stepped through and the fragrance of lilies filled my nostrils. It was peaceful here.

"Mother, Father are you doing well?" I asked myself.

Ten years ago...

"Grand Duke!The estate is being attacked!" One of the knights shouted as he came in running.

"Aubrey, Go to your sister and take her to the place I showed you," my father said pushing me towards the door.

"Prepare the knights to attack!" My father exclaimed.

I turned to look at my mother and father and was scared to seeing my mother with fearful eyes. She turned her head towards the door and was shocked to see me. She quickly changed her expression and smiled.

"Aubrey, my son, you have to survive and you have to be happy," she said as she walked towards me.

"Mom?" I said in a coarse voice.

"You a brave boy, Aubrey, so you must protect your sister, okay?" She said as she hugged me.

I could feel her trembling hands as they caressed my back.

"Go to your sister and take her where your father told you to," she added breaking the hug.

"And stay there until the sun goes down, okay?" She said smiling.

"Oh, and take this," she said giving me a bag.

"Now go" she said as she smiled with tears in her eyes.

I hesitated to leave her but she gave me a reassuranced smile.

'She'll be okay' I told myself as I ran to Elaine's room. When I got there Elaine was asleep.

"Elaine?" I said gently.

"Brother?" She said rubbing her eyes.

"We playing a game, Mommy and Daddy are waiting for us," I said as I opened a teleport portal.

"Really?" She said excited before running towards the portal.

I followed behind her as I looked back at our home.

Everything will be okay. That was what I thought.


"Brother? Where is mommy and daddy?" She asked confused.

" They are hiding somewhere here," I lied.

There was no place to hide. This place was an open field filled with lilies, snowballs and daffodils. The lilies fragrance stood out through the snowballs and daffodils. The place had a warm scenery and a warm air to it.

Are they okay? Why were we being attacked? What is happening? What...

"Brother, I'm tired and hungry," Elaine said.

"You hungry?" I said as I opened the bag our mother gave to us.

The first thing I saw was an envelope with my name on it. It was a letter from my mother.

I opened it and I felt my heart pounding.


By the time you read this letter we will already be dead...

I'm sorry I lied to you ...

There's something you need to know...

Tears welled in my eyes as my hands shake. This cannot be happening! It can't!

I wiped my tears as I opened the portal.

"Elaine, brother will be back soon, so you should go hide, okay?" I said to my sister.

"Okay!" She said excitedly as she ran into the open field.

I stepped out of the portal as I made myself invisible. Our house was burning. I ran towards my father's office where I saw a man standing with a sword in front of my mother.

"Clara, why did you leave me?" The man said.

"I love you," he added.

"Please, let's go home," he said as he held her chin.

"I don't love you Wilson, I'm never gonna love," she said.

"I gave you want you wanted and it hurt me giving it to you without even being able to love it," she cried.

"I am not going to go with you," she added firmly.

His expression became dark as he violently pushed her to the ground with her chin. She fell to the ground and I tried running towards her but my feet were frozen. My mother looked in my direction smiling. She could see me. She could see her frightened child that was invisible.

"If I can't have you then no one will!" The man shouted as he stepped my mother.

"Mom!" I tried to scream but only I could hear my voice.

"I love you, Clara. I love you so much that I can't live without you. Nothing is this world is worth anything if I can't have you," he said before stabbing himself with his sword.

The office was burning and I had witnessed my mother's death. The ice on my feet crystallized and broke. I ran towards my mother and her body was turning to ash.

"No! mom! NO!" I cried out as I held onto her disappearing body.

The office that was once filled with warmth was now scorching hot. My memories burning to ashes with it. Everything was pointless. I have to avenge them.

I will. I wiped my tears as I looked at the dead man's knight armour and I saw it. The symbol of the Northern Aegis Duchy. You will pay for this!

I opened my eyes as I stared at the lilies. Lilies that remind me constantly of why I cannot die.

Elixir, the island where immortal beings live, and the place my mother left for love.

'I will fulfill your wish mother,' I whispered as I laid in the field of flowers.

"And I avenge father and your deaths," I said loudly to myself.