Steven Collins of Ulrika

Latrice Richardson

There's something about the cold night air that I just don't understand. It's comforting yet frightening. The sound of the wind on the windows sounded like a jet flying over me. The sounds of the horses sounded like a drummer learning how to make a drumroll for the first time. The night sky filled with stars looked like a dark blue dress covered in golden sparkles.

I have to sort out this issue. I need to find a way to get back what he stole from us. That damn bastard! I should have Jack cut his tongue off. No, I should have tortured him before hav...

"Lady Latrice?" Jack called out to me.

I looked out of the window to see Jack sitting on his horse. He looked like a prince taking his lover on a night ride. My anger vanished as my anger dissipated into the air. I'll be lenient and not do anything irrational.

"We are almost there. Are you okay?" He asked me.

"I'm okay," I tell him smiling as I look out to see golden lights shining throughout the empire of Ulrika.

It lives up to its title, The land of wealth and gold. It's really beautiful. It's a pity that it's the home of liars and scammers. It is so frustrating that I could just.

"Latrice, we cannot forget about the hierarchy of this world and we can't forget about the consequences." I whispered to myself.

"Let's not think about that for a moment and let's enjoy the scene regardless of its treacherous peo... DUKES! Not people but dukes." I tell myself as I feel a burst of energy in me.

No one gets to mess with my future like that. If I have to fight God for my future, I will. I'll fight whoever I must to be happy in this lifetime. I refuse to die. I refuse to...


"You are so pathetic! I don't even know why you exist!" she screamed with hatred lacing every letter coming out of her mouth.

I squeezed my eyes as I held tears back. You are a strong girl, right? That was what I thought.

"Why the fucking hell are you crying?! I'm the one who deserves to cry not YOU!!" She screamed shaking me violently.

"You are the mistake that RUINED EVERYTHING! " She said as she tossed me to the side.

The side where the stairs started... The pain I felt that day... That day... It felt like death had come for m...


The carriage stopped and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"That was in the past. I've lived a very happy life in this life." I told myself as I assured myself.

'It is going to be okay this time.' I thought to myself.

I opened the door and Jack had a concerned look on his face. No. He looked at me as though he pitied me. It made me tremble.

"I'm okay Jack. So, please don't look at me like that." I warned him in a joking manner.

He nodded his head as he helped me out of the carriage. We were finally here. The place where I'm going reveal the biggest scandal! Or maybe I won't. Grand Duke Collins, Today you will beg me and cry at my feet.

I wore my mask as I walked into the Aureum Banquet Hall. It's just as beautiful as it's depicted in books. The pearl-white floors made the golden brown chandeliers glisten more than the chandeliers made it stand out. It felt like stepping into a royalty ball filled with royal members. The atmosphere was so warm that you would even notice if people looked down on you. It was like a game of poker, fun yet serious. Instead of seeing straight faces, you could merely hear people's voices and laughter. This was like gambling. You could die at the hands of someone who smiles or you can become business partners with someone who smiles.

"Sir Stanley Misisipi and Sir Jeffrey Park entering," the herald announced.

Everyone stared at us for a few seconds before they turned their heads back to the conversation they were busy with. This will be enjoyable.

"Jack, let's find Duke Collins," I murmured to Jack.

He nodded as he walked away. I looked around when I saw a man approach me.

"Sir Stanley!" he said joyously.

I started at him perplexed. He only glimpsed at me for a few seconds and now he came to me.

"I'm Grand Duke Eliot of the Northern Ulrika Duchy." He stated proudly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Duke Eliot." I said in a baritone voice.

Today, I am Stanley Misisipi. No one would be able to recognize me unless they were Rissa Mariam or even Jack.

"Would you like to join us over there?" He asked pointing at the table behind him.

"I would love to join you if I'm not a bother." I answer him.

"Of course not, We are inquisitive about you." he stated laughing.

"Then don't mind if I do," I said laughing deeply.

We walked over to a table that was filled with strong liquor that could knock out someone who was not used to it. They all looked old from the structure of their mouths.

"Who is this young cohort with you Duke Eliot?" One of the men asked.

"This is Sir Stanley, Duke Collins." He explained as we sat down.

"It's an honour to meet you all," I said smiling.

It truly is an honour to meet you, Duke Collins. I'm going to teach you a lesson today.

Everyone introduced themselves but their names went in one ear and out the other. They were not my targets, well not at this moment. Duke Collins was the man I wanted tonight. The man I would punish.

"He was so foolish! Cryptocurrency doesn't exist. " Duke Collins said laughing proudly.

"Cryptocurrency?" I asked curiously.

"It was going to be what I called a new material we found in the mines in my territory." he explained.

"Was it a useless type of material discovered?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, It was just rocks, pure rocks." He answered, sighing.

"So why did you decide on the name cryptocurrency for a material you haven't discovered? " I asked him.

"Someone sent me a letter telling me that I was going to find a rare money-making material in the Lapis Nephriticus mine, but it turned out to be a lie." he answered.

Lapis Nephriticus? This imbecile! The Lapis Nephriticus mine was his! He was the man who made trillions from Jewellery that was made out of Jade! I have to take this too! Oh boy! How lucky I am! I need it!

"Duke Collins, if I may? What do you plan to do with the Lapis Nephriticus mine?" I inquired.

"I might sell it or just close it off. Why? Would you like to buy it?" he asked jokingly.

"Yes." I answered.

He stopped laughing perplexed by what I said.

"You see, I collect stones for a hobby." I explained to him.

"Oh, you'll have to explain it to me." he said laughing.

"I'd have to tell you when it's just the both of us," I responded laughing too.

The conversation naturally went on as he boasted about things he had accomplished.

"I started a new business after I received another letter," he said proudly.

"Another letter?" I questioned.

"You see, the duke is very lucky to have an anonymous well-wisher." Duke Eliot answered.

"Wow! He is very lucky." I said completely shocked by what I heard.

An anonymous well-wisher... Who is crazy to help him? Have they lost their minds? Are they someone important? Wait, An anonymous well wishes that told him to call Jade Stones cryptocurrency? Something is not right. How can cryptocurrency exist if there's no technology? Why would the people of a novel know cryptocurrency? Unless...

"Duke Collins, did your anonymous well-wisher tell you to obtain investors? " I asked curiously.

"Yes, he even gave me the names of the investors, which surprised me but I do everything he tells me to do." he answers.

I'll have to look into this and if I'm right then something is wrong big time.

The conversations went on until everyone started going somewhere. It was either a beautiful woman it a very rich person. Duke Collins and I were the only two left at the table.

"Would it be rude if I asked to speak to you somewhere private, Duke Collins?" I asked him.

"Of course not." He answered.

"Follow me." He said as he got up from his seat.

I followed him as I waved from behind as I walked. He knew what that meant...

The Duke brought me to a private room and after he entered I followed behind with Jack. Jack was invisible. To be precise, He was covered in an invisible cloak. The Duke could not see him only people with magic clairvoyance vision can see magic objects like I can. Magic Clairvoyance is the ability to everything that's been hidden and everything that can't be found, though to be able to see everything that cannot be found you'd have to work hard on your power.

"So what is it you want to talk about?" he asked proudly.

"I'd like to talk about the Lapis Nephriticus mine." I tell him.

"Why do you want it?" he asked me.

"It is just like I said, I collect stones for a hobby." I answer.

"Stones, you say," he said as he rubbed his chin.

He was quiet for a while and I could imagine what he thought.

I'm going to charge him more for this useless mine. I'm sure that's what he thought about.

"I'll sell it to you." He declared proudly.

"How much?" I asked him.

"One Billion Sedlers." he replied creepily sneering.

"Okay." I tell him as I take my mask off.

"One Billion Sellers won't hurt me," I add as I loosen my hair.

He gasped shocked and confused as he stared at me.

"You are a Woman!" he exclaimed angrily.

"And you sir, are in big trouble." I stated very calmly.

"Me? In trouble?" he rhetorically asked before scoffing.

"You are the one who is in trouble! " he declared.

"You insolent woman! How dare you!" he shouted.

"How dare I what?" I asked him.

"What did I do?" I added as I got up from my chair and walked towards him.

"It's not like I scammed anyone or cheated on my partner." I stated as I whispered it into his ears.

His body stiffened up as he looked shocked. I guess it's true what they say about cheaters. Nothing scares them while they cheat until they are caught.

"What are you talking about?" he said angrily.

There was a hint of stuttering that could not be noticed if you did not listen to the tone of his voice attentively. He must think that I'm bluffing. Let me give him more.

"My dear, Adrianna. I miss you so much. The physical turmoil I go through because I haven't touched your beautiful body in so long breaks me. I wish I could see your beautiful smile and hear your melodic voice. I will be visiting you soon to see our." I recited, dramatically.

"Do you want me to continue?" I ask him.

"Wha...what d...d... do you wa...want?" he asked, stuttering.

"You messed with my future Steven." I answer him angrily yet calmly.

"I don't even know you." he protested astounded.

"Richardson. " I answer.

"I am Latrice Richardson. " I inform him.

"And you Steven, fucked with the wrong family. " I tell him lightly hitting his cheeks.

I turned to walk back to my seat when I heard him groan I'm pain. I know exactly what's happening. He thought attacking me from behind would be smart but I'm smarter.

"I'm genuinely disappointed Steven." I notified him as I heard him groan in pain.

Jack grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back. The Duke's face was red from how unbearable it was.

"You going to listen to everything I tell you to do, or else I'll have your wife knowing about this and if I'm not mistaken, there is a clause in your marriage contract." I explain to him.

"If ever Duke Steven Collins were to be unfaithful to His Wife Duchess Brianne Wembley, the entire Western Ulrika Duchy would be hers." I recite it to him.

"I will do anything." He lets out desperately.