Confidence is equal to consequence


A week later...

The air hasn't felt so wonderful in a while. The garden looked so pretty that I witlessly ran around in the garden like a little child. One would assume that I have gone mad but the truth is I acquired the mine and I got back the money my father had tried to invest, in addition to that I got myself a subordinate. To me, it felt like winning the lottery. I could escape the marriage that would kill me and I could actually live without worry. The warm breeze that touched my face made me smile and giggle happily.

The school I had found dreadful became so beautiful and so warm because of...

"Miss Richardson." A familiar stern voice called out.

I turned and the life was sucked out of me by her represents. I take back what I said. This is still dreadful. In fact, if they were to write about the best schools let them disregard this one. It was a wasteful one that took away the life forces of their students.

"Good morning Mrs Silvers." I greeted her.

"You seem very happy," she states.

"Do I?" I subconsciously asked sarcastically.

She stared at me amused and it didn't register in my head that I had been sarcastic until she spoke to me.

"I see you are well to attend the detention that you received about two months ago." She let out before leaving.

The detention I had avoided has finally arrived. The one I avoided so well has come for me. Sighing I walked away from the garden and I walked to detention droopy. I should have just kept my mouth back then.


"Mr Winter, why is it that we don't learn about other languages even though we attend foreign language classes?" I asked him after he asked if anyone had any questions.

He looked stunned and flustered by the fact that I asked him what I did. It didn't seem like he would answer it. After all the only place where you could really learn foreign languages was in the State of Eirini. A small yet big state that was independent and did not take into consideration noble titles. They are a somehow modern country with power enough to protect them but not enough to influence the world.

"We do learn a foreign language here." he answered.

"Mr Winter, Liber is not a foreign language as Xenia is not a land of its own. In fact, Xenia isn't even called Xenia by the people of Aegis but Aegis Xenia. Liber is similar to the language spoken in the Aegis empire known as Libertas." I point out.

"Yet it's a foreign language to people from the Capital. " He tries to argue.

"Mr Winter, did you realize that I was speaking to you in Liber instead of Libertas?" I asked him.

"What?" He said shocked and flustered.

"There is only a word difference between Liber and Libertas, and therefore they can't be considered two independently different languages. Though we can say that they are different, the differences are only ever noticed on paper therefore deeming it the same language just spoken differently. " I respond proudly.

Suddenly everyone started applauding and it made me realize that I was not aware of my surroundings. I felt a bit flustered because it was not my intention to challenge Mr Winter in front of them. I just wanted to educate him so that he wouldn't be under average teacher...

"Do you have proof to support your claims?" He inquired sounding angry.

Huh? Why is he angry now? I mean I did challenge him but I didn't disrespect him. He does not have to react this way for the sake of the class.

If you are a naive person feigning ignorance, you would think he's just an uncompromising and stern teacher but right now... Right now he is just enraged even though it does not show. The classroom which used to only be impassive, now felt as though we were in an oven baking. Everyone could feel it. There was a sudden change in the room. One none of us wanted. Mr Winter stared at me with a sneer across his face which lit a fire within me that wanted to be right.

"I do have evidence." I responded to him.

He looked perplexed and amused. He went to his desk which was filled with paper and ink bottles almost everywhere except where he placed his cup.

"The stage is yours, Miss Richardson. " He mocked smirking.

His tone at that moment annoyed me. It annoyed me to the core. No, it rubbed me wrong... so wrong that I had to wipe that unpleasant smirk off his face. A stage needs to be used for performance and I will give my best now.

"Like I've said before, Mr Winter. Liber and Libertas are the same language with different spelling of certain words such as our first example would be of their names. The only difference is that Libertas has the 'tas' at the end of the word Liber." I state as I write on the enchanted blackboard.

The enchanted blackboard is like the summary board. It summarizes whatever you write on it. It even projects pictures if enchanted too. It's like you connect yourself to the board for it to be able to summarize what you say.

"A language that could be considered different from Liber, would be Tabula rasa, the language spoken in the Ulrika empire." I add as I continue writing as I look at Mr Winter and the class.

"Tabula rasa is completely different from Liber and if you don't know... Liber is a language also spoken in Ulrika. Though Tabula rasa is the main language and has nothing in common with Liber." I explained further.

"I could call you a dog in Tabula rasa and you would not know." I added as I spoke Tabula rasa.

Everyone gasped shocked and amazed. I turned to look at Mr Winter and you could see he was shocked. I smirked as I stared at Mr Winter.

"Hey, Latrice! What did you say to us?" a boy in my class asked.

His eyes sparkled as he spoke. It was like he was enjoying this class. I looked around and everyone had similar expressions. It made me want to be a teacher. I know I'd be an excellent teacher.

"I said that I could curse you all and no one would know, though I'd expect our FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHER to know." I answered emphasizing the words foreign language teacher.

He looked flustered by what I said and he deserved it. You don't rub people wrong and get away with it. You get humbled when you don't open room for new information.

"And sir, I read it in our Foreign Language and Culture textbook, Page 243 line 25, it states that Liber and Libertas are to be considered languages from the same family as there are no noticeable differences between but Liber and Tabula rasa are not to be considered the same as Tabula rasa has completely different words, meaning and pronunciation from Liber therefore it can be considered a foreign language from a foreign country. " I recited to him.

"I must say, Mr Winter, I really thought you knew this," I told him as I went back to my seat.

The class applauded me and a few shouted that it would have been better if I was the teacher. This has to be the draw for him. He slammed his hands on the table and everyone gasped as they became quiet. He was visibly angry and then he smiled and said;

"Miss Latrice, I will be seeing you at the detention centre this afternoon after your classes have ended."


Maybe I was harsh on him, but he rubbed me wrong and I can't just let it go! I would go mad if I did. I'd rather tick him off than go mad.

" I did it for my peace of mind," I tell myself.

It is the truth that came with a consequence. One that would repeat in a loop if I did not shut my mouth in today's detention.

"Keep your mouth closed today Latrice." I warn myself as I hit my face.

I can't be causing myself problems like this, that too five months before my graduation. No detention means I get to graduate peacefully. That's something I must have!

I finally arrived at the detention class and went to sit down. There were very few students in detection as most of them usually used their power and titles to get out of situations.

"Miss Richardson... I never thought I'd ever see you in detention."

I looked up and there stood my Thaumaturgy teacher, Mr


"I also never thought that I would meet you here Mr Wobbles." I teased in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm here because I'm avoiding the teacher's conference," he responded as he rolled his eyes.

"If you are being punished, sir don't hesitate to say it. We all get punished at some point." I teased him.

My relationship with Mr Wobbles was that of a student and Master. He treated me like I was his only student just because of how good I was with my magic. Magic I only used when needed.

"So why are you here?" he asked me as he ignored my teasing remarks.

"You could say Mr Winter does not have space for new information and teachings." I answered sighing.

He scoffed at me before laughing.

"You really don't know when to stop, right?" he spoke before laughing and shaking his head.

I sighed and placed my head on the table. He was right and I couldn't even deny it.

"So what happened?" he asked sitting down at the table in front of the class.

I started explaining to him what happened and he cracked out laughing. Tears were streaming from his face. I stared at him and laughed because he looked funny as he laughed.