HoneyWho pt1


Latrice Evans

We were in the carriage driving back to my parent's house, because that's where the reception was taking place. My cheeks were flushed because of what he had said.

'You are beautiful.'

The thought of it made my cheeks flush even more than before. Why did he say it like that? Was this how he got the real Latrice to fall for him? Was this how he ruined her to death? I won't let that happen to me. I refuse to let that occur again!

'God, I don't know what you are planning but leave me out of this!'

Suddenly I heard laughter next to me. I turned my head to the side and he was laughing at me!

"Why are you laughing?" I asked startled.

How dare he laugh at me? Where did he find this temerity to laugh at me?

He stared at me before cracking further into laughter.

Angry and flustered, I got up and attempted to sit on the other side when he grabbed my hand pulling me towards him. The carriage bounced a bit and our lips touched as I fell forward on him. I could hear my heart pounding. My face felt hot... Hot like the sun.

Why was I so nervous? I had already kissed him before at the Chapel! So why was I embarrassed now?

I pushed myself away from him and he held me by the waist which led to me falling on my back with him on top of me on the other side of the carriage.

"What's your problem!?" I shrieked flustered.

"What did I do?" He asked smirking.

"You on top of me!" I exclaimed trying my best not to blush like an idiot.

"I'm not on top of a stranger, am I?" he counterattacked me smirking as he caressed my face brushing my curly hair out of my face with his fingers.

"Get off me." I ordered as I pushed him off, causing him to fall on the carriage floor.

He groaned a bit before he sat up on the floor staring up at me.

"I'm sorry that I laughed at you." he said smiling.

I stared at him flustered and bewildered. I didn't know what to say at this point. He admitted to laughing at me.

Was this why he married me? To torment me? How... How dare he!

"Am I a joke to you?" I asked him trying to calm my nerves.

"No. You could never be a joke to me." He answered with a serious face.

His expression and tone caught me off guard. I stared at him suspiciously and confused.

"Then why were you laughing at me?" I asked in an angry tone.

"You looked so beautiful flapping your hands like a flabellum when you sat next to me." He answered as he got up.

"What?" I questioned, confused.

What nonsense was he spewing? Is he crazy or fatuous?

I didn't know how to feel. He probably saw my cherry-red flushed cheeks. Why was he looking at me in the first place? I was angry, angry at the fact that I was angry that he was laughing.

"I was fanning my hands because it was hot." I explained embarrassed as I subconsciously used my hands as a flabellum.

"You don't have to explain." he said smiling at me as he came to sit next to me using his hands as a flabellum and fanning them at me.

I looked away and I heard him chuckling. Why was my heart pounding the way it was? What's wrong with me?


Before he could finish someone knocked on the carriage window which scared me for a moment. It was a knight who belonged to the Northern Aegis Duchy.

"It seems we have arrived." I said as I got out of the carriage.

The knight at the door helped me out and I thanked him. Seeing this knight made me wonder where Jack was.

Did he forsake me? Where was he?

"Who are you looking for?"

"My Knight." I answered.

"Your Knight?"

"Yes." I answered as I turned my head towards the person talking.

It was Orisis. He had an unreadable expression plastered across his face. It made me shudder.

"What's with that weird look on your face?" I asked frowning.

"What weird look?" he asked smiling.

His face was back to normal it made ms shudder even more. I really need to get him to sign the contract.


Orisis Evans

She stared at me trying to figure out what was going on in my mind... I could see it in her eyes. It's a pity that she won't be able to find out. I'll make sure she never finds out.

"James." I called out.

James was the Captain of the Evansville Knights. He was a trustworthy person I could always depend on.

"Duke?" he responded.

"I want to know EVERYTHING about her KNIGHT." I stated emphasising the words Everything and Knight.

"On it." He answered walking away.

"I'll get rid of him if he poses a problem for me." I whispered to myself.

"Did you say something?" She asked, confused.

"No." I answered smiling.

"Let's go in." I added.

She nodded her head as we walked in. The servant came to fetch us taking us to our rooms to get changed for the reception party. Their house had a different fragrance from the last time but it was still comforting. This time it was a fresh batch of baked muffins scent. It was comforting as it reminded me of my Aunt's house and the palace. The only other two places that felt comforting.

"This way, Duke."

I snapped out of my thoughts and a servant was staring at me. She had a seductive look which made me shudder in disgust. Her boobs were squeezed together and her uniform was altered to be seductive. I scoffed at this cliche attempt.

I looked at her frowning disgusted as she smiled at me. Was she crazy?

"Duke?" She questioned.

"Lead the way." I let out.

She took me to my room and walked out. How silly of her to think that she could have my attention.

"I wonder what dress Treece will wear for her reception." I thought to myself.

Her wedding dress was big and beautiful. Was she going to wear something similar again?

Lost in my thoughts I walked towards the wardrobe taking off my wedding suit. I opened the door and a naked woman was in the wardrobe posing. I stared at her confused and shocked and disgusted. Closing the wardrobe doors I put on my wedding suit.

"You get out and leave." I told her.

She climbs out walking to me in a seductive manner. I stared at her visibly disgusted. I couldn't cause issues today so I decided to leave.

"You seem lost, I will go." I told her as I buttoned my shirt.

"Why would you go?" She asked as she unbuttoned my pants.

I grabbed her by the neck angry and disgusted that she thought I would let her get away with this! I am a married man! How dare she try to touch a married man!

"Listen here, if you try this shit again with me then I will..."

The doors opened and Treece entered. She said something before stopping halfway shocked.

"Hey, I wanted to..."

She stared at us shocked before laughing. She shook her head in disbelief before she composed herself.

"I'm sorry." She let out as she walked away closing the doors.

Fuck! I stared at the woman in front of me and I dragged her towards the window where I threw her off the balcony into whatever bush there was.

I could hear her screaming but I didn't care. She almost ruined my marriage and made my wife think I'm some type of a bastard. That Goddamn whore!

I buttoned my pants and shirt and ran out to find Treece. I saw her standing with the crown prince and his fiance Marissa.

"Treece, let me explain." I spoke as I walked towards them.

She gave me one look and walked away.

"Treece." I whispered sad.

"Nic, I'm leaving." Marissa let out glaring daggers into my face.

"Lattie! Wait up!" She shouted as she ran after her.

"Really?"Nicholas asked.

"Do you think I would hurt her like that?" I asked him shocked.

"Why didn't you kill her?" He asked frustrated.

"She thinks I'm a bastard just like you." He let out scoffing.

"But you are." I counterattacked him.

"I've changed." he reasoned.

"So have I." I declared.

"I'll explain to her at the party, follow me." I spoke walking back to my room.

"After all, we have to open up the reception banquet with a dance." I whispered to myself.

"You better fix this." He let out pointing his fingers at me.

"Your Highness...Don't point your fingers so carelessly. You might lose your hands." I told him with a fake smile.

"She's very upset and feels disrespected." he told me as he lowered his hands.