Our Vows pt 2


Orisis Evans

I was anxiously waiting in the room in the Cathedral. My mind was filled with thoughts of the wedding. Was it going to go smoothly? Would I be able to get married without anyone interfering with the ceremony? Would someone make a weird claim before the wedding? Will I get married without killing anyone?

"Orisis, Relax. Everything will happen as planned." Arthur said.

"I know." I snapped, frustrated.

What if she runs away? She could do it? She could run away?

"Call him here." I ordered Arthur.

Arthur stared at me before sighing. He then walked towards me and slapped me. It was like he slapped sense into me as my mind cleared and my worries faded away.

"He is with Her!" He exclaimed anger laced in his words.

Playing with my tongue in my mouth. My rationality came back to me like a turtle crossing the road. He was right! As long as he was with her, she would come to the Cathedral.

I would have ordered him to kidnap her if she tried to evade this marriage. I would have locked her up in the Evansville mansion. I...

Rubbing my temples I sighed, before looking up at Arthur.

"You are very fortuitous that we are friends." I state as I use my aura to heal my cheeks.

"I accept your gratitude." He states smiling.

"But threatening people on your wedding day is not ideal. You could end up really losing her." He said as a joke.

I knew it was a joke but my anger couldn't take it anymore, and I ended up punching him. The crown prince walked in and gasped at the sight.

"Evans, Calm down!" He ordered as he held me back.

"And you! Out!" He ordered pointing at Arthur.

Arthur stared at me blankly before walking out. I was fuming. How dare he say such a thing when I'm on the edge? If it were a normal situation where I was already married I would have not taken it seriously but he...he just pressed the wrong button today!

"What's your deal?" Nicholas asked, shocked.

"It's nothing." I muttered heavily breathing.

"Orisis, she won't run away." Nicholas tells me as he sits down.

"I won't let her." He adds grinning.

I stare at him confused. What did he mean by that?

"I have placed knights everywhere in the empire." he explains.

"She would either have to be able to use teleportation magic or completely change her appearance without making the knights curious about why she is the only person they have never met." He adds snickering as he leans back into his chair.

My heart felt relieved and I smiled at Nicholas. Why did I forget about his power? How did I forget that he could use his power as the Crown Prince to make anyone and everyone obey him?

"Thank you." I tell him.

"After this wedding, you must apologize to Arthur. You know he only tried to cheer you up, not to offend you." Nicholas stated.

"I know." I said getting up from the couch.

I walked towards the door opening it to see a priest standing at the door, attempting to knock on the door.

When he saw me he shrieked and we stared at him confused.

"Oh my!" He exclaimed nervous.

"The bride has arrived and the groom has to go to the Chapel." he said.

I nodded my head and he scurried away. I stared at Nicholas as he got up patting my shoulder as he walked out.

It was happening. I was going to get married to her. I wonder how she looks right now. I wondered if she had her curly hair let down or tied up. How did her dress look? Would she look like someone descending from Heaven?


I looked up and Nicholas and Arthur stood at the doors of the Chapel with their arms folded.

"Do you want to make an entrance like the bride?" Nicholas asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts and hurried into the Chapel. The doors opened and everyone turned their heads to see who entered.

So many people came to the wedding. It shocked me for a second but it made sense. The Grand Duke of the North was getting married. Who wouldn't want to be a part of this moment?

Arthur and Nicholas moved to the back and moved to the front from the side, finding their seats in the third row at the front. I walked to the front and stood in front of the high priest.

The High Priest smiled at me nodding his head. I smiled back at him bowing my head. The High Priest was the person who got my parents married a long time ago when they were still alive. He was also someone who looked out for me other than my aunt and uncle, my father's siblings. He always gave me advice when I needed it. Even when he knew that I despised God he still treated me kindly. He had my respect for how he treated people.

The Chapel doors opened and we all turned our heads and stared at the people entering. It was my Mother-In-Law and the woman Nicholas loved. They looked decent but it didn't mean anything to me. It made me anxious but then they suddenly moved and there she stood. Her arms are linked to her father's. Her dress was beautiful. SHE was BEAUTIFUL. My mind went blank as I stared at her. I couldn't even see her father anymore. It was like no one was here and it was only the two of us. Her hair was braided and tied. I could see it under the veil. It made me want to cry. She IS so BEAUTIFUL. It felt like Heaven had sent its best Angel just for me. I wanted her to myself. For no one but me to enjoy her beauty and her everything.

"Today, we are gathered here in front of the Goddess Kefi to unite the Grand Duke of the North and the daughter of the Marquess of the Western Xenia country." He said.


I could hear the High Priest but his words were not reaching my ears. It felt like he was speaking at a gathering far from us. It was as if he wasn't here consummating our marriage. I could only focus on Treece. How did she look under the veil? Was I ready to see her? Would I be able to keep my cool at her beauty?

I felt a sudden touch and I looked down to notice her fingers touching my hand. I smiled subconsciously at the gestures when I heard the High Priest ask.

"Do You, Grand Duke Orisis Evans of the Northern Aegis Duchy, take thee, Daughter of Marquess David Richardson, Latrice Bellatrix Richardson, to be your wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to Goddess Kefi's holy ordinance; and thereto plight thee, your troth?"

"I do." I answered.

"Do You, Daughter of Marquess David Richardson, Latrice Bellatrix Richardson, take thee, Grand Duke Orisis Evans of the Northern Aegis Duchy, to be your wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to Goddess Kefi's holy ordinance; and thereto plight thee, your troth?" He asked looking at Treece.

"I do." She answered.

"Bring the wedding rings." The High Priest ordered a little child to bring the rings.

We both took the rings and helped each other wear them before we looked at the High priest.

"In the name of Goddes Kefi, I pronounce you Man and Wife." He declared.

"You may Kiss the..."

Before he could finish, Treece had grabbed me by the collar and kissed me. Everyone giggled and chuckled as they cheered and applauded us.

I kissed her back before she broke the kiss.

"I didn't know that you wanted to kiss me this bad." I teased her smirking.

"It's more like, I was doing you a favour Duke Evans." she teased back.

Her cheeks were a faint red that reached her ears.

I chuckled leaning towards her.

"Is it why your ears are red, Duchess Evans?" I asked in her ears.

She elbowed me with her arm and I stood upright.

Everyone stared and applauded at us as we walked out of the Chapel.

Her cheeks and ears were redder and I couldn't help but laugh. She was so cute.

"I forgot to tell you." I say as we walk to the carriage.

"Tell me what?" She asked curiously.

"You look beautiful. " I answered.

She seemed taken aback as her cheeks turned redder than before. No... Her face turned redder than before.

"Thank you. " she said turning away from me.

I smiled as I helped her get in the carriage.