Our Vows pt 1



Wedding day

If I could describe what was happening today, I would describe it as a disaster waiting to happen. It was chaos. Everyone was running around and my mother, my mother was hysterically screaming and shouting at people to do and my mother, my mother was hysterically screaming and shouting at people to do.

It felt like she was the one getting married.

I've been in my room for hours getting ready. The scented oils that were applied to my body made my nose itch. I've tried reasoning with Mariam and the other servants about the strong scent but they believed that HE would like it.

"Miss Latrice, This is the finest oil in the world. It will make him fall in love with you." Mariam said excitedly.

"I don't want to make him fall in love with me. I want to give my nose peace." I replied sighing.

This was a lost cause. I don't want to seem too eager and everyone around me wants me to be eager. I got up from my seat and walked towards the mirror. I'm a very pretty woman. I don't want to seem too eager and everyone around me wants me to be eager. I got up from my seat and walked towards the mirror. I'm a very pretty woman.

My make-up wasn't extravagant but it was also not minimalistic. It was a subtle royal classic make-up look.

My curly hair was braided and tied into a classy yet messy bun. It made me feel like I was an actress starting a new trend. I had the body too. Staring at myself I smiled at how pretty I looked.

"One thing is for sure, that man has taste." I spoke to myself.

My underwear made me feel somewhat sexy yet beautiful at the same time. Did she feel like this too? Did she feel pretty like the way I did when she got married? Or was her experience bitter?

"Latrice, I'll make sure you live a happy life." I declared as I placed my hand on the mirror.

"Miss Latrice?"

I turned my head to see Rissa staring at me shaking her head as she giggled.

"I must say, You look very seductive but your husband-to-be might become flustered if he sees you like this." she stated waving for the servants to bring my wedding dress.

"What? Would it not be weird if I didn't look seductive on my wedding day?" I asked as I teasingly posed like a model.

She burst into laughter shaking her head.

"What did you do to my sweet innocent best friend?" she asked teasingly.

"Muhahaha! She has been gone since that party she attended a year ago." I answered in a villainess's voice.

She stared at me for a few seconds before she broke down laughing.

"Wow! For. A. Moment. I...I...I. Thought. You. Were. Po...Po... Possessed." she explained still laughing.

I laughed with her because she was right. I sounded like a villainess. The doors burst open and we turned horrified to see who was that crazy. My hands, out of instinct instantly covered my body.

"Why isn't she dressed yet!?" My mother shrieked terrified.

I stared at Rissa and she stared back at me before we both sighed.

"We were waiting for my skin to absorb the scented oils that were applied on me." I answered as the servants brought my dress to me.

"Latie, there was a reason why I told you to get oils applied earlier in the morning." She nagged me as she rubbed her temples.

"I'm sorry Mother, I just really needed that extra sleep." I spoke as I walked towards her hugging her.

"I just don't want today to be a mess because regardless of whether this marriage is just an inevitable thing, I want you to have a beautiful wedding." She voiced her concerns as she hugged me tightly.

I could hear her voice tremble. She meant every word she said. Her eyes were sincere and her hug had the warmth that made me feel safe every time she hugged me. Her eyes were sincere and her hug had the warmth that made me feel safe every time she hugged me.

"I know Mother, And I'm grateful for that." I assured her, still hugging her.

"I'm sorry to be a bummer, but you are still half-naked Latie." Rissa stated as she pointed at me.

My mother stared at her before laughing.

"She's right, you need to get ready. We need to go to the church too." She said as she caressed my cheeks.

"Okay." I said as I walked back to the mirror.

Mariam came with my wedding gown and they started dressing me up. The white gown was beautiful. For a moment I even thought that I was staring at a saintess.

"Oh my." My mother said gasping as she covered her mouth.

"I still can't believe this was your wedding gown mother." I stated, still dazed by how I looked.

"You look like a work of art that God just painted." Rissa complimented me.

"Now I have to do my best so that I also look good for my wedding." She whined jokingly.

We laughed as she said that.

"You will be so beautiful that the crown prince would cry in front of everyone." My mother said caressing Rissa's cheeks.

"What if Duke Evans cries today?" Rissa asked my mother before laughing.

"Then we did a great job." My mother said smiling as she laughed too.

I shook my head as I giggled at them. Today was the day I started my life for survival. The day when the plot of the book will start playing.

My palms felt sweaty as I thought about it. Today, I'm getting married to Orisis and commence the fighting for my survival...

I wonder if I'll make it past the three years and live to see the years after that. Will I be able to give Us the happiness we deserve? Will I be able to keep us alive?

I really thought I wouldn't have to get married to the duke after I got my father the Mine in the Ulrika, but he signed a contract. One he couldn't even escape!


A month ago...

My father nervously kept stealing glances at me. It made me curious and somewhat uncomfortable. Uncomfortable, as in he was going to dump some crazy information on me.

I hope he won't say anything upsetting today. After all, it is my eighteenth birthday. If he wants to say something is prefer him to say that my engagement to Duke Evans is nullified.

"We ask for the birthday girl and her father to come to the dance floor and have the first dance of the banquet."

I looked around and saw my father walking towards me.

"Shall we go?" he asked me, extending his hand out to me.

"Yes." I answered as I accepted his hand.

My birthday banquet was classic and trendy. It was perfect and minimalistic. Everyone was shocked at how beautiful my birthday banquet was. They couldn't even complain about anything at all. It was perfect.

We walked to the dance floor and started dancing. Everyone stared at us as we danced. My Father kept glancing at me with pity and shame filling his eyes.

"What is wrong father?" I asked him as we danced.

"I'm sorry, Latie." he replied as we danced.

"For?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"For not being able to..."


"...Trice!" Rissa shouted clicking her finger in front of me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and gave her my full attention.

"We have to go." She explained looking at me concerned.

"Okay." I replied as I got up.

My father couldn't cancel this marriage because my mom would die if he did. It had been the perfect plan that was advantageous for him, but not us. Five years... We had to be married for Five years...

"Are you okay?" Rissa asked concerned.

Her eyes were dulled with concern that made my heart feel at ease. It made me happy that she cared so much for me.

"I'm okay. I'm just wondering where we are going to go for our honeymoon." I lied to her as I hugged her.

"Let's go get me married!" I announced in an excited tone.

"Let's go!" She cheered as we got into the carriage.

"By the way, You look stunning." I tell her.

"Don't flatter me." she said giggling.

"I don't flatter, I state verity." I responded.

She did look beautiful. She had a dusty pink silk mermaid gown on, and it fit her like a glove. Her make-up was sophisticated yet elegant and her hair was slicked back into a perfect and neat bun. She looked like a sophisticated elegant ruler. There were no flaws in her which made it seem as though she was a character described in a book. My best friend looked like a Star.