The Meeting


Latrice Evans

I stared at the man who walked away with his hands in the air. I saw him at the wedding and the reception party.

"Let's eat." Orisis spoke.

I stared at him and he ate as if there wasn't a person here a few seconds ago. He was different from how he was a few seconds ago. His deadly stare and

"Who was that?" I asked as we ate.

"Oh...That was Arthur, I'll introduce you to him another day." he said with a smile on his face

"Okay." I replied as we ate.

The silence was overwhelming. He didn't say anything and neither did. The silverware clinking on the plates, as we were eating was the only sound that filled the silent dining room. He was quiet and I was quiet which frustrated me more.

"Do you always eat silence like this?" I asked as I put down my silverware.

He stopped and stared at me amused that I had probably started the conversation for the first time.

"I don't usually eat at home." he answered.

"So you ate out with some random lady?" I asked curiously.

"Are you jealous?" he teased me.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before laughing.

"Why would I be jealous of you?" I asked amused.

He stared at me before chuckling. His eyebrows were raised with amusement and interest.

"You are a very interesting woman, Treece." he tells me as leaned on the table with his elbow and his chin resting in his palm.

"Listen here, I'm not gonna eat with you any ire because I can't eat in utter silence with the silverware making more noise than me." I explain to him as I wipe my hands with the napkin on the table.

"Believe me they don't make more noise than you." he said scoffing before he laughed.

I threw my napkin at him as I remembered that horrible yet enjoy... Gosh! What am I thinking? Frustrated and embarrassed I got up and walked out. I could hear him laugh from behind me. He was laughing at me. My face was red from embarrassment.

"Treece! Wait!" he exclaimed laughing.

All the servants were staring at us as I sped up and he ran after me. I could hear them registering in between each other.

"The Duchess and Duke are so wonderful."

"They are meant for each other."

"Last night... Did you hear it?"

"They had a very eventful night."

"Stop following me!" I shrieked turning to see Orisis near me.

"How can I do that when my wife is fun to tease?" he asked smirking.

"I'm being serious." I half-screamed.

My face was hot and I was red. Red from embarrassment. The servants stared at us subtly and that just frustrated me and made me feel more embarrassed.

"Everyone, Leave." he instructed as he pulled me close to him.

They all scurried away and it was only the two of us in the hallway.

"Let go of me." I spoke.

"Should I?" he teased.

"Orisis." I warned him.

"Orisis?" he asked amused as he pulled me closer than we already were.

"Is it not your name?" I asked him as I scoffed.

"Usually couples call each other with endearing terms. Like Honey, Love, Darling or even a nickname." He explained.

"So do you want me to call you Honey? Love? Darling? My Husband?" I teased.

He groaned before grabbing my chin and kissing me.

Are you trying to get ravished here?" he asked through his kisses.

"Why would I want to get ravished in such a place?" I asked him.

"Maybe because it excit..."


We stopped kissing and Orisis turned his head glaring at whoever was ruining this mome...

What am I thinking? I let lust get the best of me. I let myself get too excited.

"Aunt?" Orisis uttered shocked.

"I thought you were going to come in the afternoon." he spoke again.

"I had to meet my nephew's wife, you see." she answered chuckling.

Her voice sounded familiar. It sounded just like Headmistress Sil...

"Won't you come out from behind him Ms Richardson?" She asked.

I poked my head from behind Orisis and saw Mrs Silvers staring at us. My cheeks flushed and I choked on the oxygen entering my lungs.

She smirked at me and I hid behind Orisis trying not to die from the lack of oxygen entering my lungs.

Mrs Sil...Headmistress Silvers was Orisis's Aunt??? That can be it? There was never mention of her in the NOVEL!


We were sitting in the drawing room drinking tea while I wrapped my head around the outcome of this encounter.

Orisis kept scoffing and chuckling at me. To him this was entertaining.

"I'm surprised to find out that you are Orisis's wife." She said as she took a sip of her tea.

"Why is that aunt?" Orisis asked interested.

"Her stubbornness made me believe she wouldn't get married. She always said that she'll never marry a duke because they aren't that perfect and they are the type of people to have a mistress and break your heart and even get you killed." she answered laughing.

"Really?" Orisis asked amused and interested.

"Yes." Mrs Silvers answered.

"When was that?" he asked.

" was when she started attending the academy. I think it was when she was ten years old." She answered nonchalantly as she thought about it.

"She did it during the RSE class." she added.

No...I can't let her tell him about the incident that happened in RSE class.

"Mrs Silvers it's really surprising to know that you are related to the Duke." I interrupted the conversation.

She chuckled and smiled before she answered.

"I'm his late father's sister but I got married."

"Oh... That makes sense." I said.

"Huh?" Orisis questioned.

"I thought she was your aunt as in someone who just saw you growing up." I explained.


Orisis Evans

"I see." I replied.

My aunt looked at me giving me the signal that Treece could not hear what she was about to say now. I stare at her and I nod my head.

"Treece, I'm going to take my ain't out for a walk in the garden." I tell her as I pat her head.

She nods her head and bids goodbye to my aunt before leaving.

"Are you happy?" my aunt asked.

"Yes." I answered without hesitation.

I was happy and it felt very nice being happy like this.

"That's good to hear." she replied smiling.

"Did you ever find a journal amongst your mother's old stuff?" She asked me after a while of silence.

"A journal?" I asked.

"There are things about your mom that nobody knows. I don't even know them but I knew she had some." She explained.

"So she had secrets?" I summed up her explanation.

She nodded her head.

"I'll look through her stuff and I'll write to you if I find a journal." I tell her.

"Are you attempting to send your aunt away?" She asked amused.

"Oh dear. Aunt, I was just saying that I would write to you but since you are so eager to leave... I'll escort you." I responded grinning.

She sighed as she got up. We walked outside to her carriage and then she told me,

"You should take your wife and show her around the duchy. She'll amaze you." as she got into her carriage.

"I will do so Aunt. Be safe." I hugged her as I hugged her.

I watched my aunt's carriage leave before I headed back in.

I wanted to go see my wife. After how we were interrupted I wanted to get back to where we were.

Humming and smiling as I walked into the house, I was blocked at the door.

"Duke. Where are you going?" Arthur asked.

Damnit!I forgot today was that stupid meeting with those dogs.

"Arthur, why are you at work on your day off?" I asked backing away.

"Not today." Arthur responded as he threw a powder in my face.

It was the Devil's muse. A type of drug that could either kill you or make you unconscious. In a very small yet big amount it can keep a person asleep for at least an hour or two.

"Fuck..." was my last word before I passed out.


When I opened my eyes I was yet again in the boardroom.

"Congratulations on your wedding, Duke Evans." they said.

I sighed as I stared at these dogs faces. I really need to punch Arthur for this.

"The Crown prince wishes to know when the ladies will go to Eros for the alliance negotiation." The King spoke.

"What about in four days?" a man with a very untidy beard suggested.

"Unfortunately my wife will only be free in two weeks." I interrupted before anyone could speak.

"And Your Majesty, It's Duchess Evans or Duchess Latrice." I added as I smiled at the King.

"How impudent of you!" Duke Wembley shouted.

"You mean to say How Impudent of Duke Evans." I corrected him.