My Wife Is Duchess


Orisis Evans

"His Majesty does not have to address her as such!" exclaimed the man next to me.

I turned my head and I stared at him with my eyebrows raised amused.

"Who are you?" I asked him as I squinted my eyes trying to remember which hole he came out of.

He gasped shocked as he stared at me. His eyebrows were raised high up his forehead and he was breathing heavily.

I stared at him amused before I cracked out laughing.

"Your Majesty. I apologize. My intention is not to disrespect you or the crown but to inform you that my wife is deserving of the title Duchess." I explained as I looked at the Emperor bowing slightly at him.

"Your wife is yet to prove that she's deserving of the title."

I turned my head to see who spoke. It was Duke Allen...

"You were here?" I mocked him.

"I probably did not see you since you were so inconsequential." I said before turning my head back to the Emperor.

"I am a married man who wants to enjoy my time with my wife before anything else, Your Majesty." I spoke.

"Two weeks are what I ask for before your lickspittles insist on sending my wife to the Kingdom of Eros." I added.

"What if your wife fails to form the ally with the Eros kingdom?" Duke Wembley asked.

"I'll divorce her and marry whoever you people want me to marry." I answered.

"Though I know my aide won't fail, I'll put this condition forth on the table." I added.

Everyone stared at each other and nodded their heads.

"Your majesty, we have no objections to that." an old man said.

I stared at him and it was Duke Telios. He is a person I respect because he does not intervene in things and situations that do not ask for it.

"So it seems that your wife is yet to inform you." the Emperor spoke.

I looked at him surprised and muddled. What does he mean yet to inform me? Was he even talking about me?

"Your Majesty. Who are you referring to?" I inquired curiously.

"You and Your Wife." he answered.

"Me and my wife?" I inquired.

"She has sent a formal letter to me with a request. Your wife is very interesting." He answered.

"Your Majesty? May we know what she had requested?" A voice asked.

"It's a secret between me and her." He answered.

"Let's continue with the meeting." he added dismissing the prior conversation.

The meeting unexpectedly shifted back to the main case we had to fix. My mind was everywhere except at the meeting.

"Your Majesty. We need to find the key that would open the gates of realms that would reveal to us the Elixir."

"Is there a lead or anything that could bring the key to us or take us to the key?" The Emperor asked.

"There aren't but we would like to search for the key in the mines of each duchy and try to see if it isn't hidden in any of them."

"Then do so." The Emperor ordered.

"We would also like to request if we could start with the Northern Duchy."

"Do you have a problem with that Duke Evans?" The Emperor asked.

"I do." I answered.

"And since we are on this matter, I'd like to reveal something to you, Your Majesty." I add.

"Go on." He responded.

"For the past two months there have been rats endeavouring to steal from my mines and dig in my mines," I explained.

"And if it was not for the protection spell that was placed in my mines and these rats' presumptuous bodies being teleported into my estate, I would have never known." I added.

"And for that reason, I implore that Your Majesty allows for my Duchy Mines to be the last to be searched." I added more after an extent of silence.

"Are you accusing us?"

"Pardon me, I never said anything about any of you but now that you brought it up. I'd like to know if it was you." I asked in a tone that said I got you where I wanted you to be.

"I...I...Of Course not!"

"Your Majesty, I ask that you please investigate this person." I spoke looking at the Emperor.

The Emperor stared at me and nodded his head and then he stared at the man.

"Count Douglas, I'm very disappointed in your behaviour. I thought you knew better but it seems I must have been wrong." The Emperor spoke as he raised his hand.

"Excuse yourself now." he added.

"Your..Your...Your Majesty pl...ple..please for..forgive" The Count begged on his knees.

"Guards!" The Emperor called out.

The guards then dragged the Count out of the boardroom. We all watched the Count struggle as he got dragged out.

"Your Majesty!"

Those were his last words.

"It seems that these meetings can never just be sophisticated." He added sighing.

"Are there any more issues or discussions we have to look over?" He asked after a while.

"There is one Your Majesty. The Eleutheria State would like to visit you in two months." Duke Telios stated.

"The Eleutheria State... They are an enclosed peaceful country with abundant resources. Is that correct? " He asked.

"Yes, it is, Your Majesty." Duke Telios answered.

"Then I'll leave the discussion about it to you. And come find me when you have sorted it out." he responded.

"I shall do so, Your Majesty." Duke Telios answered.

"Then we will end this meeting here." He declared as he got up and left.

Everyone else also got up ready to leave when Duke Allen spoke.

"This was a very interesting meeting."

I stared at him and walked out. He is not going to ruin my mind and I won't allow him to. I had bigger issues to deal with right now.

I ran out towards where the Emperor was walking. When I finally caught up to him he sat down on the chair near the garden. It was the Farden he treasured the most. The Late Empress Garden.

"Why are you here Orisis?" he asked me.

"I want to know what my wife wrote in the letter." I answered.

"Look at you, bothering your uncle like this. You bother me during those board meetings and even when we out of them." he teased.

"Uncle, my so wonderful and powerful uncle. Please tell this nephew of yours what his wife requested." I spoke in a well-mannered tone.

He scoffed and waved his hand. A servant came with a tray and placed it in front of him. There was an envelope on it. He picked the envelope up and gave it to me.

To the Sun who is the Emperor.

Your Majesty, Forgive my impudence.

To Your Majesty, the future of the Aegis Empire is very important to you as it involves not only one or two lives but a lot of lives. I know that is why you gave that absurd yet reasonable condition to Lady Marissa.

I am not writing this letter to you to ask you to take it back but I am writing in hopes that you will give us what we need for our journey.

We plan to leave two days after my wedding and we would like you, Your Majesty, to lend us a few of your knights and a big ship as we plan to go to the Kingdom of Eros by Sea and we ask for you to give us two of your administrative workers. Count Pattel and Marquess Chong. I hope you will be able to lend them to us as we intend to be successful.

I apologize yet again for my Impudence.

Lady Latrice Richardson

I chuckled as I read the letter. She really wants to get away from me this much, but I won't let her.

"May I accompany them?" I asked.

"No." He answered.

"Why?" I asked shocked.

"Looked at the letter carefully." He responded.

I looked at the letter and noticed small written words.

Your Majesty a last and very important request, I ask that you forbid Duke Orisis and the Crown prince from following us. They will only mess things up.

"Mess things up?" I asked amused.

"That is what she said." he answered.

"Uncle, I just got married let me go with her as part of my honeymoon." I implored.

"Do you know what Eros is like?" I added.

"Is that how much faith you have in your wife?" He asked.

"I trust her, I just want to protect her." I answered.

"You are a fool. She will be very upset with you and I can not allow you to go with them. What if you help them? Do you think they would be accepted?" he questioned me.

I kept quiet as I thought about it. If I helped them or the Crown Prince did. People would look down on them and disrespect them. I don't want that for Treece...