Expedition pt7


Latrice Evans

"Your Majesty, the food is very delectable." Count Pattel told the King.

"It is better than the food back home." He added.

"We take pride in our cuisines and nation." The King let out proudly.

"I can tell." Marquess Chong let out.

"Have you ever thought about doing business in other nations?" he asked.

"Hmmm... We like having this all to ourselves." The King answered.

"I can tell." I blurted out unaware.

"Excuse me?" the King asked surprised and annoyed.

"Oh, Please don't misunderstand me. I meant it in a good way." I replied smiling.

"If I were also a King with such wonderful and amazing delectable cuisines. I would also not want to share it." I added laughing lightly as a way to make it sound like a joke.

"You know Duchess Evans, You remind me of my niece, Lorraine." He informs me.

I hold my silverware and I stare at him with curiosity.