Expedition pt8 (Surprising discovery pt1)


Latrice Evans

I sat in the palace garden enjoying the scenery. This used to be the late Queen's garden.

"The Queen's garden is being looked after very well." I spoke to myself as I forgot about Ranally who was walking behind me.

"It was the King's order that the Garden be looked after properly. " Ranally informed me.

"Oh." I responded surprised as I stopped for a moment before I continued walking.

A usurper King who paralysed his brother to be King was ensuring that nothing that his sister-in-law had decorated got cha...

The realization hit me like a tidal wave. How did I miss this? The King was in love with his BROTHER'S WIFE!

It all made sense... He was sad when he spoke about the late Queen yesterday. It was like he was yearning for even though it had been long since she was dead.

"Ranally, How long had it been since the Queen passed away?" I asked her curiously.