Expedition pt9 (Surprising Discovery pt2)


Latrice Evans

'Lori.' a voice whispered

I turned my head to look behind me. There was no one. I frowned confused unable to process any of this.

"I must just be stressed out." I whispered to myself.

"Your Majesty, would it be a problem if we looked around?" Rissa asked the King.

"Of course." He replied not giving us nothing but the slightest acknowledgement.

It's frustrating that he treated us that way. It rubbed me wrong for a numerous of reasons. How did women around here deal with such behaviours? I would snap if a man treated a woman like this back in Aegis.

"Duchess." Rissa spoke snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ah, Yes." I let out as I got up from my seat.

I must have been very stressed. I almost digressed from the real motive. We had to expose the Taigraine Sunflowers, not get lost in these people's business. Gosh! How could I digress?
