Expedition pt10


Latrice Evans

"She pushed me!" I yelled.

"She will be punished for it." Marquess Chong assured me though I knew we were only acting.

"What happened!?" I asked confused as if I didn't know what happened.

The King explained everything and I listened pretending to be shocked.

"Your Majesty, I am really sorry for the problems I've caused you today." I let out sounding as sincere as I could possibly be.

"It is okay. It was not your fault. You just get some rest." he said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I never wanted to cause problems a day before your brother would come." I let out.

"I understand, I will have to postpone the introduction for another day then." the King spoke.

"Please don't, It would be a hassle for you your Majesty." I let out.

"I will just see the king separately with a knight if that is fine with you." I added.