Men... no one is good

Thirty minutes later, Alec was finally successfully treated. However, from the moment he entered the operating room until he came out, his tears never stopped flowing.

Thirty minutes... just thirty minutes were used to stitch his wound, and now he had to pay 500,000 gold coins, bringing his total debt to this doctor to 700,000 gold coins.

Even if he sold everything he had, he wouldn't have enough money to pay off his debt, except for the Black Rose Flame.

Alec felt a little regretful, no, extremely regretful that he went to the 15th floor and met that damn old guy who used a stone pillar to stab his 'daisy'.

Not only that, he was also teleported by that damn old man to the middle of the hall of the Enchanter Tower.

If there was an award for tragic main characters, Alec would probably win first place.

The doctor stood next to his hospital bed, holding the second debt contract that Alec had just signed, his eyes showing a bit of joy.