Lathel and Charlotte.

Hearing that, Claire no longer agreed with Malina's statement.

'If there are no good men, then... What about him?'

Claire thought to herself, but Malina's words interrupted her train of thought.

"Where is Alec now?"

"He…" Claire didn't know how to answer. If she answered incorrectly, she was afraid that the story of Lathel saving them would be revealed.

But…Claire wanted to tell her the truth. She wanted Malina to see that there were still good men in this world.

"Tch!" Malina clicked her tongue and said: "Let him be; he's probably still in the Enchanter Tower's medical room."

"Damn it! Now I have to think of a way to take revenge on those bitches, otherwise, they will definitely find a way to continue harming me."

Malina said while gently biting her thumb. She stared at the ground as if she were thinking about something.

"What do you mean…" Claire thought about what happened yesterday and immediately said: "Anela and Mavis?"