Takoyuki Arc: Justice floating in the air, revenge not completed

The market erupts like a popcorn machine on a sugar rush! Our fiery friend Alepou, with the temper of a hangry dragon, charges at the goblin who looks like he hasn't seen a bath since, well, forever. Prince Sparklepants (we'll get to his real name later), voice cracking like a teenager, yells, "Whoa whoa whoa! Don't hurt the prune man!"

Desperation makes Sparklepants throw himself in front of the goblin, sword raised like a butter knife against a tank. But BAM! In a blink faster than you can say "meme material," Alepou's fist meets the prince's fancy sword with a clang that could wake the dead. The supposedly super strong sword explodes into a million tiny shards, raining down like glitter on a disco ball. Alepou stops dead in her tracks, fist inches from the goblin's nose, looking like someone forgot to tell her there was pizza delivery. Sparklepants stares at the sword-fetti in disbelief, his face as pale as a ghost who ate bad cheese.

Alepou, never one to mince words, throws some serious shade at Sparklepants. "This is your fault! If you hadn't interfered, your precious toy wouldn't be in pieces." Her words hang heavy in the air like a bad smell, just as a weird buzzing fills the market. Everyone feels like they're stuck in a malfunctioning massage chair for what seems like forever. Yuki, aka our favorite adventurer also known as Alex (confusing, right?), feels like her brain just did a somersault.

"What the what?" she gasps, the world turning into a swirling kaleidoscope of colors. It feels like someone hit rewind on her life, sending her back to a memory so old it should be wearing Depends.

Suddenly, Yuki's younger self pops into the scene she's about a 1st Grader Age , looking like a mini-me with way less sass. "Mom?" she asks, peering at a familiar face behind the wheel. "Am i in California?"

"Yuki, get out of the car or you'll be late for school!" yells her mom, clearly not a morning person.

Little Yuki hops out, all sunshine and rainbows. This is a trip down memory lane that Yuki would rather avoid, like a dentist appointment.

Memories flood back faster than you can say "flashback." "Oh no, not this again…" she groans. Then, the nightmare unfolds. Some jerk kid snatches her prized Super Black Man* action figure (think a superhero with major attitude) and throws it like a frisbee at the wall. "Fly, fly, little birdie!" the jerk taunts, leaving little Yuki on the verge of tears. "Moooom!" she wails, heartbroken.

Her mom rushes over, worry etched on her face. Yuki, with a sniffle, points at the wreckage and says, "That jerk broke my toy!" The jerk, trying to play it cool, claims it was an accident. But Yuki knows better. This wasn't just any toy; it was a gift from her grandpa, a special connection to someone she loved. "He has to pay!" she yells, her voice cracking with anger.

Her mom tries to calm her down and promises a new toy, but nothing can replace the sentimental value. Plus, they're not even in California anymore, where apparently awesome action figures grow on trees. A shiver of déjà vu runs down Yuki's spine, making her want to hide under a rock. "Please make it stop!" she begs, overwhelmed cringed by the flashback. "This is torture!" It was like watching your old self in some old video when you were a kid like wtf moment

Yuki blinks, disoriented. The market looks... different somehow. But before she can dwell on it, a voice cuts through the tension.

It's her mom, from the flashback, looking younger and less stressed. But the words coming out of her mouth are... unexpected.

"Don't worry, sweetie," her mom says, holding up a strange, brightly colored object. "I got you something even better! It even vibrates!"

Yuki stares at the object, a look of utter horror crossing her face. "Mom," she deadpans, "I don't want your vibrating microphone toy! Super Black Man* was irreplaceable!" And also i am too young and small to use this it won't fit on me kiffy mom at that time at my age i was just a 1st grader ! wtf! are you crazy?! why this flashback please make this end!

Suddenly, Yuki (or is it Alexandra? We'll figure that out later) snaps back to reality with a jolt. The buzzing stops, replaced by an awkward silence. Everyone stares at her, wide-eyed and confused.