Fantasy112 Chapters35.4K Views
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Unravel the fabric of reality with Jikirukuto, where a boy's wish-warping power ripples through dimensions, entangling Yuki, Kitsune, and Taiyo in a Schrodinger's cat of existence. In Isekai, they're heroic pawns in a cosmic game, battling tenebrous entities and navigating a landscape sculpted by a mad scientist's contraption. Yet, the mundane present-day beckons, rife with personal struggles and romantic entanglements.

But prepare for a Heisenbergian uncertainty principle of narrative, where reality's parameters shift with every heartbeat. Temporal anomalies blur the lines between past, present, and future. Doppelgängers waltz with the original, their identities collapsing like entangled particles. And amidst the chaos, a chilling truth emerges, whispering of a malevolent force manipulating the very fabric of existence.

Jikirukuto is a genre-defying maelstrom, where LitRPG mechanics dance with psychological horror, slice-of-life vignettes bleed into Lovecraftian nightmares, and ecchi humor collides with existential dread. Can they untangle the Gordian knot of their entwined fates before reality succumbs to the singularity, swallowed by the event horizon of narrative collapse?

Jikirukuto: Embrace the scientific sublime, where logic is a fractal and sanity a fleeting illusion.

This revised synopsis injects a heavy dose of scientific jargon and concepts, emphasizing the mind-bending twists and the underlying chaos theory themes. It also retains the character dynamics and genre blend while hinting at the existential threat lurking beneath the surface.

2 Reviews
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Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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I'm pleased with how JIKIRUKUTO has turned out so far. The writing is clear and engaging, the characters are well-developed, and the world is rich and detailed. I'm excited to see where the story takes the characters next.

8 months ago

Writing Quality As an avid reader of webnovels, I am always on the lookout for stories that are well-written and engaging. JIKIRUKUTO is one such story. The writing quality is excellent, with clear and concise prose that is easy to follow. The author also uses vivid language and imagery to bring the story to life. I was particularly impressed with the author's ability to create believable dialogue. The characters in JIKIRUKUTO sound like real people, and their conversations are both natural and engaging. Stability of Updates One of my biggest pet peeves as a reader is when authors are inconsistent with their updates. I am happy to report that this is not a problem with JIKIRUKUTO. The author is very consistent with updating the story, and new chapters are published on a regular basis. This means that I can always count on having something new to read, which is important to me as a reader. Story Development The story of JIKIRUKUTO is well-developed and engaging. The author has a clear vision for where the story is going, and the plot unfolds in a way that is both suspenseful and satisfying. The story is also full of surprises, which keeps me guessing until the very end. I am particularly enjoying the way that the author is developing the characters. The characters are well-rounded and relatable, and I am invested in their journeys. I am also eager to see how the author resolves the various conflicts that have arisen in the story. Character Design The characters in JIKIRUKUTO are one of the things that I love most about the story. The author has done a great job of creating characters that are both realistic and engaging. The characters have their own unique personalities and flaws, which makes them feel like real people. I am also impressed with the diversity of the characters. The author has created a cast of characters that is representative of the real world, which is something that I appreciate. World Background The world of JIKIRUKUTO is rich and detailed. The author has created a believable world with its own unique history, culture, and mythology. The world feels lived-in and immersive, and it is a pleasure to explore. I am particularly interested in the way that the author has incorporated Japanese culture into the story. The author has clearly done their research, and the details of the world feel authentic. Overall I highly recommend JIKIRUKUTO to anyone looking for a well-written and engaging webnovel. The writing quality is excellent, the updates are stable, the story is well-developed, the characters are well-rounded, and the world background is rich and detailed. I am confident that you will enjoy reading JIKIRUKUTO as much as I do.

8 months ago