About marriage proposals, money, and wedding preparations

Gather 'round, my merry subjects! King Eldritch Reginald here, brimming with glee to share a tale that tickled our royal bones just this morn. As our heroes, Alexandra and Alepou, prepared to bid farewell, a mischievous spark ignited within me. What better way to send them off than with a playful prank?

So, I approached Alexandra, my voice dripping with faux-seriousness, showering her with praise for deeds she'd yet to perform. A twinkle in my eye, I hinted at a grand romance between her and my son, Prince Gabriel. Her valiant attempt to stifle a giggle was pure comedy gold!

We spun elaborate tales of their future nuptials, fear not, all in jest! Just to witness their reactions to this whimsical scenario, of course. And before any misunderstanding could bloom, I clarified the lighthearted nature of my jest. But I couldn't resist a little teasing about the future generations they might bring forth, all in the spirit of good fun, of course!

Just as our mirth reached a fever pitch, in sauntered my dear son, Prince Gabriel. Now, I may have joked about my son being a tad too fond of the gentlemen, but love can blossom in the most unexpected places, wouldn't you agree? Especially when it comes to Alexandra!

With a playful groan, he mock-reprimanded me for adding unnecessary chaos to our merrymaking. His wit was as sharp as a polished dagger, and his words sent ripples of laughter through the room. His arrival was the perfect antidote to any lingering confusion, leaving us all in stitches.

In the midst of our joyous uproar, I presented Alexandra with a hefty sack overflowing with gold coins – a mock reward for her imaginary heroism. Now, that sack was no featherweight, and poor Alexandra struggled under its unexpected burden. But fear not, for our stalwart Alepou, a man of impressive strength, stepped in and hoisted the sack with an effortless grin.

To crown this day of merrymaking, Prince Gabriel, in a stroke of genius, announced a royal wedding – the very next day! Now, while not a true union, this mock ceremony sparked a frenzy of excitement throughout the palace. Preparations began in earnest, transforming our abode into a vibrant hub of anticipation.

As I write this, a smile as wide as the royal crest stretches across my face. The palace hums with activity, and we are all players in this grand, theatrical spectacle. Our tale is woven with threads of laughter, friendship, and a sprinkle of royal mischief, and I wouldn't trade this tapestry for all the gold in the kingdom!

With a wink and a chuckle,

Your ever-jovial King Eldritch Reginald