Chapter 62 *R18*

OK once again merry Xmas

Chapter (2/2)

Ps. This chapter was going to go like this (be an r18 one) even if it wasn't Christmas but it looks like the stars aline themselves perfectly for y'all


[Third Person's POV]

Cid conjured a small amount of magic, casting it into the air. It gently touched everyone in the room, relieving their fatigue.

"Consider this a thank-you gift for your hard work," Cid acknowledged.

His words moved the workers, who became emotional and bowed their heads in gratitude.

Meanwhile, Gamma, always fascinated by Cid's magic, watched in admiration.

Taking advantage of the moment, Cid asked Gamma, "Could you update me on the company's status and finances?"

Gamma simply extended her hand, prompting her shadow to retrieve a folder containing various documents and papers, ready to provide Cid with the necessary information.

Cid accepted the folder from Gamma's outstretched hand and began reviewing the documents, swiftly analyzing the financial reports that outlined Mitsugoshi Company's performance.

"Sales for our clothing lines have exceeded projections by 20% in the last quarter," Gamma informed, her voice echoing with admiration for Cid's visionary ideas. "And our foray into the confectionery market has shown remarkable growth, particularly with the introduction of our new line of 'sweet delights.'"

As Cid reviewed the reports, his gaze shifted from the figures to Gamma, acknowledging her astute management and expertise that played a crucial role in the company's achievements.

"It seems our venture into these industries is yielding promising results," Cid remarked, his expression conveying a mix of satisfaction and pride.

Gamma nodded in agreement. "Indeed, your innovative product ideas have resonated well with our customers. The 'chocolate creations' and the effervescent beverages you introduced have been particularly popular."

Unbeknownst to Gamma, these concepts were everyday commodities from Earth, perceived in their world as groundbreaking innovations solely crafted by Cid's inventive mind.

"We're making excellent progress," Cid remarked optimistically. "Keep me updated, Gamma. Your leadership is invaluable to Mitsugoshi's growth."

Gamma nodded, affirming her commitment. "Certainly, Lord Husband. I'll ensure you're well-informed about every aspect of our operations."

With a shared understanding of their roles, Cid and Gamma continued their discussion, planning and strategizing for Mitsugoshi's continued prosperity in a world where Cid's supposed innovations reshaped industries and captured the hearts of consumers.

Together, they collaborated, utilizing Cid's inventive ideas and Gamma's astute management skills, driving Mitsugoshi towards greater heights in the realm of commerce and innovation.

Cid, who had Gamma on his lap for a few minutes, now started to feel her up and with a wink and smirk said "Why don't we continue this conversation in your office"

Gamma, who got the message, quickly sat up from Cid's lap, excited about what was to come next. But due to standing up too fast landed wrongly on her heels, causing her to trip and start rolling down the steps with her legs extended and both hands in the air.

"WAAAAAAAH" Gamma shouted as she started rolling down.

Cid, seeing her, just covered his face with his hand and let out a big sigh. He stood up from where he was sitting and started walking down to Gamma who had a nose bleed and had a thumbs-up in the air.

"I'm okay!" She said,

Cid just crouched down and picked her up in a princess carry and started carrying her towards her office. While being carried Gamma wrapped her arms around his neck while giggling pervertedly.

While all the other staff and members of Shadow Garden just looked at Gamma with a bit of jealousy wishing it was them in Cid's arm.

While walking towards Gamma's office Cid used his magic to clean Gamma's nosebleed, and said turns her and playfully said "I guess you are still as uncoordinated as ever"

Gamma blushed and pouted "It's not my fault"

While Cid continued to tease her they soon arrived towards Gamma's office, and with magic Cid easily opened the door and as he stepped inside he looked at the door so no one would disturb them.

Cid then went and sat down on Gamma's seat and sat Gamma on his lap. He made her face him and the two just continued looking each other  in the eyes before they both threw themselves in the fiery throes of passion.

They started kissing each other wildly, Gamma had her hands gripping Cid's hair while they tried fighting for domination with their tongues.

Cid had both of his hands gripping Gamma's busty behind; it felt like he was squishing two soft pillows.

[Cids POV]

As I took a squeeze of her firm but soft ass I felt her moans reverte through our kiss.

"My lord~" Gamma whispered sensually with a hint of lust in her voice. She sat down on my enlarged member and started to grind her hips on top of it.

Even though she was wearing a dress I could feel the warmth of her body on top of it, how with her every movement she would call to me.

Gamma then started to kiss my face and started going down with every kiss. Her lips felt so soft when they would make contact with my skin and it would just make my cock harder.

Gamma got off from my body without breaking any eye contact and got on her knees in between my legs. She started to fidget with the belt and unbuckled it, when she finished she started to slowly bring my pants and underwear down enough where my cock sprang out from their confines.

Gamma starts to have this look of fascination while looking at, even though she has already seen it so many times. She wrapped her silky smooth hands around my dick and started to slowly stroke it, while stroking it she brought her face closer and took a whiff of it inhaling all of its musky scent.

Gamma let's out a breath of satisfaction as she says  "Ahhh~ No matter how many times I see it and smell it, I can never get enough of it"

Without hesitation she licks the base of my cock all the way towards the very tip in just one single movement while stroking it.

When she got to the tip she wrapped it with her soft and subtle lips around it. While still stroking it, she started to move her head up and down while focusing her slimy tongue around the head of my cock. 

Gamma started to bop her head while engulfing my entire dick, the inside of her mouth felt just like pussy, while her tongue just added towards the stimulation making the experience much better. 

With my head leaning back and closing my eyes, I let Gamma do what she does best. She then stopped what she was doing which made me open my eyes again and look at her with confusion. 

She didn't say anything and just gave me a smirk. She took off the straps that were holding up her dress and lowered it slightly, she then reached behind herself and unhooked her bra and simply took it off and threw to the side. 

With nothing stopping her she lifted her boobs out of her dress and wrapped it around my cock, to which she started to move them up and down, giving me a boob job. 

When the tip of my dick would bop out from her cleavage she would sometimes give it kisses or wrapped her whole mouth around it. 

The whole experience just felt divine. I could feel myself getting closer and I guess Gamma felt it too as she started going faster without stopping and leaving her mouth wrapped around the tip of my cock. 

"I'm gonna cum" I groaned, shot after shot I kept shooting my load inside Gamma's mouth and the only sound that could be heard was of her swallowing everything.

When she was done she opened her mouth and  out her tongue, showing me that she swallowed everything. 

I held out my hand towards her and picked her up. I then took a hold of her and brought her just slightly about my cock. I moved her dress up, giving me easy access to her pussy. I rubbed my tip right on her entrance while I brought my lips towards her large boobs and started sucking on her beautiful red nipples. 

I moved my tongue and sucked on them, making her moan in delight and in anticipation, "Please~, Lord husband… don't keep me waiting! I need you inside of me. Mmhmm~" 

I took a hold of her waist and slowly pulled her down onto my tip making her moan even louder. "Ahhh~" 

In one swift motion I brought her down and plunged my full member inside of her making her scream in pure pleasure. "AAHHHH~~ YEEESSSSS~" 

Gamma then started to slowly bounce on it and with each bounce moans would escape her mouth "Mhmmm~", "Yeesss~", "it feels so hot~ I love it mmmhmmm~"

Everytime she would bounce on it I would feel her fleshy walls tightening around my member, her wet insides felt like a sweet massage on my cock and I wanted to feel more of it. 

So I started to pick the pace, I started pumping my cock even faster inside of Gamma which made her let out even louder moans 


The only sound in the office was the sound of our flesh hitting against each other and the wet squelching sound of Gamma's pussy as my cock would penetrate her over and over and over again 

"Oohhhh~, right there, right there, right there, right there, right there, right there, OOOOHHHH~~" 

After a few minutes of our repeated action my cock started twitching inside of her, "I'm gonna cum as well my lord~, let's do it at the same time" 

With that both of us started going even faster causing us to both grunt and moan due to the pleasure we both were experiencing. 

 "Fuck" I said as he started Cumming deep inside Gamma without stopping.

While Gamma arched her back and through her head backwards as she let out the biggest moan yet. 

"OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~~~" Gamma cried while twitching in my arms. 

The muscles of her pussy started to tighten and grip became tighter, milking me until my last drop. 

Gamma laid on my shoulder as we both started panting due to the high amount of pleasure we were feeling. 

"Want to continue my lord" Gamma asked expectantly.

I gave her a serious look as I said "Absolutely" 

And so continued our passionate love making…